It Was Only Sunday

Chapter Two: My Birthday, The Unforgiving Day.

Chapter Two: My Birthday the Unforgiving Day
I woke up in the morning and saw my gorgeous husband standing next to me. The same deep green eyes as ten years ago. He will never change.
“Hey honey, I decided to make you breakfast today.”
“Awe, I love you.”
“Well, I figured it’s your birthday and all. But I am afraid I do have to leave for a little bit today. I have to go to the studio to do a photo shoot.”
“After that will you be home?”
“Of course, I can’t miss all of your birthday. I really am sorry babe.”
“It’s okay. I set aside some lunch for today. You can have it to go.”
He left. I acted like I didn’t care. I knew that I always came first to him but he loves photography and I wouldn’t want to come between him and his passion. I don’t know what I would have done if we had kids. We have the perfect life style. I own my café and tattoo parlor and he is a photographer. We live in our loft apartment in the city. Isn’t it picture perfect?
It was 9pm and he still wasn’t home. Where could he be? He hasn’t called me and his cell phone is turned off. He has never been like this before. I decided to go to bed. My heart is broken.