Hella Good Sandwiches


"I FUCKING CALLED THIS!" I whispered harshly into Jaime's and Addy's ear. We very covert-opt'ly followed Mike exiting the store. Addy and I both knowing Mac was going to make a run for it, apparently Mike knew so as well.

"How come they're not arguing, I mean... Isn't he mad I slept with Mac?" Addy and I both slapped Jaime and averted our attention back to Mac and Mike.

"You guys probably didn't fuck. At least, I hope not. That'd be so creepy. And that would make Mike even more of a fucking skeez if he was okay with it." Addy whispered. I nodded my head in agreement and watched the scene unfold in front of us. Mac screamed something and we tried to scamper our way behind the car we were currently pressed against before she whirled around and saw us, instead of seeing us, Mike swung her back around and they were in full on make out mode.

"OI!" I shrieked as Addy started slapping at my arm.

"Are you seeing this?!"

"Stop fucking hitting me! I see this!" Jaime was giggling like a little girl and I was high fiving Addy. A hand reached around my eyes and I screamed like a little bitch. "Something's got me!" I heard laughing all around me and I grabbed whoever's hand and yanked it off of my face. I looked up and Tony was smiling down at me. "Oh you fucking bastard! Not cool!"

"You know what's not cool, all of you acting like peeping fucking tom's watching Mike and I." All of us whirled our heads around, Mike and Mac holding hands which caused me to grin, until I saw her glare and I lowered my head like a scorned child. "You know..Uhhh. Fuck, whatever. I'm going back to work. Which by the way, my day off." I walked away muttering 'fuckers' under my breath. I heard a few laughs before I very classy like raised my middle finger and kept walking.

"Come on Roni! I was just playing with you." Tony called after me.

"I don't like being played with." I called back.

"Only when it's something sexual, then she likes getting played with." Addy snickered.

"You're one to talk Adrienne. We know you're the one with the fluffy handcuffs." Mac Z and I broke into laughs as Addy blushed a crimson, but shrugged when Vic very smoothly wiggled his eyebrows at her. I stopped and started walking back towards everyone. "Dude, can I PLEASE do something with your eyebrows man. They're bugging the shit out of me. They're like, overpowering your face. Oh and Mike, yours are fucking killer too. They're like two steps away from becoming a unibrow." The Fuentes brothers glared at me while Addy and Mac tried to bite back some giggles. "You know Mac." I said turning my attention to her. "You could just always be like 'Mikey, wanna try something?' one night and have him close his eyes and get one of those wax sheets that already have the wax on it and be like BAM! and quickly pat it down and rip it off. I'm sure that'll be a sexual experience he'll never forget." Mike's eyes widened in fear and Mac's jaw dropped in utter shock and amusement.

"That's fucking brilliant Veronica! How'd you think of that?" Addy asked staring intently at Vic's brows, planning on when she was going to do it.

"You've had to do that before haven't you?!" Mac accused.

"Don't change the subject, this isn't about me!" I pointed my index fingers at them. "Now, if you'd all kindly excuse me; I have to get back to work unlike some people!" I 'tsk'd' and flipped my hair and started walking away.

"Seriously, is there something wrong with her?" Vic asked. There were tons of laughter and I turned my head to see Tony slapping Vic on the ground. I turned back around and saw Guy veering around the corner and I turned and ran back over to the group.

"Guy's coming! Run!" I started running in a circle and everyone just stared at me. I stopped behind Tony and hid behind him. "Tony, protect me!" I squeaked. He let out a gentle laugh and wrapped his arm around me, holding me towards his back. I heard Guy's stylish shoes(he is gay, seriously) approaching and I let out another squeak. I peaked my head around and saw Mac and Addy looking freaked out.

"What's going on out here?! You've guys have been gone for about 30 minutes! It's lunch time, our busiest hour and all you did was leave the new girls who don't know anything yet! What's going on?!" Guy's normally a really cool boss but you do not want to piss him off during lunch hour.

"Well... You see... We uhh.. We were looking for Roni's...Contact!" Mac rushed out.

"Oh right! Yeah her contact." Addy chimed in.

"Veronica doesn't wear contacts." Guy's eyes narrowed even more than they were before.

