‹ Prequel: A New Playing Field
Sequel: Crawling Back To You

Lucky I'm In Love With My Best Friend


Hey everyone!
The sequel is up!
Click the link below and check it out!


See you all there!

For your enjoyment, from my randomness :) haha:


SIGHting: Kevin Jonas was spotted running some errands in downtown Los Angeles this afternoon.

Onlookers say the eldest Jonas’ overall mood was not very pleasant. One said he looked upset and like he hadn’t gotten much sleep recently. Kevin Jonas is a good, bubbly guy and such behavior from him is very odd. Why is Kevin being such a Debbie Downer?

Could it have anything to do with the fact that his ‘girlfriend’ is not with him? A few weeks ago, Jonas announced he had a girlfriend, longtime friend from growing up in New Jersey, Dina Cordon.

Yet in the past few weeks, she has remained under the radar. Middle brother Joe’s girlfriend, Pamela Sanders, announced at the same time as the Kevin/Dina relationship, has been spotted out and about with the Jonas clan. And of course, the adorable Megan Gibson has been seen with youngest JoBro, Nick.

Who this Dina girl? Where did she disappear to? We’ve been trying our best to find information about her, but we have unsuccessful thus far. This girl is making me really curious.

If Kevin looked upset, something bad must have happened, right? Maybe Cordon couldn’t handle the Hollywood pressures and abundant attention, so it sent her packing. I am unsure as of now, but I am determined to get to the bottom of this!

Do you think Kevin and Dina broke up? If they did, are you happy or sad about it?
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Random, haha. Go check out the sequel!