Afraid of What You'll Find

  1. New Beginnings
    The beginning of the story, find out what they're really like. Enjoy =]
  2. Hopes and Humiliation.
    Gerard and Mikey's first day at School
  3. But They Don't Understand
    For God's sake Mikey...
  4. Confessions.
    Awwhz. Is it all sweet doe?
  5. Haunting Nights
    BANG. Keep reading.
  6. Discoverys.
    Brothers arn't always great.
  7. New Settlings
    Their NEW HOME. =]
  8. The Bombshell.
    The First day in the house. Things ain't so sweet though.
  9. Whose Love?
    Is there other love going on?
  10. Unlikely Confrontations.
    Will Frank ever believe Gerard?
  11. The letter.
    The boys recieve a letter that will change their lives forever.
  12. The War.
    Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it.
  13. In Rememberance.
    This is the end.