What He Doesn't Know


A week ago since the night on the top of the bus with the fireworks. Now I sat looking down upon the world as I flew hundreds of miles in the sky. I sat beside the window and of course, Frank. Bob sat on the other side of Frank incase I needed him. Why would I need him? In case I burst out crying on the aircraft, we had a whole script in case. There was a romantic movie playing on the little TVs on the ceiling and of course, the lovers kept losing each other to different situations. It was incredibly sappy and stupid but I watched it anyways since I wasn't tired. Frank was sleeping and suddenly his head lolled over to rest on my shoulder. I tensed up. Bob noticed and looked at me over his dark sun glasses he always wore.

"You okay?" he mouthed. I took a breath and bit my lip but nodded. I turned to look out the window. The sun was just beginning to set and it truly was a beautiful sight.

"Early sunsets over Monroeville." said to myself.

The plane lurched forward as it began to slow on the runway. I always hated landings, it felt as though we would never stop and we would end up on the highway dead. It never happened though. Frank woke up and lifted his head off my shoulder. He glanced at me briefly but chose to ignore my depressed state. Bob just spoke to Ray and Mikey trying to mask the situation behind him. We had landed in Winnipeg, Manitoba and we would play a show in two days.

"Frankie!" It was a blur. She seemed to come at super speed and hurl herself at my man.

"Jamia? What are you doing here?" Frank's voice was muffled by her hugging. It made me want to gag but I held it in.

"Well you wanted to tell me something, I thought I would surprise you!" Mikey yawned. He wasn't a big Jamia fan, neither were anyone else besides Frank for that matter.

"Oh yeah but I'm not really properly equipped..." he looked at me sadly. I saw sorrow and apologies in those hazel orbs. He got down on one knee in the middle of the airport. He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. "Jamia, will you marry me?" thats when everything went numb. All I heard was the blood pounding in my ears and I felt faint. Instead of passing out in the middle of the airport. I made a run for the bathrooms. Screw the script, I needed to get sick.
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Eww I know, its short.