Pushing me away

8:Break a perfectly good heart

Stephanie's POV.

I stood in the door watching my boyfriend make out with the evil herself.I watched her face,fake blood and tear gas.Just how far would she go for breaking us apart.She flashed me an evil smile.I wasn't sure who had made the first move,or how long they had been going on this way,but I ran away crying,followed by Mandy trying to stop me and I could hear Joe running after me too.
"Stephanie,wait!"they both shouted.
I was just about reaching the front door when Kevin popped up out of nowhere.
"Hey Stephanie,why are you in such a hurry?"he asked.
"Leave me alone and let me to the door"I mumbled.
"What's wrong?"he asked.
"I don't wanna involve you into this drama"I said.
"Drama?"he said confused while I tried to get through,but it was too late.
"Stephanie,I'm not letting you give up like this"Mandy said.
"Steph,listen to me,I didn't do it!I love you and I would never cheat on you"Joe said from behind her.
I continued to desperatly try get out of the house,but Kevin stopped me and took me into his arms.I burst out crying like a baby,but I couldn't help it.It felt like someone had crushed my heart into thousands of pieces,and it would be impossible to fix it again.Suddenly a piece fell back in its place,Kevin.While he was holding me in his arms,and let me cry it all out,I remembered.He was and had always been like a big brother to me.It made me cry even more.While I just stood there crying the world around me turned chaotic.Joe and Mandy were arguing,no matter what,Mandy was always on my side,that's what made her such a good friend.Nick and Demi came out of a room upstairs to see what was going on,Taylor smiled,waved me bye bye and snuck out of the backdoor,how come I hadn't thought of that!Now it was too late to escape anywhere.And Kevin,he didn't say a word,he just held me gently.That's what made me feel comfortable and safe,despite all this chaos.I looked up into those beautiful hazel eyes with my own teary blue eyes.
"Kevin?"I asked still sobbing.
"Yeah?We can go somewhere else..or just take a ride if you want to get away from here"he said wiping away my tears with his warm,strong hands.
"No,or sure.It's just,all of a sudden standing here in your arms I can clearly remember you"I said finally able to smile.
"You do?"everyone else but Kevin said,he just smiled back.
"When will you remember me?"Joe asked.
"Never,I don't want to,don't need to,and I wish I didn't even know you"I shouted beginning to cry again.
"Stephanie,Im sorry but I didn't.."Joe started but was cut off by Mandy.
"Again with the excuses!Can't you see you're hurting her!You've done enough"Mandy shouted and so the fight was on again.There had been five seconds of silence but that was all a nice memory now.I'd had enough and Kevin noticed.We went into his room and he locked the door,so that we could be alone,you could hear Joe and Mandy all the way upstairs.I laid down on Joe's bed to cry,you could still feel the sweet scent of him and it filled all my lungs,why'd he have to go and do that?I wanted him there by my side but at the same time,I hated him.Kevin sat down on his bed just watching me with a certain look,like he could understand my feelings,then he asked me.
"Do you want to talk about what happened back there?"he said.
I started to tell him the whole story.
"Then I opened the door to this room and I saw he sat right here,kissing Taylor.."I finished crying.
"You sure you didn't just misunderstand it?"Kevin asked.
"No,by the look on his face I think he really enjoyed it"I cried.
"I bet he didn't,you two are perfect together,don't do something you'll regret!You can't just shut him out of your life like this"he said.I felt a strange feeling inside.No,not love.It was like a rush of true hapiness,a feeling of knowing someone cared about me,a true friend,and I got all warm inside.I couldn't help but showing a big wide smile.
"What is it?"he said smiling back.
"I don't know.It's just so nice to know you always care,and you always say the right things"I said and went back into his arms.
"Give me one good reason why I wouldn't?I really like you Steph,well not like you like you,but like a sister"he said stroking my hair.
A tear rolled down my cheek,not because I was sad anymore,but because I was so glad I could have someone like him.
"Sing me a song"I suddenly said.
"What do you want me to sing?"he asked picking out a guitar.
"Anything,just to hear your voice makes me feel better"I said,what many people didn't know was that he was a really good singer.He started singing the chorus to one of their songs,which was perfect in this situation.
"Cause an empty room,can be so loud,
there's too many tears,drying out so,hold on,hold on,hold on,hold on,
when you love someone,and they break your heart,
don't give up on love,have faith,restart,just hold on,hold on,hold on,hold on.."
He ended and looked at my smiling face.
"Why do I get a feeling you're trying to tell me something?"I said.
"Well,you don't have to do it now,but when you're ready,give Joe another chance"he said.
I just nodded.I unlocked the door and went to the bathroom to clean up my make-up.As much as I had cried,I most likely reassembled a vampire.While I washed my face my phone started to beep in my pocket.I checked the display,incoming message from Taylor,this nightmare wasn't over yet.
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dun dun dun..Tay is baad :)