Last Up At Dawn, Tight Wad Hill.


“So… do ya like Sarah?” Mikayla asked quickly and pushed Sarah in front of me and ran away. Why is she always so… bouncy? She disappeared around the corner and soon reappeared, running full pelt, screaming and flailing her arms madly. I realized why when Frank came bolting after her.
He caught up to the screaming girl and heaved her over his shoulder. She wiggled and squirmed wildly as he ran around like a maniac.
“Is this absolutely necessary?” she asked as he continued running. He stopped for a second and hesitated,
“Y’know? I’m not actually sure about that.”
Suddenly, a skinny looking guy with glasses daring to fall off the end of his nose skidded through the hall and smacked into the wall. A guy with long black hair soon followed. He walked over to the unconscious guy, sprawled on the floor and looked at him knowingly,
“He stole my skittles.” He said matter-of-factly as he stepped over him and came towards Frank and Mikayla, who were giggling into each other’s shoulders on the ground. He sat down beside them and pulled a sketchbook out. The two losermatics stopped giggling and huddled together against the wall, posing for the guy to draw them.
“You’re not gonna take forever like last time are ya Gerard?” Frank questioned whimpering slightly at the thought of sitting there all morning. The guy who was obviously Gerard, shook his head and silently began drawing.