Hella Good Sandwiches

Mac Z

I had a smile plastered on my face in the middle of the dance floor. It was my "haha, he's a fucking loser and I'm awesome" smile.Unbeknownst to most, it is almost always fake. Not included in the 'most' would be Roni and Addy, but both were too drunk for it to realy register. They were under the impression that post herpes ad I was good. I wasn't. I was embarressed and a little hurt. Not because of any intense feelings for mike, or whatever, but the fact that now I was just another Mike Fuentes statistic. I should've known better.

Addy and Roni's respective gentlemen (I use the term loosely, it is Tony and Vic we're talking about) joined us so the instant awkward feeling of being a third wheel settled in and I inconspicuously withdrew. I glanced around, not sure where to go now and, of course, my eyes fell on the liquor table.

Why hello, coping.

I snatched the rasberry bicardi and headed out the sliding glass door, kicking it shut behind me.

"Hola, Mac." I jumped and looked over my shoulder to see Jaime seated on the concrete porch, legs hanging over the side and bottle of Johnnie Walker swinging from his fingers of his right hand.

"Preciado" I greeted, walking over and leaning against the back of the chair directly in front of him.

"Numbing? Whiskey works better."He held his bottle out to me. I put mine on the concrete and wrapped my fingers around the neck of his bottle, bringing it to my lips. I grimaced slightly but let the scotch whiskey slide down my throat and spread.

"So I guess you saw?" I questioned, handing the Walker back.

"Pretty sure everyone saw." He replied. I sighed and glanced off to the side.

"Well, guess I'm another notch." I muttered, irritated by the fact. I heard glass click harshly against the concrete and a guitar roughened hand gripped mine.

"Mac Z, you look at me." I glanced over at Jaime.

"What? Are you going to give me a pep talk, Hi-me?" I laughed lightly. He tugged on my hand, pulling me toward him so I was standing directly in front of his sitting form and holding me there with a firm hand on the back of my thigh.

"Damn straight, I am. M'dear, you're a gorgeous, funny, down to earth girl not to mention you can make a kickass Chicken Parm. And Mike? If he can't see how amazing you are, then its his pathetic loss and he'll be kicking himself by morning. YOU, Mackenzie Malone, are a fucking DIME." He squeezed my leg to keep my attention, but it was unnecessary as my eyes were already locked on his. The corners of my mouth lifted into a soft smile and I lifted my free hand to his face, my index finger running his hair line.

"Thanks, Jaime." I murmered, my thumb caressing his high cheek bone lightly and my other hand squeezing his. Jaime shot me a wide smile.

"I only speak the truth, doll." He laughed, releasing my hand and placing it parallel to his other ont he oppsite leg. I lifted my free hand to rest on his shoulder.

"So, Mr. Preciado, what're you doing out here with our good friend Mr. Walker? Waiting for betrayed girls to prey on?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood a little. But to my suprise his head turned to look past me and he let out a slight sigh.

"That girl Mike was with inside? That was Ashley." My lips parted in shock. Jaime's girlfriend of God only knows how long had cheated on him. Again. A heavy silence fell and I wasn't sure how to break it. He was this amazing, wonderful, beautiful boy who had just made me feel like God's gift to men even when he was dealing with his own trampled heart and I had no idea how to fix him. I can't wax poetic, I'm horrible at sysmpathitic phrasing, and now I was at loss of course of action. I drew the corner of my lower lip between my teeth, worrying it slightly. I raised my hand from his shoulder to his cheek, forcing his face back t me, leaning down slighlty so I could look him in the eye.

"Jaime, I just, I..." I cut myself off with a sigh of aggravation. Writer I am not. I pressed my lips tightly together irritatingly and let instinct take over. One more glance into the sea green of Jaime's eyes and I moved, pressing my lips lightly against his. I felt Jaime's pulse jumped in his throat and his hands, that were on the back of my thighs, freeze.

I withdrew slowly, preparing for the awkwardness as I did so, glancing into Jaime's suprised gaze. And thats when the embarresment hit. I had just kissed a guy who's girlfriend had just essentially left him. Stupid stupid stupid.

"Right, sorry, that was-" Jaime's hands suddenly tightened and pulled on the back of my legs, lurching me foreward with my forearms resting on his shoulders. I gasped and looked down at Jaime, our faces inches apart.

"Nuh-uh. Don't apologize." He laughed, and then lifted his chin to capture my mouth. A shot of heated energy shot through me and i felt Jaime's hands drift up from my legs to my hips, to draw me closer. I smiled against his lips and tangled my hands in his hair, reveling in the fluttering buttiflies flitting through me that hadn't been present in any kiss with Mike. I felt Jaime pull back slightly, pressing to quick kisses to my lips before looking up at me and smiling, his thumb running gentely against the skin bared between my shirt and jeans.

He pulled me back to him, pushing me to sit on his leg and kissing me again. We both paused as our phones vibrated violently in our pressed-together-pockets. I quirked and eyebrow and withdrew the device from my jeans. It was a message from Roni. Jaime and I both gasped as a picture of us, same position we were currently in and our lips locked, showed up on our screens with the phrase "Suck it, bitches!" beneath it. Jaime barked out a laugh.

"Look." He laughed, holding his phone to me. under the 'recipients' our names and Addy's were listed, but also Mike and Ashleys. I burst out laughing and looked toward the window where I saw Roni and Addy standing. Addy Waved furiously and Roni gave me the 'hit that' nod, before scurrying off giggling. I looked back at Jaime, who was still smiling broadly but then lifted his hand to my cheek and pulling my lips to his.

Suck it, indeed, Mike. You can go have fun with whatshername. Have a good time, because God knows I certainly would.
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Enjoy writing the repercussions, Ash!! <3 SK