Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?


Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fallen asleep, yet.

"Hey you! Over there with the pink sweater! Get off my planet!" the tv blared from the living room.

"Jeremy, lower the volume down." I shouted from the room/studio as I continued strumming the guitar to match the melody for the new lyrics I wrote.

I heard someone humming as they walked in and Jeremy started singing, "I love the whole world! It's such a brilliant place! Boom de yada, boom de yada, boom de yada!" he sat down across from me as he grabbed his drum sticks, "I'm assuming this is a fast song." he said as he tapped a fast beat onto the drum hexagon pad.

"Uh-huh." mumbling as I continued thinking and Jeremy just went along with it. He knew not to talk when my brain is on working mode. No one disrupts the 'working mode' or someone will end up in a trashcan and being rolled down a hill. A few minutes later I grew thirsty and Jeremy stood up to stretch his legs, "I'll get you a pepsi." he said as he walked off. And then the doorbell rang, "Could you get that, too?" I said out loud as I heard him grumble. It's probably Heath with lunch. I guess he's done with his interview.

"Wow." I heard a voice, "Terry, I never seen you so...serious? Well in a way." I looked up and my eyes stared at the guy before me.

"Rob? Why are you so....clean?" I never seen him like this since his birthday and this time his whole facial hair is completely gone and his hair isn't as huge as Goku's in DragonBall Z.

Jeremy marched in with a mouth full of marshmallows as he carried the bag and two pepsis, "Hey, Terry, Rob's here."

"I didn't think I noticed, Jeremy! What's he doing in my sacred sanctuary?" I asked, my chin leaning on my guitar. Rob grabbed a chair as he chuckled, "Ooh, I'm not in there yet, Terry." Jeremy started chuckling with him as I smacked the back of his head and Jeremy's, "Sick, sick, moo cow!"

"Hey! I take that offensive!"


Rob stared out of the front window. His head tilted at the sight before him, "Jeremy, is it normal for a strange looking girl to be loitering around Ledger's front yard?" he questioned.

Jeremy walked in and looked outside, "Where? I don't see a...Hey! There's a girl outside!"

"That's what I just proclaimed." Rob muttered as he examined her, "It looks like she has man arms...covered in tattoos."

Jeremy gasped as he checked her out as well, "Manly arms? Sexy curves, too?! My penis is sooo confused!"

Terry scratched her head as she stood behind them, "I don't know if I should ask this but...Jeremy. What. The. Hell?!"

Jeremy jumped and his face became innocent as he covered his crotch in shame, "Terry!!" he whined, "What is that?!"

"Are you freaking serious?" Terry's jaw dropped as Rob crawled into a corner snickering. Terry looked outside at the woman who was staring at Heath's mailbox, "She looks like..." Terry murmured as her eyes narrowed, "That tattoo shop girl that kept flirting with Heath." she answered to herself.

"Is she stalking him?!" Jeremy asked loudly as Terry smacked him, "Jeremy now is not the time to be reading my mind!" she shoved him out the door, "Go check the mail!"

"That's not all you want me to do!"

"Shut up!"

She slammed the door shut and sighed. She heard chuckling in the corner and glared, "Don't you have a movie to look for?"

"Isn't that what agents are for?" Rob smirked, "Got it all covered."

Terry frowned, "I am Jack's overwhelming jealousy."

"It's normal, Terry." he shrugged as he walked passed her, "By the way, you're cute when you're angry." he muttered.

"Not now, Rob." Terry said as she went back to her little practice room.

He sighed as he exited, "Ledger's a lucky guy."

Jeremy watched Rob leave to go meet up with Tom. He awkwardly shift from side to side as he held the mail lazily. He just had a very informative conversation with tattoo's. Jeremy relaxed as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Heath, Heath, what are you thinking?"
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haha there's a line from sexy Dr House in there xDDD
why? Cause I'm sooo evil!

Oh my goodness gracious! Did I just update?
Le Gasp! I just updated!

-a pile of objects fly in-

Hey! Hey! No hitting at the author! I apologize!...maybe

-gets smacked-

okay okay!...sorry...snicker snicker

-smacked again-

Would you quit it?!

-sorry it was fun-