Pushing me away

6:nothing's ever perfect

Stephanie's point of view
We were back in his car.He was going to take me home.I couldn't stop thinking of the nice day we'd had,I leaned back to listen to the CD playing in his car.I liked it.I think her name was Taylor Swift.Joe told me he was a big fan of her and that they were close friends.Wait,what if they were more than friends?Why had I been thinking these kind of thoughts all day?Could it really be..I was falling for him fast and hard?
"Did I know this Taylor?"I asked.He looked a bit nervous and just flashed me a smile.
"Sure,you two are good friends"he said,but something was up.He didn't even look at me saying it.
"I can see you're lying"I said.He took a deep breath and looked at me strangely.
"Okay,so you two don't really get along"Joe said.
"Why do you hang out with someone your girlfriend couldn't stand?"I asked.
"Wellmy girlfriend doesn't pick my friends,does she?And besides,you started it.She was nice to you until you got rude to her"Joe said.
"Oh.Maybe I could try fix things?I mean,I don't remember any of that now,do I?"I said.
"I would appreciate that"he said showing a big smile.It was beautiful,I didn't wanna wait until it was too late.He stopped his car and followed me to the door of my apartment.I opened the door and he was about to leave.I grabbed his hand.
"I got something to tell you"I said looking at him seriously.
"Is something wrong?"he asked squeezing my hand.
"No,actually something is just amazing"I said getting excited.
"No way!You won on a lottery??"he shouted.
"No"I laughed."I would like to have another chance with you.Im falling for you and I can't hold back.I needed to tell you this,or else would regret it"I said.His jaw dropped and he just stared at me.Then he smiled looking really relieved,a tear rolled down his face.I started to cry as well.But he gently wiped them away with his warm,soft hands.Then he got closer and kissed me.Kissing him felt amazing,it felt like all the bad around me disappeared.It warmed my body and I never wanted it to end,it lasted for about a minute and he pulled away.Two beautiful brown eyes watched me.If he wouldn't have been holding me now I had fallen to the floor.I had never seen anything more beautiful than looking into those eyes.My knees got weak and I felt like melting.
"That was all I wanted to hear from you,a new start"he said.
"I love you"was all I could say.I was like under a spell,hypnotized.
"I love you too Steph"he said.
"Are you returning tomorrow?"I asked.
"Yeah,see you baby"he said leaving the house.
I went into my bedroom laying down on my bed crying from hapiness.

Joe's point of view
I was finally back with her.It wasn't like the old days but it was still amazing,and something more amazing was that she promised to be good to Taylor.When the two of them bumped into each other it was a nightmare.I remember one time when I was standing beween them.I had almost been slapped!And they were louder than the screaming fans,and I didn't even wanna talk about their language.I drove home singing love songs all the way.

Nick's point of view
I went on IM hoping Demi would be there.It had been several hours since I left her my message,she must had heard it by now.Luckily she was on,I pretended like I didn't notice her at first,to see if she would talk to me of her own will.Suddenly she wrote to me.

Nickjayy:Hey,sorry about that earlier
Demilala:It's okay =)
Nickjayy:And Im sorry about the message too..
Demilala:Don't be
Nickjayy:You liked it??
Demilala:Yeah,it made me realize what I really feel about you too x
Nickjayy:Wow,I thought I could never have a girl like you!
Demilala:Well now you got her ;]
Nickjayy:Aww x
Demilala:Cause Im burnin up for you baby! x
Nickjayy:I guess I'll see you later then?
Demilala:I'll see you in two weeks,Im on tour
Nickjayy:I'll be waiting,see ya beautiful!
Demilala:See ya xx
I logged off,just smiling to myself.

Stephanie's point of view
I was bored not having Joe around.I took the phone to settle things with this Taylor instead.I checked through my contacts to notice someone named 'bitch'.I couldn't find anyone named Taylor and tried calling this person.
"Hello?"the girl answered.
"Hey,this is Stephanie,Joe's girlfriend"I said trying to sound the nicest I could.
"Great..oh hey,the line is breaking up!I can't hear you"she shouted.
"I know you're faking it.The thing is,I want to apologize for everything and hope we can start over"I said.
"Okay"she said.
"Awesome"I said.
"So,maybe this time you can let me start.Exactly where did you find that shirt you wore on the concert last night?"she asked.
"I don't remember last night"I said.
"Oh,let me refresh your memory!You obviously found it in the ghetto"she said.
"Thank..wait,what?I thought I said Im sorry?"I said.
"You did,but I didn't.I can't stand you!You're annoying in every single way and you dress like you've never seen a fashion magazine.I mean,what's with that loud style?It's like you just want to show people like 'hey look at me'.Are you attentionsick or something?"she said sounding annoying.
"To start with,my style shows my personality-"
"Yeah,tasteless"she said cutting me off.
"Stop interrupting!And secondly,I wasn't born with fame and I didn't even say I want it.Im just really in love with Joe"I said.
"You think I was born with it?I have to work for it!Unlike some people that get millions of fans over a night"she said.
"I don't have any fans"I said.
"Yeah right,this isn't over yet!And you might wanna turn on E!"she said hanging up.I didn't understand what she meant by 'this isn't over yet' but I turned on E!

"Were back with more E! news.Last night introduced his new love to the world.The fans got wild and word is Stephanie Alyson Green is already having plenty of fan sites and paparazzis try to find out where she lives.However,a fan lost control on the concert and she was pulled off the stage.Rumors say she doesn't remember a thing,but we wish Stephanie the best!"

I turned off the tv and stared out into nowhere with my mouth wide open.I couldn't believe I had been on tv,was I really becoming an official person?
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I have nothing against Taylor Swift,I love her and her music.I just needed a mean girl into the story =)