"Guys, if they didn't work earlier, then what made you think it was going to work now?" I asked moving to Tony's side, who wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"You're the one who fucking said it earlier! I couldn't think of anything else." Mac threw an accusing finger in my face.

"Well, why don't we just tell him the truth?" I winked at the girls who grinned evilly.

"Yes, tell me the truth before I have to fire you all." Guy threatened.. He wouldn't really fire us, but he was pissed.

"You see, I am completely innocent in all of this." I raised my hand to show to Mac and Addy I wasn't done talking before they'd pounce on what I had started to say. "By the way, this is/was originally my day off. I shouldn't even be here in the first place, this is the second time this week." I saw the glare Guy was shooting me and squeaked. "Not that I mind. I was just stating some facts before I continued. Anywayyy." I drawled. "You see. I had to come out here and help these bitches with their love lives, Mac can't get a man to save her life." Mac was about to lunge at me, thankfully Mike held her back and I took that as my cue to take off cackling my way back to the shop. "See you bitches later! I'm going to work!" Guy started laughing, knowing that even though we weren't actually doing our jobs at the current time, we'd still always actually get our jobs done. All you had to do was make him laugh and you were off the hook.


"This is some bullshit man! I can't believe you're making me close! I was supposed to get off and go on a date with Tony!" I complained mopping up the counters and kitchen area while Mac casually situated herself in a booth with a sandwich she'd demanded I'd make her for spying and for doing what I did in front of guy. Mac stared at me, stretching her arms above her head, then getting back to eating her 'sammich', and yes, we all have started to talk in Jaime's lisp when we said the word "Sandwich." Calling it 'sammich', instead. The door swung open and Mike's lanky, freaky figure strolled in, catching Mac in a sweet kiss that made me gag. They are not a normal couple goddamn it! I rolled my eyes. "Whiskeydick, a word please." Mike groaned but walked over to the counter. "Storage room." I called pushing threw the doors to the back part of the building. When I heard Mike walk in, I whirled around and walked towards him.

"Listen, I'm not trying to scare you. But if you fuck up and hurt Mac, I'll do the same thing I did to the last asshole. I'll junk punch you so hard, your barely there penis will no longer even be barely there, it'll be non existent. Mackenzie is like my cub, she's my baby lion and I am the lioness and if you hurt my cub, I will claw your ass so hard you shit sideways. You understand?"

"Yes....You'll claw my ass so hard, I'll shit sideways..." Mike stared at me, not knowing if he should laugh or be scared.

"Okay? Secondly, congrats. Mac's amazing, glad you finally realized she's more than a piece of ass." I patted his shoulder as I walked by his rigid figure. I walked out to see Tony and Mac staring intently at the back door.

"What did you say to him?" Mac questioned.

"That he better not hurt you, that's all. I was very lovely and pleasant." Mac gave me her knowing smirk and Tony quirked his eyebrow. "You can ask Mike what I said earlier and if he doesn't tell you, then I will." Tony nodded and I walked over to him. "Look Mac-Z, I'm really tired and fucking cold and I just want to go home. Please let me!" I begged practically falling if it wasn't for Tony supporting me up.

"Ehh. I suppose. I mean, it was your day off and all." Mac rolled her eyes in an exasperated manner but grinned nonetheless. I smiled back at her and snuggled closer into Tony.

"Can you drive me home, I walked today. Plus my nipples are already so hard from the cold, they could cut glass! They'd be like yours if I had to actually walk all the way home." Mac and Mike choked on the drink they were sharing and Tony blushed. I raised my hand up and rubbed his chest. "Don't worry, I love your vast nipples Tony." I grinned up at him and he laughed. That is until we heard Addy at the door.

"Wouldn't it suck if your nips got cut off and milk just started like, spewing everywhere?" Vic, Mike, Mac, Jaime, Tony and I just all stared at Addy.

"Right....So, yknow. I'm going home. Bye guys!" I gave everyone a quick hug then attached myself to Tony's side once more. "Come on, take me home." I bobbed my eyebrow to him and he very carefully caressed my shoulder before everyone else saw. Time for some sexy time!
♠ ♠ ♠
The ending is hella lame, sorry but I couldn't think of how to end it otherwise.

Sarah and I talked and we think we know how this story is going to continue on from here, which I'm excited for.

Hope you guys like:]