Pushing me away

1:Who are you?

Stephanie's point of view

"Are we ready guys?"Joe asked.

"Yeah,lets rock it!"Nick replied.

"Enjoy the show Steph,I got a surprise for you later"Joe said and gave me a quick kiss before running out to the screaming crowd.

They started singing one of my favorite songs,tonight,and I couldn't help showing off my moves backstage,my best friend Demi joined me too.

"Nice moves dork"I shouted to Demi.

"You're not too bad either sista"Demi said laughing.

We danced for a few more minutes when Demi suddenly stopped.

"Where did our music go?"she asked.

"Standing right behind you"Joe said from behind her.

"Oh hey guys,liking our moves?"I asked.

"Joe,why are you going out with her again?I mean,look at her,she's a clown"Nick laughed.

"That's what makes them alike"Kevin said.

"Why dont you tell them our story Steph"Joe said.

"Okay so I used to work at the circus as a clown until he kidnapped me but somehow they haven't called back yet"i said."No,I've always been there for you guys and I always will,remember?"I said.

"Yeah,what would we do without our Stephanie"Nick said.

"Okay,so what's this surprise?"I asked curiously.

"You'll find out after our next song"Joe said,and they drank some water and went back out there.

Burnin' up started playing and Demi and I were watching singing along.

After the song was the time for the surprise.

"Are you ready to meet my girlfriend??"Joe shouted and the crowd went from crazy to hysterical.

"Come on out Stephanie"Joe shouted waving at me.

"Go,go!"demi laughed pushing me.

"You serious?There's alot of people there"I said starting to freak out.

"Hey what happened to the girl who just danced around not caring about anything?"Demi asked.

"Yeah but this is different!"I said.

"Don't get shy,or I'll show you're little show to everyone.you didn't see but I videotaped it"Joe shouted.

"I cant believe he just said that!"I said.

"I bet that's way worse than just going out there"Demi said.

"Yeah,that's what happens hooking up with guys like him.."I said,took a deep breath and went out onto the stage.

Thousands of screaming people were staring at me.

Some were excited,some looked at me with hatred in their eyes.

"Say hi to Stephanie"Joe shouted.

They all greeted me,except for one girl who just glared.

I smiled and just waved.

"Now it's time for our next song,'when you look me in the eyes',this is for you Steph"Joe said taking my hand.

He couldn't but laugh.I must had looked so silly,I was shocked and obviously as pale as a girl can get.and oh yeah,I was shaking!

He started singing for me..I was struggling but I managed to hold back the tears and started singing along.

He took my hand and I followed him around the stage greeting the fans,I was just at the edge when I suddenly lost my grip of his hand.

I felt someone grab my leg and I fell off the stage.I could hear her screaming.

"Get your hands off my man!!"

I hit the ground and everything turned black...

Joe's point of view

Stephanie laid passed out on the ground.I couldn't believe someone could do such thing to her!

She was such a sweet and awesome person.I love our fans but sometimes I just dont know what to think about them.

Why punish Steph for being my girlfriend?Was that illegal or something?

I immediatly stopped singing,she wasn't moving..

The security carried away the crazy girl.no,crazy wasn't enough,she was insane!

I carried Stephanie backstage and put her down onto the couch.I left her alone for a while,hoping she'd wake up soon.

The gig was over,I didn't wanna go on.I felt furious.If this was how they were going to treat Stephanie,it was over for now.

I heard some noise.

"Joe,she's waking up!"Nick shouted.

I rushed over sitting by her side,I grabbed her cold hand.

She slowly opened her eyes,

"Where am I?"she asked.

"You're backstage now,everything will be fine"I told her stroking her hair.

"Backstage of what?"she asked.

I wasn't sure if she hit her head or was just normal.She was a bit like me,she didn't take things too seriously.even hitting her head she played dumb..but she seemed kind of serious this time.

"Did you hit that head that hard?"I asked.

"Who are you?"she asked me confusedly.

Wait,did she just ask me who I was?No,she was obviously just playing a trick on me.

"Good one Steph,im your boyfriend"I said.

Nick looked at me seriously.Was this for real?

"I don't remember having a boyfriend.Why am I in a weird place surrounded by strangers,someone tell me?"she said.

I couldn't believe it.Suddenly it hit me,she had a memoryloss!everything we had...gone!

"This isn't good Joe"Nick said looking at me.

"Joe?that's your name?I am..uh.."she said but couldn't remember.She had even forgot herself!

"Stephanie"I said.

"No that's not it"she said.

"Yes you are,I'll go get Kevin,she needs to get to the hospital"Nick said.

"Stephanie?"she asked confusedly.

"Uhuh"I said."Look Steph,maybe we can start over.I'm Joe"I said holding out my hand.

This was really hard for me,I had to start all over with her again.A lifetime of fun memories were all gone.

Wait,fun...I had to know.

"Stephanie?"I asked.

"Yes?"she said.

"Could you rise up and do a silly dance or something?"I asked.

"No,why would I do that?I'd just look stupid"she said.

No..this was not happening,it had affected her personality.would I still be able to love her whatever she was like now?

I had to,I wanted to.She was the one I always wanted to be with.

But what if she didn't wanna be with me anymore?
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so this is the 1st chapter,let me know what you think :)