I'm Not One for the Crowd to See


October lay on her left side on a large king sized bed, facing her fiancee, Max Green, "How long will you be away for again?" she asked quietly.

"Two months," he sighed, tracing soft patterns onto her hand. Neither of them wanted to leave the other's site, but they both understood it was necessary for the band.

"You'll call me once a week, right?" she queried, her eyes set on his tracing fingers, almost in a state of hypnosis.

"Of course," he smiled before leaning across and kissing her on the forehead gently, "I wouldn't have it any other way love," he stated before his lips delicately made their way to hers.

"It's going to be so empty here, I'm gonna miss you guys so much," she whispered. He laughed silently and hugged her.

"Yeah, it will be life before us all over again, don't throw too many parties while I'm away will you?" he smiled cheekily at her and squeezed at her waist softly in reassurance. A knock on the door made them jump slightly before Max got up to answer it.

"October, I've gotta go now hon," Max called from the doorway before waiting. He heard soft footsteps make their way towards him before October jumped into his arms and kissed him lovingly. He rubbed the small of her back before placing her back down onto the ground, not letting the kiss break. She weaved her arms around his neck before he hesitantly pulled away.

"If we continue, I won't be able to leave," Max stated as he looked down at her.

"That's the whole point," October laughed slightly but let a small tear cascade down her cheek.

"Max, come on man, we gotta go!" Craig called up the stairs before the pair sighed. Max kissed October's cheek and went into the spare room, picking up his large suitcase and making his way out. Just as he placed his right foot onto the first step, October followed out the door.

"Just want to say bye to the others," she smiled before they continued down. At the foot of the stairs, Craig waited patiently before following Max to the left side of the bus to throw in their suitcases. October went to the bus' door, opened it and jumped the three steps before surveying the area. There were six bunks, four for the band and two for the tour manager and driver. Outside of the bunk area was a small area, two chairs and a television and stereo set up. Placed messily around the stereo and television was a bunch of Cd's, DVD's and game discs with some controllers and other gaming accessories set up. As she walked past the bunks, a hand reached out from the bottom left bunk's curtain and grabbed at her ankle. She pulled back the curtain and saw Robert smiling innocently at her.

"Scare you?" he asked before getting out of his bunk.

"Not much. Comfy bunks?" October asked, glancing at the curtain.

"As comfy as they're going to get. You coming with us?" he questioned, quirking an eyebrow.

"I wish. Just here to say bye to everyone, so bye!" she smiled before hugging him and sighing into his chest.

"I'm really going to miss you guys. Send me tour updates, yeah?" she spoke into his chest before looking up at him.

"Yeah, 'course, why wouldn't we?" he laughed before messing her hair up, "by the way, Bryan is helping pack everything up if you want to see him, too," Robert told her before she nodded and broke away from his hold to leave the bus. She quickly made her way to the side of the bus that was open and found Bryan holding up one of the sides. He smiled when she embraced him in a hug.

"I'm saying my goodbye's to everyone before you guys go," she explained before squirming out of the hug.

"Oh, okay, Craig is on the roof with Max for some reason," Bryan told her before she thanked him and climbed up the ladder on the back.

"Haven't even left the street yet and you two are already into mischief," October smiled before finding a set of keys next to her foot.

"Yeah, Max threw my keys up here," Craig explained before looking into the air vent.

"Found them, but your not getting them until we get off the roof," October said and picked the keys up, twirling them around her index finger.

"Deal," the two men said before they joined her in climbing down the ladder. They each jumped down and October threw Craig's keys to him before enfolding him into a hug also.

"Saying your goodbye's to everyone?" Craig asked before wrapping his arms around her.

"Yeah, you know I'm going to miss you, right?" she told him, more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah, but we'll fly you out to one of our dates, Sydney sound good to you?" Craig smirked.

"Sounds perfect," October grinned before their driver called them onto the bus. Craig let her go and made his way to the door, as did Bryan while Max and October just stood there looking at each other.

"Two months away from home," Max began before he was stopped by October kissing him gently. She laced their fingers together before breaking apart and leaning their foreheads on one another.

"Miss you love," she sang softly before pushing herself away gently. Max looked into her eyes for the last time before making his way onto the bus. He smiled and waved before stepping inside. When he got in, he opened a window and looked down at her and waved before the bus started up down the road.

"I finally fell in love!" Max sung out to her before smiling widely and closing the window.

"When I come home we will have our night," October whispered to herself before going back up into her apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Crap first chapter, hopefully second will be better. See if you can guess the songs. There's only two so it shouldn't be too hard.