
Westbound Sign

"Didn't you say they'd pay for the moving bill?" Taylor groans as she packs my books into a cardboard box.

"Yeah, but I don't want strangers going through my stuff and making jokes and stuff." I say as I wrap up a couple of picture frames in bubble wrap.

"Where the fuck is Josh and Simon then?" she bitches as she seals the full box with tape.

"Simon's at work and Josh is somewhere." I murmur as I go over to empty out my drawers into a giant box.

"Aren't you going to fold those?" Taylor asks as she sets up another box to start packing the rest of my books and CDs. I look down at my box half filled with clothes.

"Nah." I say shoving more clothes into the box.

"You're such a child."

I grin evilly then fling myself to the floor and start flayling my limbs out, kicking and screaming.

"I'm not a child! I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!" I yell in what I think is a pretty good interpretation of a four year old throwing a tantrum.

"Very nice." Taylor says sarcastically.

"Fuck's sake you have a lot of crap." Taylor says shaking her head.

"We don't have that much left to pack." I say glancing around the room, "Only what's left in my half of the closet." I say as I casually roll up the last of my posters and put an elastic band around it, "You and Josh have to come to dinner tonight."

"But its your last night and I mean, won't you and Simon want to be alone." she rambles.

"Yeah, but when we leave the restaurant you guys will come back here and I'll go back to his place, blah, blah, blah, I'll leave Simon in Buffalo happy as a squirrel."

"Like I really wanted to know that."

"Hey, I could've went into detail." I say cocking an eyebrow.

"No thank you." she gibbers, "Did you hear that? Door knocked." she heads out of the room.

"You better not be lying and leaving me here to die!" I call after her and to my embarrassment she comes into the room with a guy from the shipping company.

"Hi," I say awkwardly, "All the boxes are pretty much packed, and addressed." I say motioning to the mass amounts of cardboard in the room. He picks up a box and heads out of the room quietly.

"Nice Ami." Taylor says sarcastically.

"Shut up."

She grabs a shoe box off the top shelf of the closet and it sort of topples over and falls open.

"Whoops." she says as she starts grabbing the loose photos and mini notebook that were inside. The shipping guy re-enters the room and grabs two more boxes before disappearing again, "Ami, what the fuck is this?"

"What's what?" I ask as I grab the remaining stuff from the closet and putting them in a box.

"This." she holds a piece of paper an inch away from my nose. I read it over, its Tre Cool's phone number.


"It doesn't look like fucking nothing!" she exclaims, "It looks like you kept something that was just supposed to be a funny story."

"Yeah it is, I mean, I kept it for laughs."

"Sure," she says sarcastically, "And I bet Josh kept the plastic bag he put ice in when he nearly got his balls ripped off." The shipping guy looks at us disturbed and confused before grabbing another box.

"Its nothing honestly, I like Simon." I say shaking my head.

"You're so fucking lying." she pauses, "I see what's going on."

"What are you talking about?" I ask as the guy returns to grab more boxes.

"You're bored with your relationship with Simon," she says slowly, "Then one almost-rockstar pays a little attention to you and you get all these school-girl feelings. But you have to wake up and smell the coffee, you'll never go to wherever the hell he's from, even if you do, he won't remember you, you're probably the sixth girl he gave his number to that evening!"

"Me, Tre nothing!" I exclaim.

"You and Simon are a cute couple, you're a match." she says softly.

"I know we are." I drone, but I'm only half sure if I believe what I'm saying. I think Simon and I have run our course but I won't tell Taylor that, now anyway.

"I'm gonna miss you!" Josh fake sobs at the airport as he hugs me.

"You douche." I laugh as I pat his back. We let go and then Taylor practically tackles me in a hug.

"We're gonna come to San Francisco and sleep on your floor." she jokes.

"Sounds great, I'll buy a dog and everything so it can pee on you." I reply, she laughs.

"Ahem." Josh says tugging on her shoulder. She lets go and he motions to Simon, somewhat discretely and my two roommates go off and pretend to look at the departure schedule a few few away.

"This is it." Simon says rubbing his hands over my upper arms, "You excited?"
"Yeah." I nod enthusiastically.

"You know most guys would worry about their girlfriend not being loyal but considering you're going to the gay capital I'm good." he says jokingly.

"Oh yeah," I say giggling, "What if I wanna try to turn them?"

"Good luck with that." he says laughing as he kisses my forehead, "I'll be in California next time I'm on vacation."

"Sounds great." I say nearing his lips. We kiss and then I'm gone.

"Oh hey, you're here." Mariah says excitedly answering the door, she lets me in, "So your stuff came last night, so all the boxes are in your room."

"Thanks." I say looking around the apartment even though I've already seen it, "This is so weird, I feel like I'm going to wake up back in Buffalo tomorrow morning."

"Oh no, you don't get homesick do you?" she half-whines. I laugh.

"Not at all." I chuckle, "I'm actually afraid of waking up back in Buffalo."

"Cool stuff, I was about to order pizza, any preferences?"

"Either cheese or veg."

"You vegetarian?" she asks picking up the phone, I nod, "Cool stuff, you don't mind if I eat meat do ya?"

"Not at all." I say shrugging.

I head into my room where there's a basic bed and chest of drawers left behind by one of Mariah's previous roommates. The wall is lined with my boxes. I plop down my duffle bag and open one of the boxes with clothes in it and start putting them in the drawers.

"So," Mariah says strolling into the room, "what are you into?"

"Umm punk, metal, hard rock." I say with a slight giggle.

"Sweet, so you like the Ramones, right? My last roommate hated them." she says watching me unpack my boxes.

"Yeah of course." I say flattening the first clothing box after emptying it, "Do you like a band called Green Day?"

"Green Day, sounds familiar, but I sort of live under a rock," she says carelessly, "I don't really listen to any new bands."

"Right well," I say scanning the boxes then I see the one that reads Music Stuff and rip it open. I dig for my Green Day CD before handing it to her.

"I don't have a CD player" she says bluntly, "Only tapes and vinyl."

"Oh," I say looking back into the box and pulling out my boombox, "Where's the plug?"

"I'll take care of it." she says taking it from me and heading over to the window where she plugs it in, she puts the CD in and Burnout starts playing, "Not bad."

"Yeah, I know, I saw them live at Woodstock."

"Sweet man, I'd kill to have gone to that." she says amazed.

"Oh man, then you're going to hate me." I grin, "I was born at the first Woodstock."

"No shit?!"

"Nope, I was popped out during Hendrix's set." I say moving on to unpack another box, "My name is actually Ami-Defleur Woodstock Jones."

"Wow, isn't that a mouthful." she grins.