‹ Prequel: A New Playing Field
Sequel: Crawling Back To You

Lucky I'm In Love With My Best Friend

Interview with People


Megan’s POV

“You’re both from New Jersey, right?” Pamela asked.

“Yeah, we actually grew up about forty five minutes from each other,” I said.

“Can you tell me about how you met?”

“Nick admitted to having a celebrity crush on me while on the radio with Ryan Seacrest. Nick and I then met at the Teen Choice Awards and things just—”

“Instantly clicked,” Nick said, finishing my sentence.

“Finishing each other’s thoughts already?”

“Yeah, it happens sometimes,” I said laughing.

“When did you become official?”

“Four months ago,” I answered.

“August 26th if you want a more precise answer,” Nick said with a smile.

“It feels like we’ve known for much longer, though,” I added.

“I definitely agree with that.”

“Nick, you and your brothers have said it is a personal rule of yours not to discuss who you are dating. What made this situation different?”

“I honestly don't really know. A week after we became official, the rumors that I was dating Selena Gomez surfaced and it was just really frustrating. Not only for me, but for Megan too. I guess I just wanted people to know that Megan was mine.”

“Are you happy you came out as a couple?”

“We definitely are. It was a mutual decision. We knew we would be fine and so far it has been,” I stated.

“How do you deal with the distance between you guys?”

“It’s definitely rough, but we talk every day,” Nick responded.

“We know distance comes with the deal and it’s hard, but whether I’m gone or Nick’s gone, we are doing our jobs.”

“What have you learned from each other thus far?”

“We’ve learned silly things, like Megan taught me to juggle a soccer ball. I taught her to play some chords and how to correctly swing a golf club. She’s getting pretty good out on the course,” Nick said laughing. I laughed too.

“On a deeper note, we’ve both learned to really put trust in someone. When Nick is gone, he is very busy. I usually don’t know what he is doing or who he is with, but I trust he is doing good things.”

“Yes, I do good things,” Nick said laughing. “I’ve learned a lot about commitment. Committing to a person is kind of like committing to music, but it’s also different, in a good way.”

“Also.” I paused. “As you can see we’ve learned a lot from each other,” I said, slightly giggling. “I’ve learned not to let the little things stop you. Nick’s Diabetes could put much more of a damper on his career than he lets it. He copes insanely well and it’s very inspiring.”

“Megan, how is your brother doing with his Diabetes?”

“Colin is doing much better. Nick and his family have been incredible support for him.”

“You both seem to come from very close families. How close are your families to each other?”

“Very close! My mom and Denise, Nick’s mom, go out shopping together all the time!”

“My brothers get along really well with Megan’s siblings. We always laugh because even the youngest, my brother Frankie, and the oldest, Megan’s sister Kristen, get along great. The eight of us love hanging out.”

“We have really intense Jonas vs. Gibson pool volleyball games,” I added.

“Oh yeah? Who wins?”

“I think we have played four times and we’re both 2-2,” Nick said.

“We really need to have a tiebreaker very soon,” I informed Nick.

“That sounds competitive!” Pamela laughed.

“We all get so into it. We’re all competitive. I’m the most competitive Jonas.”

“And being an athlete, it’s in my nature to be competitive. Nick and I compete over the weirdest things!”

“What is the weirdest competition you’ve had?”

“There are so many to pick from,” Nick answered.

“We had a contest one time to see who could finish a Sudoku puzzle faster.”

“Yeah, that one might takes the prize,” Nick added.

“Who won?”

“Um, I forget. Who won, Nick?” I questioned Nick sarcastically.

“Megan won.”

“Oh right, now I remember!”

“What do you guys do for dates? Can you even go out?”

“Everywhere Nick goes, there are girls screaming in his face and trying to like, jump on him. He is quite the commotion causer!”

“Excuse me! You cause commotion too!” Nick said, defending himself.

“Back to your question, we can’t really go out too much. We did go to Magic Mountain one time. That day was a lot of fun!”

“We’ve done some beach trips too. Those are always a good time.”

“Megan, what is the strangest encounter you have had with a Nick fan?”

“This girl stood in front of the door at Pinkberry so I couldn’t get out. She started yelling at me, saying I stole her future husband. She was causing this huge scene and everyone was shocked, including me. The people in the store started laughing and she stormed out when she realized people were laughing at what she was doing. It was really bizarre. My sister was with me and she was cracking up.”

“Nick, what’s the strangest encounter you’ve had with an Megan fan?”

“We were doing a meet and greet in San Francisco. There was this guy my age was there with his little sister. He asked me to give him Megan’s phone number. I wish you could have seen his facial expression when he asked me though. He was completely serious! I kind of laughed in his face, which I feel bad about, but did he seriously think I was going to give him my girlfriend’s phone number?”

“That’s a little crazy. Shifting to a more serious note, Megan, you had quite the scare last month. How are you now?”

“I’m feeling much better, thanks, but that was a really rough week.”

“And Nick, you were on tour when the accident happened. How did you cope?”

“I was watching the game backstage in Omaha, so I saw the accident live on TV. I didn’t sleep at all that night.”

“But from what I heard, Nick was amazing during those twenty four hours I was out of it. He called my mom every hour.”

“What were you doing when you found out she was awake, Nick?”

“I was on stage. My mom sent Frankie on stage with a note in the middle of our set. After the show, I flew from Des Moines to L.A. and spent about five hours with Megan. Then I flew to Dallas and met up with everyone else.”

“Aw, that is so sweet! So what’s next on your agendas?”

“My brothers and I are finishing our TV show. Our filming was pushed back because of the last tour, so we’re going to be in L.A. for a while.”

“I am currently on Christmas break for the team. We have a friendly match against England at the Home Depot Center on the 9th.”

“Oh, will you be attending, Nick?”

“Of course. I’ve never actually seen Megan play live so I’m very excited for that.”

“Do you think girls will go to the game just to see you?”

“I never thought of that. I hope they don’t. Everyone attending should be going for the game.”

“Family and friends of the players have a special section of the stadium that you need a special pass for, so Nick isn't going to be sitting next to some random, lucky people,” I said laughing.

“How many Jonas Brothers concerts have you been to Megan?”

“Probably not as many as you think. I think I’ve been to four. I wish I could go to more. They’re amazing shows.”

“Okay, I’m sorry, but you two seem way too perfect. Have you ever gotten into a fight?”

“Not really,” I honestly said.

“We’ve had disagreements that last about thirty seconds," Nick added.

“Like what?”

“Oh, one time I wanted to watch The Notebook and Nick was like ‘I am NOT watching that chick flick!’

“How’d that turn out?” Pamela asked with a smile.

“We watched it, but then I had to watch Mission Impossible.”

“I definitely needed an action packed film to balance out that movie," Nick said.

“That’s the perfect example of compromise. Well guys, that’s all I have for you. You guys have been awesome. This is going to be a really good article. Thanks so much.”

Pamela smiled. There was something about her that made me trust her. She was really outgoing and really nice. She would be perfect for…

“No thank you, Pamela. Really, you’ve been awesome to us ever since the Miley thing. We should get together sometime! You should meet Joe and Kevin!” I said.

“That’d be awesome! You have my number, so give me a call anytime!”

Pamela walked us out and Nick and I got back into the car with Big Rob. I smiled with satisfaction as I told Nick about my vision of Pamela and Joe together.
♠ ♠ ♠
la de da :]
[here Dina...bribe part 1 hahah]
