Status: I am currently thinking of how to re-write this story, or I may just delete it....if anyone has any ideas for me to start off with please tell me! =)

The Great Awakening

I Love You


It's been a week since Zuko was crowned Fire Nation ruler and nothing has ever been better! We are all slowly working to repair the damage that Ozai unleashed onto the world in the last few years- OH! Did I mention that Aang and I are together now!?! No? WELL WE ARE! :) Haha. We walked hand-in-hand back into the shop where Sokka showed off his (non-existent may I add) art skills to the patrons in the shop. Everyone noticed and started cheering and clapping for us. Aang, back at that god-awful play we attended, thought I only thought he was a little brother to me since that's what the actress in the play said. Speaking of the actress: I AM NOT THAT CHUBBY! I may be self-conscious...but I sure as forever am NOT that fat! >.< I -or the actress- looked like one of those plush dolls you'd see in a Fire Nation museum (that is before all this happened). GAH! Just because in the play she winds up with Zuko and claims Aang is her little brother figure does not mean that's how I think about him. I mean....

come ON. He said he loved me...I love him back. Toph was amazed it took us almost a year to realize 'your feelings for each other'. I am so glad we wound up taking Toph with us to fight the Fire Nation. Without her, we wouldn't be here now. Anyways, I'm standing atop a cliff above a pond, bending the water into many shapes, sizes, statues and whatever I can bend it into. I even make a tall tower of ice and make it rise up and down really fast with me on it. It's like a ride of my own invention! Really fun! No one knows though, since I'm only here alone. A tear falls down my face, and I start singing a song I wrote for my mother after the war was won by the side of Good. I call it 'Forever'.

"Now we're safe for all time, no more ways to turn this tide, the war was won you still cloud my mind, every passing day that you're not here with me is a pain that I can't get used to, I fall into the cold caress of the ocean water, I cry into the night for you to return and I saw a vision of what should've been-"

Another voice joins me, belonging to my big brother. WOW he can sing! O.O

"Are we headed for disaster?"

"Am I forgetting to be strong?"

"Here we go again, back to where we've never been our lives' meanings have been taken off the edge"

"Show me a part of this that should've been, I'm torn up on the inside. Where were you when I felt like letting go? Am I headed for higher, for higher, for HIGHER ground? Show me, a part of this world that is different for the Good without you here? Explain, explain to me why you had to go?"

"We are one, we live here together. I will not let her go. There is more than hope here we have to make us stay"

"Where were you when we beat back the Fire Lord and saved the Earth from its destruction? I know it was never your fault for leaving here, we love you always for now and all time"

"FOREVER!" I sing so high it scares the crap out of me, because to the people that DO know I sing (Sokka, Toph, Zuko) thought I had a low but HIGH sounding voice. I guess my range is higher than I thought because that strong high note didn't even sting a bit. "Katara......" Sokka wakes me from my trance by slightly shouting my name, I raise the ice to the top of my secret cliff and fall down bawling. "Sokka I can't stand this anymore! I need mom ba-ack! She wasn't there when we helped battle the Fire Nation, or when I saved father in that first fight OR when Aang battled Ozai! She missed out on half our damn lives Sokka! I need our mother!" I break down into sobs and Sokka throws his arms around me. "Shh, shh. I miss mother too, Katara. But you have to try and keep strong. Mom wouldn't want you in this position, weak, helpless and in tears. And I am 100% sure that mom is watching over you with tears in her eyes that her daughter helped save the world. I'm sure she's watching over the both of us, Katara, with a smile on her face." Oddly enough, this calms my sobbing breakdown to a stopping point. "Better?" I nod yes while using my powers to waterbend some water up here to wipe the excess makeup I wore.

"Katara, want me to send Aang up here?" O.O He's completely amazing at cheering me up. "Do you even need to ask, Sokka? Haha. :) Love you." I embrace my brother tightly then let him go. "No I guess that actually was a very stupid question...haha. Love you too, sister." He runs back to find Aang and I just go back to concentrating on my waterbending. It's so- soothing, so relaxing. Plus I can make some WICKED shapes and forms out of WATER and ICE! :D I can also use my powers to make some incredible battle weapons like the ice discs I used to train with Pakku and his students. "Katara?" A hand lands on my shoulder, causing me to turn to the left. "You alright? Sokka said you broke down..." Aww. Aang is so adorable when worried. :) "Haha. I did, actually. I'm fine though. :) I had a little breakdown involving my mother, as usual, but I'm fine now. Thanks." Smiling, Aang leaves his staff by his leg, leaves his hands on my shoulders and kissed me. "I love you, Katara. I love you, and I ALSO love SAYING that I love you! :D" :`) Haha. He's sweet and abnormally adorable. :) "I love you too, Aang. :)" Smiling like a kid that just got the presents he wanted, he kisses me again, leaving one hand on my cheek. :)

God I love this! :D
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1: Katara's voice is a blend of Xtina Aguilera and Amy Lee of Evanescence. :D Sokka's vocals are a blend of Luciano Pavarotti and Fernando Lima! :D Fernando sang "Pasion" with Sarah Brightman on her January 2008 comeback album "Symphony".

2: I got the idea for this story after an AIM conversation with mein blut sister: Sara Blut. She is a-fucking-mazing! Check out our stories "We Never Were (So We Die!)" *on my profile*, "Love Like This!" and my favorite: "Now & Forever" which was SUPPOSED to be a oneshot but was too long. :D Check out our two-in-the-writing-process stories, bitte und danke! :D

3: Regular: Sokka, Bold: Katara Italic/Bold: Duet