Pushing me away

3:a broken heart

Joe'a point of view
I was losing hope.What if she'd never remember?I couldn't live without Stephanie's love and I couldn't even imagine being with another girl.Stephanie would be spending the night at the hospital and I refused to leave her side.I'd stay with her and the doctor was okay with that.Fortunately Demi arrived early.She was my only hope now.If Stephanie remembered Demi maybe Demi could help her remember other things too.We left so Demi could talk with her alone.

Stephanie's point of view.
"Hi,how are you Steph?"Demi asked.Wow,finally someone I actually remembered.I fell into her arms crying.
"It's crazy Demi!I don't remember anyone anymore!I don't even know who I am!"I cried.
"It's alright Steph,you just gotta focus on remembering"Demi said.
"My head hurts"I said.
"Don't rush things,it will take time anyway.Lets just spend some time together and forget all the bad,ok?"Demi said.
"Yeah,just one thing!"I said.
"Yeah?"Demi said.
"Could you tell me about my life?"I asked.
"Sure,where should I start,as we already told you your name's Stephanie.And nothing of this will obviously make sense to you right now but I'll tell you as you asked me.You're 18 years old,but you'll be 19 in two weeks.You have a mom and a dad which will be here later.We called them and they took the plane.You see,they live in New Jersey.That's where you got to know the guys"Demi explained.
"How long did I date Joe?"I asked,I was curious to know everything.
"About one and a half year now,do you still like him?"Demi asked.gosh,I didn't know..
"I don't know,I like Nick more.."I said.
"Hey,lets just say your relationship is on a break for a while until you remember,okay?"Demi said.
"That makes sense"I said."But I feel bad,he looked so sadly at me earlier"I cotinued.
"Well he really likes you,he just needs some time to accept all this"Demi said.
She gave me a hug and laid down next to me on the bed.She turned on the tv and found some comedy movie,probably to get my thoughts from all that had happened.Later when my so called family came she left for a while to let them spend with me alone.It was awful,they kept telling me they were my parents but I had never seen their faces before.After the awkward meeting was over they kissed my forehead and left.The headache had made me tired and I went to sleep.

Joe's point of view
The others had taken me shopping but I had a boring time.I still couldn't get poor Stephanie off my mind.Demi's practising didn't make it any better.

"I wanna get back,
to the old days,
when the phone would ring,
and I knew it was you.."

Why that song?That was the way I felt about Stephanie right now.I just wanted the phone to ring and hear her voice saying she remembered now.And then at the same time Nick sang pushing me away.I just wanted to break down but instead I felt mad.
"Don't you guys have anything else to sing?"I yelled looking from Demi to Nick.
"Calm down Joe,don't take this out on them"kevin said.
"You should shut up too,you don't understand!None of you does!"I yelled.I didn't mean any of this but the feelings just kept coming.I was so mad about what had happened to Stephanie I took it all out on my brothers/best friends.
"What's your problem?We didn't do anything"Demi said.
"You didn't?Stop singing songs remembering me of the state Stephanie is in"I yelled.
"All of the songs will remember you of her,in one way or another!"Demi shouted.
""Stop the yelling!You guys are worse than the screaming fans,at least they got a reason to scream but this is pointless"Nick said.
"Shut up you girlfriend thief"I said.But why did I just say that?
"Hey,finders keepers"Nick said smiling.
I hit him,I didn't want to but it was like I had no control over myself.
"oww,that really hurt you know!I was just kidding,what's wrong with you?"Nick said.If I only had the answer for that question..
"Not another word from any of you.Lets just take Joe back to Stephanie,that might be the only solution for this"Kevin said and noone said another word on the way back to the hospital.He had always been a good peacemaker.
I went in and took the elevator to the second floor.I carefully opened the door.She was asleep.I kissed her forehead and made my way to my own bed.I wanted to sleep next to her but to start with there wasn't any room left and secondly I respected her.She didn't like me that way anymore,at least for now.I laid a while just looking at the stars through the window,thinking of the times when me and Steph used to do that together.I fell asleep dreaming of us..

I woke up at 7am and looked over at Stephanie,still sleeping.I got dressed and sat down next to her.She had always been the type who slept long,it was a bad habit but at least it was something that would never change.She woke up two hours later.By that time I was almost sleeping herself,resting my head on her bed.Suddenly I looked up,her blue eyes looked at me confusedly.
"Hello beautiful"I said.
"Morning..Joe?What are you doing here?"she asked.
"I slept here,I wanted to stay by your side"I said smiling.
"That's nice"she said faking a smile.At least she tried but it was obvious she felt like I was a stranger.How was I supposed to live this way?I had never been without Stephanie before.I started thinking of the old days.
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comments are welcome :) and stay tuned if you want to find out how they first got together.
in the next ch. nick comes in more too =)