Afraid of What You'll Find

The Bombshell.

23rd September 1939
I was awoken the next day at 8:30 by Frank.
“Get up, darling, it’s time for breakfast,” He said in a put-on high voice. I smiled sleepily and asked him for five more minutes in bed.
“Okay, I’ll come and see you in five minutes,” He said. He got up to leave but I pulled him closer. He got the idea and got under the covers. We lay there for well over five minutes just holding each other close. He put his head on my chest and held my hand while I stroked his hair and his cheek gently. After about ten minutes, he looked at me and mumbled something about Mrs. Martonette being annoyed about us being late for breakfast.
“We’d better get up then,” I smiled. I kissed him lightly on the lips but did not want to carry it on as I dreaded to think of what would happen if Mrs. Martonette come looking for us, or Bert, or Mikey...
I got up and pulled on a black button up shirt. I found a red tie that would go well with it but I had no idea how to do up ties as I had never worn one before. As I tried desperately to do up the tie, Frank watched from the sidelines, chocking back the giggles he had in his stomach. I smiled helplessly at him and he walked over and did up my tie.
“How do I look?” I said, striking a pose.
“You look fabulous,” Frank replied, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I pulled on my jeans and we walked downstairs to the kitchen.
“Morning all!” I called to everyone in the room.
“Hello!” Came the response. I sat opposite Frank and began to chew on a slice of buttered toast.
“Do anything interesting last night? Anything, say, exciting?” Asked Mikey from the other side of the table. Everyone fell silent and looked at me and Frank. Frank cleared his throat and said:
“Err... No, actually. But I’m guessing that you did,” Frank replied. Mikey went red and stared at his slice of toast. He looked as if he was about to say something but Mrs. Martonette burst into the room, forcing him to bite his tongue.
“Good morning, gentlemen. I am pleased to say that we have a new person to stay here. She got moved here from her last house as she missed someone rather special to her. I want you to treat her no differently than anyone else. Please welcome Lorna.”
Frank’s head shot up as an overexcited girl with brown hair skipped into the room.
“Frankie, darling! Isn’t it simply marvellous that we’re staying in the same house? I simply cannot wait for us to explore the woods together,” She gabbled, flinging her arms around Frank’s neck. I thought I had seen enough and stood up.
“I’m going to go and err... Play some cricket with Ray and Bob! Come on, guys,” I said, trying to think a good excuse to leave. Ray and Bob stood up and followed me out of the kitchen. Frank gave me an apologetic look but stayed where he was. We all stretched as we walked out onto the manor grounds. Bob went to fetch his cricket equipment, leaving me and Ray alone.
“Why don’t you hang around with Bert McCracken anymore?” I asked.
“I think I need to turn over a new leaf. I don’t like beating people and Bert was never a friend, he just wanted me to be a henchman for him,” Ray said sadly.
“You can always hang around with me and... well, me,” I said, trying to forget Frank. Ray’s face lit up.
“Really? Thank you. I’m still sorry for Farris and Bert beating you and Frank up, I know you’re not gay,” He said. I forced a laugh as Bob came running back, puffing and panting, with the cricket bats and balls. No offence to him, but Bob was quite over weight with a rather chubby face. Then again, his chubbiness seemed to give him an edge and a specific ‘look’, personally I thought Bob could pull it off.
“Right, I’ll set out the court,” I said.
“I’m the bowler!” Bob shouted.
“I’m the batter!” Ray shouted.
“Fine, I’ll be backstop,” I said grudgingly. We had so much fun playing cricket that I forgot about Frank and Lorna temporally. I went to retrieve a ball that Ray had hit into the rose bushes far away when I saw Lorna and Frank, my Frank, together sitting by the roses. Lorna had her head on his chest with Frank looking annoyed and uncomfortable. I gave Frank a long stare before taking the ball and running back.
“Gerard! Gerard, come back here! We need to talk!” I heard Frank call. I took no notice and kept on running. I ran so fast that I finally managed to stump Ray out.
“Curse these legs!” Ray laughed.
“How could you curse them? I wish my legs were as long as yours,” Bob said wistfully.
“Let’s go do something else,” I said, thinking of Lorna and Frank, “Lets go and build a den.”
We set off to the woods, picking up bits of branches on the way for our den. We found the most enormous oak tree you could think of with a big hole in the middle of it, big enough to fit three people inside. The hole was quite high up but you could get to it by climbing the thick branches. However, when you were walking along the ground, you wouldn’t be able to see the hole if you covered it up. We began to thatch a door together using thin parts of bark that we stripped from the branches we picked up along the way and then camouflaging it with dead leaves we found on the ground. Once we had finished, we looked at our den triumphantly and sat inside it.
“Let’s lure Bert here but then throw water over him,” Ray said eagerly. Just then we heard someone walking along the path.
“Who goes there?” Bob said darkly.
“Uh... it’s Frank. I need to speak to Gerard,” said Frank. I sighed deeply and slid down the tree trunks to speak to him.
“What do you want?” I said.
“Let’s talk somewhere else, by the stables,” he said, gesturing to the stables. We walked there in silence.
“I’m really sorry Lorna is here, if I got my own way, she wouldn’t be here at all,” He said. I gave him a doubtful look and turned away.
“Gerard, please don’t be like this with me,” Frank pleaded. I started to walk in the other direction when Frank grabbed my hand and spun me around to face me. There were tears coming out of his eyes.
“We love each other, Gerard, which is something I’ve never had before. Lorna just used me because she was thrilled by the thought of having a lover in front of her friends. I was just nothing to her. She just shows me off like an object or an item of clothing. She doesn’t love me; you are the person whom I love, not her. And I think we have something special. I don’t want to throw it away.”
Tears were running down Frank’s face thick and fast. We watched each other for a little while before I said.
“I’m sorry I’ve been an absolute fool. I do love you with all my heart and we should defiantly stay together.”
“Even after all the arguments?” Frank whispered.
“That’s love, isn’t it?” I smiled. Frank smiled back.
“Do you remember when I told you on the train that I had a surprise for you?” Frank said.
“Of course I do,” I said expectantly. Frank smiled again and took out a light brown package from his pocket. I knew instantly what it was. Frank had a chocolate bar! He had the wondrous Cadbury milk chocolate which every child in Britain wanted.
“How...” I gasped.
“My Mother gave it to me before I got on the train,” Frank said. He broke off half the chocolate bar and gave it to me. I stared at it for a long time before I took it carefully. I broke a little off the corner and tasted it. It was the most glorious thing I had ever tasted! It was sweet and warm. I would never forget the first time I tasted that I tasted chocolate. Frank and I ate the chocolate in silence.
“Thank you so much,” I said once we had finished.
“Anything for you, my dear,” Frank smiled. He pulled my tie towards him and kissed me. It felt wonderful to be back together with him. He put his arms around my waist, sliding his hands over the material of my shirt. I stroked hair and his neck, taking his hands and holding them in mine.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Shouted a voice.


Dun dun duuuun....
Who could it be?!?!
Stay tuned in...