Pushing me away

4:lets take a ride

Joe's ponit of view
Stephanie had always been there for us.My parents were close friends of her parents and we used to play together already when we were just kids.She had been a good freind of all of us but between just Stephanie and me,there had always been something special.I think I fell for her at the age of 15 or so.She had been on vacation in Europe for the whole summer and I missed her like crazy.When we went to the airport to meet her at the end of July,I saw her for the first time in two months.I felt all nervous inside,and I kept staring.That's the day I realized,I was in love.
I hadn't noticed her beauty before.She looked stunning!But I didn't wanna tell her then.I was afraid of ruining her friendship,like losing her for good.But things still weren't the same,not to me.I was always so clumsy around her and looked at her in a certain way.I wrote 'please be mine' about her too,even though she never knew.It wasn't until she heard 'just friends'.I had written that about her and from the first time she heard it,she always said it was her favorite song.One day she found the lyrics in my room,and on the paper I had written:"song about Stephanie".First she had looked really surprised,then blushed and a big smile appeared on her face.She looked into my eyes and told me the words I could never forget:"That's exactly the way I feel about you,but I was afraid!I love you too Joe!".And that was the best day of my life.The day we got together and the day we shared our first kiss.What I loved about her the most was her sparkling personality.She was the sweetest girl you could imagine,and really amusing to be around.Everyday was like something new and she always made me laugh.But it was her eyes and her smile that first caught my attention.Would we ever be able to get back to those days?Suddenly my phone rang and I snapped out of the memories.It was Nick.
"Sorry,I gotta take this.I'll be right back"I said looking at her,got out of the room and answered."Hey dude,what's up?"I said.
"I don't know what to do"Nick said.
"Don't know what to do like in bored?"I asked,he could've been a bit more clear.
"No!It's just..I'm falling for her"Nick said.Seriously this stuff freaked me out!He couldn't just spit it out.
"Who?Stop talking like that!"I said.
"Sorry,it's Demi"he said.That came like a shock,I had never thought of them as a couple.
"Then what's the problem?Just tell her"I said sounding like it was the most simple thing in the world.
"I can't,that's why I need help!Im not you.I don't just walk up to a girl and say something like 'Im looking for a pool'Nick said.
"Okay,you've called the right person for the job.You should start by just keeping contact with her eyes,you need to feel a connection there.Then,move on by complimenting her.That's all I can tell you for now"I said.Yeah,it was easy for me getting girls,but I never knew if they liked me for me or just cause I was famous.
"Okay,that makes sense,thanks"Nick said and hung up.I got back into the room with Stephanie.
"Who was it?"she asked.
"Nick"I said not really wanting to talk about him with her,remembering how she had been hitting on him yesterday.
"Okay"she said blushing.
"Why do you like him so much?"I asked.
"I don't know,he's cute"she said.
"And Im not?"I said getting a bit jealous.
"I didn't say that"she said.
"No,but that was your point.Anyway,he's two years younger than you and he's got it going on"I said hoping that would make her stop.
"With who?"she asked.I didn't know if I could tell her but I had to.
"Well..Demi Lovato aka. your bestie"I said.
She didn't say anything but I could see disappointment in her face.I had to get her on other thoughts.
"So,when can you leave?"I asked getting some ideas.
"Today,whenever Im ready"she said.
"Are you ready now?"I asked.
"Yeah,I think so"she said.
"Great,let's go"I said pulling her out of the bed.

Stephanie's point of view
Joe was in a hurry somewhere but I wondered where he wanted to take me,hope it wasn't a date,ugh.I got him out of the room while I got dressed,put my hair in a messy bun and asked him back in.
"Tell me where you're taking me?"I asked.
"A surprise"he said.
I called for the doc and told him I was ready to leave.Joe took a scarf and tied it over my eyes.
"I look stupid"I laughed,afraid people would look at me thinking I was crazy.
"No,you look amazing"he said leading me out to his car,he helped me in and drove off somewhere.I was getting excited to know where he was taking me,suddenly the car stopped.He helped me out,I still couldn't see anything but I could feel the scent of the ocean,a beach maybe?He untied the scarf and I looked around.I was standing in front of a pretty big boat.
"This is..yours?"I asked not sure if I was dreaming or awake.
"Uhuh"he said looking at me and started to laugh.
"You know how to ride it too?"I asked a bit worried.
"Yeah,but turn around"he said.I turned around to see Kevin."He'll be driving so that I can spend time with you on the deck"Joe said.We all went aboard.The boat started and we drove off.It was a sunny day perfect for a boat ride.I sat just leaning back,filling my lungs with the fresh air and taking in as much sun as I could.Joe sat next to me.I still didn't remember but I started to enjoy his company,like there could actually have been at least something.We didn't talk much though,or I didn't.He said alot of random stuff that didn't really make any sense,but it was fun,he made me laugh.And when I laughed he somehow looked a bit mere calm,just flashing a smile like he thought 'everything's gonna be okay'.
"You having fun?"he suddenly asked.
"Yeah,very fun"I said.
"Good"he said putting a pair of shades on and turning on his mp3.
He just took my hand and leaned back,he wasn't all that bad!Pretty cute actually.The sun was shining but I noticed most of the heat in my body came from looking at him.He was shirtless and I couldn't resist it,I needed to feel those muscles.I touched him with my free hand.He screamed like a girl and fell off his chair.
"Are you okay?"I asked a bit worried.
"Don't..ever..do that again"he said."Im a very tickish person"he added.
"Oh,sorry"I said.
"It's okay,I kinda liked it anyway"he said
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what's gonna happen next? ;D