Hella Good Sandwiches


Roni and Tony went home to fuck which left me, Mac and the rest of the boys to scheme.

"Hey, hey guys." Jaime lisped, his eyebrows raised excitedly. Everyone looked at him expectantly. He didn't respond for a few seconds until Mike waved his hand by his face. "Oh. Right, Halloween is tomorrow guys. PARTY!"

Everyone erupted into random screams of "fuck yeah!"s. Parties were my forte. Mac, being super stoked, exclaimed, "Guys! What are we going to be doing for this party!?"

Jaime looked at her slyly, "It's a surprise."

"It's definitely not a surprise if you just told us about it, Skunk Boy." Mac said, raising her left eyebrow. I rolled my eyes. Jaime would forget you're not supposed to tell people about surprises.


"I'm pretty sure it's not a surprise anymore, Jaimito." I quipped.

Jaime rolled his eyes at the both of us, "It's not a surprise like 'oh you guys didn't know about this party surprises!' its more like 'oh you guys know the party's happening but you don't know what's going to happen at the party!' surprise. Get with it. Now, I'm going to leave you. Bye, ladies."

Jaime strutted away with Vic and Mike in tow leaving me and Mac to ponder what the party was going to amount to.


"Veronica Bloom! You take for-fucking-ever to get ready!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was standing in my door way waiting for her to get out of the bathroom so we could leave and go to Vic & Mike's, where the party was going to be held.

Roni walked out looking fabulous as always. She had on a high wasted black, skin tight skirt and a corset top. Her dark hair was pulled back in an old school, classy up do and her makeup was spot on pinup girl. The only thing out of place was the fake blood dripping from random parts of her face and body. "Shut the fuck up, Addy. I killed a girl in San Francisco once. Not really, but I can get violent."

I rolled my eyes at her as Mac walked out. She was wearing a white shirt and white mini skirt (what, she had to look somewhat scandalous) with an apron and a name tag that said "Flo" (the chick from the Progressive commercials). I smiled at her as she yelled "Lets go bitches!"

We finally arrived at the Fuenti's house. Mike opened the door and I screamed. He looked at me with a death glare and I patted him on the stomach, "Thats a scary mask, bro, you scared me!" The girls erupted in laughter. After he begrudgingly let me pass, we walked into the house. It was decked out in spiderwebs and fake ghosts and ghouls. These guys liked Halloween way too much. There were multiple bowls of candy and spiked punch and one ghetto ass jack-o-lantern with a smirk and big eyebrows. I guessed someone modeled it after Mike.

Mac looked at Mike with an annoyed stare, "I thought you were going to be one of the nerdy guys from the Progressive commercials so we could match!"

Mike did his creeper laugh and looked down, "I'm wearing big dorky glasses, if that helps…" She rolled her eyes. He was in a pair of black skinny jeans, no shirt, a chain around his neck and was holding a bottle of Jack Daniel's. He would.

"We were supposed to match. You just look like an idiot now." Mac said rolling her eyes. Mike smirked, putting his lanky arms around her and said "Well, we can make the Progressive commercial Whiskeyhands style. Yknow…" He winked.

She shook her head in disgust at him. Someone wasn't getting any tonight.

Tony and Jaime walked into the room and everyone started laughing. They were dressed as Encino Man (Tony) and Stoney (aka Pauly Shore aka Jaime). Jaime was wearing purple bell bottoms, a weird vest, necklaces and bracelets and had his hair into his natural fro. Tony was wearing a fake blonde wig that he somehow maneuvered into looking like dreads, a long tank top, crazy 90s shorts, a trench coat and hightops.

Vic rounded the corner and enveloped me in a hug. He was dressed as Micky Mouse, wearing the hat with the mouse ears along with red cut offs, yellow shoes, and a black shirt. I was dressed as Minnie mouse with a red & white polka dotted bow in my hair with mouse ears, and a tight red dress and yellow heels. Roni made a hacking noise. I looked at her with a glare, "You're just jealous because everyone dressed as couples except for you and Tony!"

She gave me a blank face and walked away to get a drink.


when we drink we do it right gettin slizzurrrp sipping sizzurp in my ride!

The party was poppin', we were all pretty wasted and the house was full of people in costume. I was dancing with my ladies, the boys close by. Mike looked like he had eaten sour grapes, with his hands in his pockets. He was definitely not getting any from Mac tonight. As if she read my mind, Roni shouted "Everyone in Pierce The Veil is getting poon tonight! Except Mike Fuentes!"

I laughed and joined in, screaming, "None for Mike Fuentes, BYE!" Mike, realizing that he was the male equivalent to Gretchen Wieners, stalked off to go skulk somewhere and be the den master of sketch.

I walked away to bring everyone shots, dragging Jaime along with me. Vic gave me a puppy dog face and I just shrugged. He should have been dressed as Minnie- he's such a woman sometimes. Jaime and I came back with seven shots of tequila, yelling "SHOTS! SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS!" Once everyone downed their shots, Tony and Jaime began doing the dance from Encino Man, swinging their arms and legs everywhere. The party continued and insanity ensued.

Around two in the morning, Roni tugged on my arm and I turned to see Mike dancing with some random girl, his hand on her ass and his mouth attached to her neck. Mac was standing next to Roni, looking devious. She whipped out her iphone and searched Craigslist for what seemed to be an audition for a herpes medication commercial. Roni started snickering as Mac registered Mike for the main role. I looked at them and laughed, "More like Mikeyherpeslips."
After shooting an evident glare towards Mike's new bitch she put her phone away, took a shot and began dancing with Roni and I.

Oh this was a fun night. And it was only just starting.
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Its kinda shitty but ohhh well! We're back!
So basically I just ended it abruptly and "let Sarah pick up the pieces…even if she doesn't even want to." (Ash said that)

hahahaha <3333