Hella Good Sandwiches


"Jaime?" I finally asked.




"Skunk Boy Jaime?"

"YES!" Mac growled.

"Skunk boy, as in Jaime Pr..."

"JAIME PRECIADO! HOW MANY OTHER JAIME'S DO WE HANG OUT WITH?!" Mac shrieked picking up a tomato and throwing it at me. I dodged out of the way and it slammed into the storage door.

"Okay... So slept with as in slept with or slept with?" I asked, trying to grasp this.

"Oh god!" Mac seethed slapping me.

"Hey, hey! No, you're not the one who should be angry right now! Tell me what happened, I'm just trying to piece this shit together. How'd this happen? Wait, was he good?" I asked, trying to hide the laugh that wanted to escape my lips.

"Veronica! This isn't funny! I don't even remember what happened!" Mac said frustrated, putting a hand in her hair.

"If you don't remember what happened, then how do you know you slept with him? Wait, were you drinking?" I kept asking questions.

"Yes! We were completely sloshed and I don't know what happened. I woke up in bed with him, I was wearing his shirt and he didn't have on pants. I'm pretty sure that means we slept together Roni!"

"Well, you don't know that for sure. Maybe you guys just passed out, or something? Wasn't Mike there?!" I gasped as an after thought.

"Oh god, Mike!" Mac exclaimed.

"Calm down, sweets. Just come here, sit down and let's talk." Mac nodded and hopped up on the counter.

"If Mike was there, I doubt anything happened. If it did happen, just don't say anything to anyone about it. Well, except me and Addy if you want. I mean, you already told me but if you don't tell Addy, that's just kind of weird. You do like Mike right? I had a talk with him last night and I was going to tell you about it, but I got distracted when you said you slept with Jaime."

"Why did you talk with Mike?!" Mackenzie asked, excited.

"I asked him if he honestly liked you or if he just wanted to get in your pants. I told him if he did honestly like you, I'd talk to you for him."

"Well! Come on! What did he say?!" Mac asked, completely in girl mode now.

"He said you were the first girl to not buy his pretensions, then he said that he really wanted to do you. He does like you Mac." I answered my friend.

"Mike likes me! That's so amazing, what else did you guys say?" Mac asked, getting a hold of herself.

"Mac-Z, bigger picture!" I exclaimed widening my hands. "There is a good possibility that you fucked Skunk Boy last night! Who by the way has a girlfriend! And I know Mike's a whore and all, but this probably will not bode well with him!"

"What am I going to do?! Oh god, I'm the female equivalent of Mike now! I can't be the female Whiskeydick!" Mac shuddered at the thought and I slapped her.

"Calm down. Okay? When we see the guys next time, don't look Jaime in the eyes, that'll give something away! Don't act awkward around them, they'll know something's up. Talk to Mike, see if he knows what happened last night and if he says that he left and you guys were both completely clothed well, don't fucking mention that you fucked Jaime... That would be bad.. Really bad!" I explained, trying to formulate a better plan when there was a knock by the wall. Both of our heads flipped to see Addy, Tony, Vic and Mike standing there. SHIT! "Oh uhhh. Hai guys." I muttered shooting a horrified glance at Mac who's face mirrored mine.

"What would be really bad?" Addy asked, quirking her eyebrows and pulling her hair up in a ponytail.

"If umm...BANANA HAMMOCK!" I shouted causing Mac to jump and the guys to stand their with confused expressions on there faces. "You see umm.. Well, you know what, I'll let you all use your imagination on this one." I muttered quickly jumping off of the counter and walking over to the side counter and cutting the loaf of bread that Mac was previously murdering.

"Roni, why are you acting all weird and doing that shifty eye thing?" Addy questioned, hand on her hip.

"I'm not acting weird, you're acting weird. We're all weird. You know what's weird and really scares the shit out of me? I'll tell you now, it's that Chocolate Axe commercial where the guy is all chocolate and the girls are like, eating him and it's all supposed to be sexual, but it creeps me. Yeah, that's what's weird. And I'm not shifting my eyes, they're just wacky.. Like the rest of my face... My contact's bugging me." I said in an extremely fast manner darting my eyes everywhere. I'm a terrible liar and I totally didn't have enough time to mentally prepare myself.. Fuck them! Why did they just have to show up at a time like this?!

"Are you on drugs?" Vic asked me. I shot him a glare and got back to slicing the bread.

"I didn't know you wear contacts Roni." Tony muttered giving me a cute smile.

"She doesn't!" Addy called me out. Dammit!

"Yes! Yes, I do! I just started." I stated.

"When?" Addy countered.

"Just now.." I replied looking at Tony for help.

