‹ Prequel: Carpe Diem

Reinvent Love


I let my hand hit the middle of my forehead hard at the sound of another wrestling match coming from the living room.

“Knock it off!” I yell to four of my sons. Tucker and Jude in particularly.

“Mom!” William’s voice screamed.

“Stop being a girl!” Tucker’s voice rings clearly through the house.

Being called a girl at the tender age of seven is like the worst possible insult. I sigh and shake my head. “How do you deal with that?” Kat asks with a laugh on her end of the phone.

“I have no idea.” I say. Kat and Cal’s three girls are a dream compared to my five.

“Mom! Tucker is sitting on Will’s head!” Nathan’s voice joins into the phone conversation.

“I’ll call you later.” I say quickly and hang up.

“Get off of your brother!” I yell at Tucker. He gives me a crooked smirk that reminds me exactly of his father. William gets off the floor and pounces at Tucker’s knees.

“Get him, Will!” Nathan yells to his younger brother.

Jude sits on the couch reading a book. He’s not even slightly interesting the epic battle taking place before him.

“I’m gonna kill you, Tucker!” Lauren, my only daughter screams bursting through the door.

“What did I do?” He flips he black hair away from his green eyes as he struggles to get the youngest of his siblings detached from his legs.

“What did you do?” Lauren yells in outrage. “Elijah won’t even talk to me!”

“Good. He’s a fucking man whore.” Tucker throw William off his legs.

“Language!” I shout rushing over to William. Nathan jumps on top of tucker and starts to punch his head.

“Ugh! The level of testosterone in this house is impossible to deal with!” Lauren shrieks and storms out of the room. I don’t think I was that dramatic at eighteen. Times like these are the times I wish Sebastian was home to deal with.

“What’s testosterone?” Nathan ask scrunching his face up in confusion.

“Tucker.” Jude says with an amused smirk as he pushes his glass higher up on his nose. “Tucker is a prime example of testosterone. Scary isn’t it?”

“Psh, you’re just mad. Everyone likes me better. Even your little obsession. What’s her name again? Haley?” I watch Jude’s normally calm face turn wild with fury. Jude has always been the calmest but when he gets mad, he gets mad and it’s scary. Sort of like Sebastian. Jude drops his book throws his glasses down on the coffee table and launches himself at Tucker before I even have a chance to stop him.

“Twin fight!” Nathan screams jumping up and down on the couch. This particular twin fight looks brutal. Jude has never been one who has much luck with girls, unlike Tucker who again takes after his dad. Jude was out for blood. Imagine two nineteen year old twins going at each other like they were worst enemies.

“STOP!” I scream. I succeed in pulling tucker a few feet away from his twin. That makes Tucker angrier and goes after Jude again.

“Knock it the fuck off!” Sebastian shouts loudly. And here I am scolding Tucker for using the same exact word. The two stop instantly and sit in the middle of the floor with guilty expressions.

“Sorry.” they mumble.

“Go to your rooms. All of you.” Sebastian points toward the stairs.

“I didn’t do anything!” William and Nathan shout in unison.

“You’re standing on the couch, aren’t you?” The two youngest look dumbfounded when they realize they are in fact breaking one of the rules.

“Rough day?” Sebastian asks as I collapse onto the couch.

“You have no idea.” I say. He hovers me as I sit on the couch. Each of his knees are place on the sides on my legs. His kiss makes me forget the stressful day I had. I tangle my fingers in his hair wile he kisses me more passionately.

“I love you.” I say after pulling away from him.

“I love you forever and always.” His hazel eyes bore into mine. There is nothing I believe more than that. Through everything Sebastian and I will always be madly in love. There is nothing that can change that.

Who would have guessed the British kid who lived next to my best friend would turn out to be a great rockstar, a dad, and husband?
♠ ♠ ♠

Thank you so much to everyone who commented on
and subscribed to both Carpe Diem and Reinvent Love.
You guys are truely amazing.
And yeah, Scout's Honor is going to get so much better.
Hang in there.