Afraid of What You'll Find

Unlikely Confrontations.

20th August 1939
I walked to the main bathroom drearily. All through the week I put two and two together and made four. Once or twice I nearly made five. I was looking at my feet again when I bumped into some someone.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled looking at the person I bumped into. I was looking straight into the eyes I had fallen in love with. But there was something wrong with them. Frank looked terrible. His eyes were red from crying and the clothes he was wearing were creased.
“I’m really sorry,” I whispered. Frank shrugged my words off and turned away. I held his shoulder and spun him around. I tried to kiss him on the lips but he screamed and pushed me away. He backed away but collided with a man behind him. I hadn’t seen this man before.
“Who are you?” I asked the man. He had a large silver moustache and silver hair and was wearing a white shirt with a smart waistcoat with a pocket watch. But he had had dark brown, sparkling eyes behind his horn-rimmed glasses that seemed almost child-like.
“My name is Doctor Turner, I heard-” he began but Mrs. Martonette came bustling up the stairs to Dr Turner.
“I’m sorry, Doctor,” She said breathlessly, “These children didn’t mean to bother you, I shall punish them immediately and then-”
“Oh, please don’t worry, my dear. I just thought that these young men would need my help,” He smiled, his eyes still sparkling behind his glasses. Mrs. Martonette gave Dr. Turner a disappointed look, like she was looking forward to punishing anyone for any reason and left.
“Please step into my office, Mr. Iero and Mr. Way,” Dr. Turner said.
“How do you know our names?” Frank asked. Dr. Turner said nothing but smiled mysteriously. His office was possibly the biggest room in the house. There were stag heads on the walls and a huge desk made of oak wood. There were dark green sofas and paintings on the walls. Frank and I sat down on the leather chairs in front of the desk. Dr. Turner sat behind the desk and began to talk.
“Now, what is the matter with you boys?”
"You'll think it's wrong if I tell you," I said.
"Try me. I'm not homophobic," Dr. Turner smiled.
“Well... Frank thinks I love my brother,” I started.
“Wrong. You do love your brother,” Frank shot back.
“Is this true?” Dr. Turner asked.
“Of course not! My brother is homophobic, he threatened to kill me, Frank, because I love you. I would never love him.”
“Exactly. Why would Gerard love his brother when he has already confessed his feelings for you?” Dr. Turner said to Frank. Frank looked at the back of his hands and said nothing.
“If you could excuse me, I have some work to do. I think you can work it out amongst yourselves,” Dr. Turner said, moving some papers around on his desk.
“Of course, we won’t disturb you anymore,” I said. I exited the office and walked down the stairs. I felt something grab at my throat and push me up against the wall, my feet dangling a few inches above the ground.
“How dare you speak of this to anyone!” My brother hissed into my ear.
“But I didn’t, you influenced me to do it. You only have yourself to blame,” I said, spitting into his face. Mikey tightened his grip so that I couldn’t scream for help. Just as I thought I was going to die, I heard a scream and Mikey fell to the floor. Just before I blacked out, I saw Frank’s face in front of mine, shouting my name over and over again, his eyes wide with fear.

“If you don’t believe who you love, then whom will you believe?” Dr. Turner said before I left. He didn’t look up from his work as he said this but I pondered it as I walked down the stairs to go to my room to change. As I got down the stairs I saw Mikey holding Gerard by his neck against the wall. I screamed and hit Mikey in the neck so he’d let go. By the looks of it, I had arrived just in time.
“Gerard! Gerard! Gerard wake up!” I shouted, shaking him. Gerard passed out in my arms and I screamed. I screamed so loud that Ray, Bob and Bert came to my aid. They all helped me get Gerard to my room. Gerard was luckily still breathing.
“Would you like us to leave you two alone?” Bert whispered. I nodded and they left me alone with Gerard. I stroked his hair and decided that this was the best time to confess myself.
“Gerard, I know I’ve been a hostile person recently, but I realised that you must have been telling the truth. I wish I had spent more time with you rather than doubting you for most of our stay here. I want you to know that I do love you and I believe what you said about you not being in love with your brother. I just wish you were conscious enough to know how sorry I am,” I stopped talking, choking back all my sobs and feeling my tears falling down my face and landing on Gerard’s cheek. I looked at Gerard quietly for a few minutes before bending down to peck Gerard on the lips. As I did so Gerard opened his eyes and began to kiss me, pulling me closer. He must have heard every word I said and forgiven me. He felt my hair and my neck and ran his hand up and down my back. I felt his hair running through my fingers and held his head in my hands. Our kiss deepened and deepened as we went on. We did this for a while before we stopped and I lay next to him, watching his chest go up and down at each breath he took. I crept closer to him and whispered in his ears:
“How much do you love me?”
He opened one of his eyes and smiled sleepily.
“I love you so much, it feels like my heart is going to explode,” He whispered back to me. I grinned at him and put my head on his chest. He stroked my hair lovingly and held my hand tight. It felt like this would never end. Unfortunately, I heard Mrs. Martonette shouting our names over and over again and we had to get up before she started shouting the house down. We got up and walked down the stairs holding hands and sat down next to each other at the table. For dinner we had a traditional Sunday lunch; my favourite. At the end of dinner, Mikey stood up and began to talk.
“I would like to take this moment to say a few things to my brother, Gerard. This time I am telling the truth, I promise you. I have been a horrible and vindictive person recently and I’m very sorry. I wish you to be happy with Frank and I hope you have a good life together. And, once again, I’m sorry for my actions,” Mikey said, tears rolling down his cheeks. Gerard stood up and walked over to his brother and hugged him. Mikey asked for forgiveness while he cried on Gerard’s shoulder and Gerard gave it to him. I felt a warm feeling in my stomach, like we were turning a new corner in our life, or starting a new chapter. It felt as if everything was going to get better.


It's all gonna be peachy...
Or is it?

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