Pushing me away

7:What are you doing with her?

Stephanie's POV
A week had gone by,and I had been staying with my parents.They were very worried but I could clearly remember them now,which had calmed them down.The doctor had called to see how I was doing and said I was doing great progress.I remembered about Taylor too,I should never have forgiven her.She had started this whole so called "feud" by locking me inside a closet at a concert,so that she could be hanging out with Joe alone.And I was really becoming a celebrity!Yesterday I had got a phone call from a strange number,I answered and they wanted me to do a commercial for a new make-up foundation,they said "You're Hollywoods new 'it' girl,with you're face we'll make millions!".I had taken the time to check out my official fansite too,over 50 thousand members already!But whatever happened now,I wouldn't let it get to me.I had decided it,I would stay the same no matter what.

Today was the day to get back to LA,I packed my bags and took the bus to the airport.I got onto the plane to LA and sat down next to a girl wearing a Jonas Brothers t-shirt to see what happened.She didn't even look my way at first but it could've been because she had her mp3 blasting at full volume.
"Hi there,you like the Jonas Brothers?"I said.
"Yeah,aren't you that chick Joe is dating?"she asked.
"Yeah,I am"I said smiling.
"I've always wanted to meet you,so that I can tell you how much I hate you,and stay away from my boyfriend,or your pretty face wont be so pretty anymore,okay?"she said coldly.
To my rescue the flight attendant noticed and came to help me out.
"Hello miss,would you like sitting in the VIP-class?"she said.
"I'd love to"I said shocked over knowing there was a VIP-class.She seated me next to a young girl instead.
"This is the only seat we have left.This is the rising country artist Taylor Swift,happy flying"she said.
"But.."I said,but she was already gone,this was going to be a long ride!
"Well,if it ain't america's new it-girl"she said sarcastically.
"Jealous cause you aren't?"I said.
"At least I got better arguments for being famous than you!"she shouted.People started to notice and suddenly the attendant was there again.
"Any problems?"she said.
"Please tell me there is one other seat"I said.
"Well,there is one.."she said.
"I take it!"I said.
She lead me to the other end and left me next to a girl I was surprised to know I remembered.
"Mandy!"I shouted hugging her.
"Stephanie,it's been forever since I last saw you"she said surprised to see me."How are you?"she asked.
"I'm fine,just tell me what the heck is wrong with Taylor?"I asked hoping Mandy had the answer.
"Oh,she treats me the same way.She can't stand people that are or have dated Joe,it's jealousy"she said.
"You're saying she might be trying to steal him?"I asked a bit worried.
"I'm saying you should keep your eyes open"she said.
"Okay,but I don't really feel like talking about this right now..Anyway,I don't know how to handle this,suddenly eveyone knows who I am"I said.
"You'll be fine,just watch your mouth what you tell the magazines"she said.
"I will"I said.
"And one more thing?"Mandy said looking at me seriously.
"Yeah?"I said.
"Don't ever change,I don't ever wanna lose you"Mandy said.
"I won't,I hate it when people change because of fame"I said.
We talked some more about our business home.Apparently she had been visiting her family too,I haven't even seen her!But it could have something to do with the fact I couldn't remember where she lived.After a while we fell asleep in each other's arms like the best friends we truly were.

Nick's POV
I watched some tv when someone knocked on the door to my room.I opened and Demi was standing in front of me.She smiled seeing me.Wow,her smile was something beautiful!It was one thing seeing it in a magazine but in real life,it was so much more.I blushed by the way she looked at me,I knew it she felt the same way!We were just standing there in my door staring like two fools.Kevin walked by watching us a bit strangely.
"Hey Demi,how's it going?"he asked.
"Uh..I'm fine"she said starting to giggle.
"Why are you laughing?Do you mean this shirt ain't going with this shoes?"he asked.
"No,you look great.It's not about you"she said cracking up.
"Oh no,did Joe try out a new joke on you?"he said.
"No,it's Nick,but it's not-"she said but was cut off.
"Tell me"he said getting exited.
I was getting annoyed he was so suspicious.Usually I was shy but I pulled her close and kissed her.I had one hand on her back and the other in her hair,and I tell you it was one hell of a kiss,I thought she'd pull away but she seemed to enjoy it.I pulled away just staring into those beautiful eyes.I noticed Kevin was still there and turned red.He stared with his mouth wide open.
"You two going out?"he shouted in shock.
"We are now"Demi said resting in my arms.

Joe's POV.
I sat in my room strumming my guitar,trying at least.It sounded like Demi,Nick,Kevin and someone else but I didn't even bother.I started playing please be mine,and just let the music take me away.I started thinking of the reason for that song,she had probably had a tough week at home.Yeah,years had come and gone but I still called it home,but at least that was better than in Hollywood.It was my fault paparazzis were chasing her,it was my fault she was forgetting everything!I should never have decided to introduce her to the world in the first place.In the middle of everything someone knocked on the door and got in,Taylor.Her eyes were red and you could see she had been crying.
"What's wrong?"I asked being a bit worried.
"Your girlfriend is still being mean to me,she told me to get lost and never contact you again.And not to speak about Mandy,she hit me!"she said showing blood coming from her nose.
"I'll talk to Stephanie about it,but are you sure that was Mandy?She wouldn't do such a thing"I said not quite beliveing her.It was obvious someone hit her,but Mandy was too good for that,she'd never hit anyone.
"Well she did"Taylor said.
"I'm sorry,I'll talk to them,really"I said.
"Okay,but still..your awful at consoling"she said and new tears started to fall.
"Come over here"I said and she sat down next to me.
I hugged her and she cried in my arms.All of a sudden that wasn't enough.She started to make out,I tried to tell her to stop but she didn't even listen.Just in the middle of everything the door opened again and Stephanie and Mandy were standing there just staring.Was this the end?
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I don't think this chapter is that good but I hope you guys like it though,please leave me comments at the story cause I love reading those =)