Pushing me away

5:love drama

Joe's point of view
I started to feel there was still hope for our love.I mean come on,she touched my muscles,how obvious isn't that?I knew the sun was shining but I pretended I didn't notice.
"You look cold"I said and lift her over to my chair.
I tightly wrapped my arms around her.I could feel the heat of her body,and she just seemed to get warmer.She closed her eyes resting her head on my chest,this felt nice..and so right!All of a sudden she started singing something familiar.

"Hello beautiful,
how's it going?
I hear it's wonderful in california"

I had no clue why that song and how she knew but it was a good sign and I started singing along with her.

"I've been missing you,it's true,
but tonight Im gonna fly,
yeah tonight,I gonna fly,oh yeah,
cause I could go across the world and see everything,
and never be satisfied if I couldn't see those eyes.."

She just laid in my arms in silence.Maybe that was the effect my singing had on people.Maybe there was a magical power in my voice that could make anyone fall asleep within a snap.No Joe,don't be silly,she's still awake.
"I don't know where that came from,it was just there in my heart"she said.
Suddenly I got a brilliant idea.
"Hey can I sing you something else?"I asked.
"I'd love to"she said.

"There she goes again,
the girl Im in love with,
it's cool were just friends,
we walk the halls at school.
we know it's casual,
but it's cool were just..
I don't wanna lead you on,no,
the truth is i've grown fond,yeah,
everyone knows it's meant to be,
falling in love with you and me,
til the end of time,
til im on her mind,
it'll happen-"

I stopped,It wouldn't happen,I noticed it didn't make any sense to her.I thought if she heard the reason we first got together she'd remember.
"You still don't remember huh?"I said with a bit of disappointment.
"No,but it's getting more clear all the time.Thanks anyway"she said moving up resting her head next to mine,it felt so good.Somewhere I could feel what it used to be.

Nick's point of view
I was playing a game with Frankie when I suddenly heard a knock on the door.
"Come on in"I shouted.
The door opened and I turned around.Oh my gosh,there she was so beautiful.She wore a black and red tee,black skinny jeans and a pair of converse.Her hair was kind of in a mess but I didn't mind.
"What are you staring at like a fool?"she laughed.
"Oh,uh..sorry,I-I.."I just stuttered.It didn't use to be like this but from the day I realized what I really feel about her,I couldn't speak.
"It's okay,Im not gonna kill you for looking at me"she said laghing.
"Oh,uh..right,sorry"I said.
"That's one of the reasons I came to check on you.You act so weird these days"she said.
"I do?"I said acting like I didn't even know.
"Yeah,like when we went to starbucks the other day.You hardly said a word,and when you did you just stuttered!If something is wrong you know Im there for you,we can talk about this and I assure you,you'll feel better"Demi said.
"It's nothing.Im fine"I said.
"It's definately something,speak!I'd like to know what's going on here"she said.
"Okay,you remember the concert yesterday?I saw a girl in the crowd,I looked into her eyes and understood there was really something.And you don't even know,she was gorgeous"I lied,well not lying but I just spoke of it like it was someone else than Demi.
"And why does this make you strange around me?"Demi asked,the question I didn't want to hear.
"Uhh..You see,I can't get her off my mind.I can't focus on anything else"I said.
"This doesn't make any sense at all but okay"Demi said with a bit of annoyance in her voice.
"Look,Im sorry"I said.
"Don't be,if you don't want to tell me the truth that's fine"Demi said.
"You wanna go get some icecream?"I asked hoping it would cheer her up.
"Don't change the suject"she shouted.
"I didn't,I-"
"No,I get it!If you don't want to hang out with me,why didn't you just say that"she said slamming the door shut and leaving.
I immediatly felt like something broke inside,like there was just an empty hole in my heart.Was Demi out of my life for good?I should've told her.At least it would've been better than this.Why couldn't I be more like my brothers?They never got shy around girls.
"Frankie,why didn't you bust me?"I said.
"Simple,you told me not to"Frankie said.
Sometimes that kid was a bit too cool.
"Well I guess it's over now,is it?"I said.
"When you love someone,you should never give up.You just need to restart and give it another shot"he said.Who was this kid?A Dr.Phil wannabe or something?
"Where did you hear that?"I asked,he couldn't have come up with it himself.
"From you"Frankie said.
"What?"I asked confused,he started singing.

"When you love someone,
and they break your heart,
don't give up on love,
have faith,restart,
just hold on"

"Oh yeah,thanks man"I said giving him a high five.
"Don't mention it"he said and I cracked up.
He was just 8 but he used expressions I had no clue where they came from.
"Where do you hear everything?"I asked still laughing.
"TV"he said simply.Of course,I should've guessed.
"Just be careful what you hear from the tv,okay?"I said.
"What do you mean?"he asked.
"No bad words,right?"I said.
"Got it"he said.
I went to call Demi.I tried about five times but she didn't answer.The last time I could hear her voice:"Welcome to la-la-land!Demi is not home right now,leave a message after the sound.She was not getting away,I left a message.
"Hi Demi,it's Nick!Im sorry,I guess I hurt your feelings by lying to you.Well part of it was true actually,I really like a girl,but I didn't see her in the crowd.She's always been there,and Im gonna say it and be honest now,Im falling for a beautiful girl named Demi Lovato.I understand if you don't ever wanna speak to me again but I needed to tell you this"I said and hung up.
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