Guardian Angel's Don't Exist...Do They?

You Haven't Seen My Performance Yet!

[Third Person]

Aww the quiet and peaceful part of LA....traffic is good, a couple enjoying the quiet park, just good ol' sereni-

"JACK!!! HOLY CRAP! WHERE IS HE? JAAAAACK!!!!" Terry yelled as she looked under her bed ad then running in the bathroom where Heath has it occupied.

"Oi! I 'rushing my sheeth!" he said with his mouth full of toothpaste. Terry ignored him as she continued her search in the bathtub.

"Crap! He's not in here either!!" she flew passed Heath and went to check under his bed.

Heath came out wiping his mouth, "Relax, where not leaving yet, Nova." he started tying his shoes.

"But he might be lost! Or worse.......catnapped!!" she covered her mouth as she gasped in shock.

Jeremy entered the room while holding Jack up by the scruff, "Terry! I found your pussy!"

"Jack your alive!!" he meowed for air as she gave him a death hug.

Heath grabbed his bag and car keys, "Well now thats settled, shall we?" he asked Terry who nodded happily and stepped out of the hotel.


It's been a week staying at the hotel and Heath wants to go back to his own house here in LA. Yes, I'm still going to be with him....well I have to either way. I don't think my mom will take me back cause she's probably still pretty pissed and Jeremy.....he takes up the bathroom very morning SOMEONE over there!

My narrowed eyes landed on Heath who was paying at the front.


I looked over at Jeremy who came back from putting my stuff inside the trunk, "Oh thanks Jeremy."

He nodded, "No prob, Terry." he looked at Heath and back at me, "So you guys going back to Beverly Hills?"


"Badass! You'll be close to my uncles house!" He jumped cheerfully. Oh right, his uncle's house where my guitar used to be, "And then I don't have to waste gas and just walk over to his house and we can hang-"

"Slow down, butthead!" I cut him off, "Now this isn't like my house where you can just chime in and yell out, 'honey, I'm home!'. It's a fucking celebrity's house! You might break something!"

He chuckled, "Says the girl who damaged a rich man's car."

I smacked him, "Shut up!"

Heath walked up to us, "Ready, Nova?"

I nodded as he smiled, "Good." he turned to Jeremy, "You comin with us, mate?"

"Uh no thanks, I need to be at my uncle's house."

Heath nodded, "Alright then, lets go Nova." I saluted Jeremy and followed Heath out the door.


House?! Scratch that! This is a fucking castle!

........I bet there's a fire breathing dragon sleeping inside. I must find it.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

I stared at it in awe. You can actually play hide and go seek while having fun in here.

"Nova you can come in ya know."

I stood there still looking at the scenery infront of me. The stairs where displayed a little to the left and passed that was the living room....bigger than mine.

"Okay then, you can just sleep outside." he chuckled.

Jack ran inside before me, "I think I'll take the couch." I said gazing at the large beige sofa.

"I have guest rooms."

I ran passed him and jumped, "geerrrrooonimooo!!!" I landed on the soft clouded couch and snuggled on it, "this is soft!"

He stared down on me, "Well if you really feel comfortable."

I nodded frantically as he chuckled, "Okay then the couch is yours."


"Only in the night."

"Why?" I asked sitting up.

"I want to see the idiot box!" he pointed to the tv.

"Idiot box." I giggled, "I get it."

"Scooch over." he sat next to me.

"But but its soft!"

"I know thats why I bought it." he grinned, "toots."

I gave him a weird look. Was it just me or did his accent just slipped? He rested his feet on the coffee table and yawned.


I looked at him.

"Right now I'm being a real bludger...could you get me starbucks?" he asked, his accent is back, looking at me with pleading eyes.


"Lazy." he pulled out a fifty dollar bill, "Buy whatever you want with the change."

"Yes boss."

I made my way towards the front door but stopped to hear him mutter..."Why so serious?"

I looked at him and laughed, "Your getting it, Ledger." I said as I can still hear his accent.

He smirked, "You haven't seen my performance yet, Nova."

♠ ♠ ♠

I want sprite....and its almost Halloween!!!
PIXIE STICKS!!! an I'm not sharing!! only the purple ones cause I don't like grape!
the reds are mine!!! and blue!!

Hahahahaha the big ass couch! Yeah I would jump a couch that big! lol Lauren should know since I always do it when I go over to her house! xP