Status: Finished.

My Tongue is Tied to a Dream of Being with You

Chapter Ten

“Happy birthday, Tamilyn. I don't know if you still hate me for last year, but I just hope that you're watching this. This is my last message to you. You're eighteen now. An adult. It's up to you now, my love. Don't give up, the way I did.

"Your charm is a question mark. Life is a question, don't expect to get a full answer. It just sums up everything. A question mark. Call me crazy, but I think that it's beautiful. Symbolic. I guess you've picked up on my strange symbolism though, haven't you?

"I'm sure you're such a beautiful young woman. Even when you were a child, everyone could tell that you were going to be beautiful. And not once have you ever disappointed me.

"I'll try and make this message short and sweet. Your life is entirely up to you now. It's so hard for me to visualize you all grown up, about to explore the world, but I know that that's exactly where you are now. It's up to you now. Don't let anyone push you around or tell you what to do. And try not to repeat my mistakes by caring too much what other people think of you. I guess that's just a part of who we are, though, isn't it?

"I love you so much, by beautiful baby. I will miss you so much. And always remember that even after everything, I love you more than life itself. I will always love you and be there for you, an invisible shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear, or whatever you need me to be. I just won't always be able to answer you straight away, but your life will unfold, and every small happiness that fills you will be my way of answering you. I love you so so much, Tamilyn Lily Rose. Happy birthday, good luck, and goodbye.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this update is so short and sorry that it's only video dialogue.