"Veronica Bloom, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Addy asked, scanning my face then Mac's. Something clicked in her mind and she dropped her attack position.

"No need for using full names. Nothing's wrong with me, I'm perfectly fine.. Nothing wrong at all. Everything's peachy. You know what, that's a weird expression. I'm um.. Going to go into the storage room now." I planned my escape so I wouldn't get even more freaked out. I layed down the knife and practically ran into the storage room. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Mac. 'Sorry, shit! Don't say anything. I'm hiding back here until they leave.. Or until I die, whichever comes first!' I hit send and closed my phone. There was a knock at the door and then Tony's head peaked in. I was practically hiding in the corner by all the condiments.

"Roni?" Tony called out, obviously not spotting me.

"Over here." I replied in a soft voice. Tony chuckled, walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Are you okay? You were kind of...Weird out there." Tony said biting on one of his snakebites to hold back a laugh.

"Oh yes, I'm fine. What would make you think otherwise?" I asked darting my eyes from his mouth to his eyes.

"Because, even though I don't know much about you, I can still tell when something's up. What's going on?" Tony asked walking over and picking up my hand.

"I can't tell you." I muttered looking down at our hands.

Tony took his hand and raised my chin, "And why not?"

"Because Tony, I can't. I'm sorry." I said looking away from his eyes, if I looked I would totally tell him. Damn him and his cute power over me.

"Is it me? Did I do something to make you, uncomfortable? Oh god! Is this because of last night, do you not like me now?" Tony said, freaking out. I yanked him closer by his hand and kissed him. His hands moved down and braced my thighs and I wove my tiny hands in his hair. I gently nipped on his left snakebite and pulled back.

"It's not you. Last night was amazing, I still really and I mean really like you. Don't think it's you, you silly adorable boy. It's just something that I can't say. I promised I wouldn't and even though I'd really like to tell you I can't. So, if I act 'weird' for awhile, just go with it."

"That's a rather good way to prove you still like me." Tony blushed and looked down into my eyes.

"I've got heaps of ways to prove that I still like you." I smiled wiggling my eyebrows, like the dork I am. Tony's face darkened even more but he let out a laugh.

"I guess we better get back out there, you are working and everything." Tony said placing a small kiss on my cheek. God, this Turtle was so cute!

"All right Turtle, come on." I said lacing my fingers with him and walking out into the back room where we prepped and made the food. Guy was there shooing the guys out.

"Where were you?!" He whirled around, saw Tony and smirked. "Nevermind, I know where you were."

"No you don't. Just because we were in the storage room, you don't know what happened. For all you know, he could have just been asking a question. Which he actually was." I said in a sarcastic tone, slitting my eyes.

"No need to be snarky!" Guy exclaimed eyeing Tony up and down.

"Hey, hey! No! Step away from Tony, now." I said widening my eyes and looking at Addy who was currently laughing with Mac in the corner.

"Nice pick Roni." Guy laughed walking back towards the front of the store.

"Your boss totally just checked out your boyfriend." Addy laughed.

"Guy's a whore! And Tony's not my boyfriend, he's just the guy I like...Right?" I asked looking at Tony.

"I umm.. I don't know?" Tony answered looking at me then the other girls.

"Oh for Christs sakes! You've guys already done the nasty, just ask her already you dolt!" Addy muttered throwing her hands in the air. I sent her a glare and started walking Tony to the door. I hopped over the counter and Tony just lifted it up and followed.

"Sorry about them and Guy.." I was walking him out of the shop.

"It's okay. Could I maybe pick you up from work?" Tony asked grabbing my hand.

"Of course, my shift ends at 7. We should go back to my place, hang out, watch movies. Maybe continue off where we were last night." I said the last part shyly and looked up at him through my lashes.

"Oh." Tony made a grunting sound and blushed. "That'll be, yknow, great. I'll be here at 7." Tony answered.

"Good. I'll see you then. Bye Tony." I said standing up and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. I gave him a quick kiss and let go. I turned around and was walking away when he caught my arm, spun me around and kissed me. I was breathless and all dizzy when he let go.

"Bye Veronica Bloom." Tony said turning around and walking away. Damn, he's good. I walked in a daze back into the shop. Addy and Mac were still in the back, talking.

"I can't believe you might have slept with Jaime! No wonder Roni was acting like a kid who ate the paste special!" Addy shrieked looking at Mac.

God, things were only just starting.
♠ ♠ ♠
I should seriously only be allowed to write late at night/wee hours of the morning. I find this amusing, you bitches better too! haha.

But I'm dead fucking serious, I absolutely loathe that axe commercial. It scares the shit out of me. haha.

Tals, you're it!