Status: Complete

The Medical Closet

I want you.

[House's POV]

I rolled over in my bed and looked at the clock. 4:30 A.M. Almost time to get to the hospital. I hope Cutty doesn't put me in the clinic today. I hate clinic duty. I pulled myself out of the bed and grabbed my cane. It was propped against the night stand. I limped across the room to the bathroom, wearing only boxers and used the toilet. I quickly brushed my teeth and looked at myself in the mirror, looking at my hair and my face. My hair was standing up in random directions and there was stubble on my chin. I went back into my bedroom without even touching the comb or the razor. That probably isn't very sanitary since I'm a doctor and what not, but they'll get over it. I grabbed a pair of jeans that were laying on the floor, I think they might be the same pair from yesterday. Oh well. I put them on along with a blue button down shirt, my blazer and a pair of sneakers.

I wonder if Wilson is at the hospital already. Not that it matters. He hasn't talked to me in almost six months. You get drunk at a bar and call your best friend to come pick you up and he doesn't answer so his girlfriend comes instead and ends up dying in a car crash one time and you lose your best friend forever. I'm getting about tired of this bull. It wasn't my fault she died. I tried to tell her that I would take a cab. She refused and insisted on coming to get me. It's not my fault that the car crashed and it's not my fault she didn't survive and I did. Wilson's my best friend. My only friend and damn it, I miss him.

I grabbed my backpack and the keys to my motorcycle. I turned off all the lights in my little apartment and locked the door behind me.

I pulled into the parking garage at the hotel at about 5 A.M. I have a feeling this is going to be a long day.

I walked in the main entrance to the building and nearly ran smack into Wilson.
"Wilson." I nodded my head at him.

"House." He moved right on without even looking at me. I shook my head. God, I miss the way things used to be. I love that man.

I took the elevator up to my office. I can't take the stairs because of my leg. I'd be shit out of luck if there were a fire. I put my bag down and picked up my trusty bouncy ball. It helps me think and relieve stress. I sat down in my chair and propped my feet on the desk. I threw the ball at the wall and it bounced back towards me. I caught the ball and repeated.

The door to my office opened and Cutty's head popped in. "You're on clinic duty today, House."

"Of course I am."

She shut the door behind her. I placed the ball back on the desk and went down to the clinic. Seeing as how it was early in the morning, no one was there just yet. I went around to all of the exam rooms and made sure all the drawers and cabinets were full. After restocking what was missing from the rooms, I went to find my team to see if we had a case. If we had a case to work on, I'd get out of clinic duty.

I didn't have to go very far before I found Chase. He's one of the doctors on my team. A lot of women think he's handsome. He has longish blonde hair and one of those fake sounding British accents that is actually a real British accent because he is actually from Britain.
"Chase!" I called after him, he was just about to get on the elevator. He turned around and stepped off of the elevator, the doors closing behind him.
"Yeah, House?"

"Do we have a case?"

"Not so far, why?"

"Cutty has me in the clinic."


"Well, I'm in the NICU today. So, if I hear about a case, I'll come find you."

I spent most of the morning looking in people's mouths and diagnosing a cold. People will go to the doctor for a runny nose these days. At around noon, I decided to go to the cafeteria and get some lunch. I went through the line and filled up my tray before paying for the food. I found my usual table in the back of the cafeteria and sat down. Wilson used to sit here with me. Speaking of Wilson, there he is. He was just entering the cafeteria and heading for the line. When he'd finished paying for his food, he sat at a table as far away from this one as he could get. He sat next to the window. It drives me crazy when he does that. The sun shines in his brown hair, forcing parts of it to shine like gold. It's beautiful. It reminds me of this dirty little secret I have. It's something I've known my whole life and is the reason I'm not married. I'm gay. No one know that. No one. Not even Wilson. I try to play it off by talking about boobs and hiring pretty women and things like that. I don't think anyone suspects. God, if Wilson ever found out some of the fantasies I'd had about him....

I don't even want to think about what he'd do. Wilson is definitely not gay. He's been married before. He divorced a couple of years ago, I'm not going to try and pretend that didn't make me happy. Then, he found Amber. But, now she's dead. I just want to be close to him. I just want to be his friend. He hates me. My life was somewhat decent with him in it. Now, I go home everyday and I just sit there. I sit on the couch and stare into space with my bottle of Vicodin. I started taking Vicodin for my leg, I continue taking it because of Wilson. I'm in love with him.

I can't stand this. I stood up and took my tray up to my office. I can't stand to look at him knowing that he hates me. God, I am a miserable excuse for a human being. I sat the tray on my desk and picked up my ball without even touching the food. I'm not hungry anymore. The door to my office opened and Cutty's head once again appeared in the doorway.
"It's pretty slow in the clinic today, House. You don't have to come back down there today, I don't think."

She walked away and closed the door behind her. Well, I guess I'm going home then. No need for House today. I packed up my bag and placed my ball back on the desk. I turned off the light and locked the door before walking down the hallway. I got almost to the elevator when I heard, "Where the hell do you get off staring at me like that in cafeteria? Just leave me alone House. Don't look at me. Don't talk to me. Don't even think about me or I swear to God, I'll choke you in your sleep. Wilson knows how to choke a bitch."

I dropped my bag and turned around. He was standing right behind me. I threw Wilson against the wall and pressed my cane into his neck. He started gasping.
"Don't threaten me Wilson."

I dropped the cane and he rubbed his neck.

"Why can't you just let me be? You're like obsessed with me or something. I just need time to get over her, House. She's dead, because of YOU."

I slammed my fist into the wall and spoke through gritted teeth. "I-DID-NOT-KILL-HER."

"She died because she went after you."

"I TOLD HER TO STAY HOME! SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS DOING YOU A FAVOR COMING TO GET ME! She thought you would be angry at her for leaving me there."

"She... she.. what?" He stammered.

"She thought you would be mad at her if she let your best friend sit in a bar and rot."

"I could never be angry with her. Why would she think that?"

"I don't know Wilson. I have to go."

I picked up my bag and pressed the button on the elevator. The doors opened and I put my foot inside - "House. Wait."

"You still didn't tell me why you've been staring at me.... and it wasn't just today. It's everyday... even before this whole Amber thing."

I shook my head and got on the elevator. Just before the doors closed in my face I said, "You couldn't possibly understand." I lowered my head and looked at my feet.

The elevator reached the lobby and the doors opened. Without looking up, I walked out of the elevator and ran smack into Wilson. He was breathing heavy.
"Jesus, Wilson. How'd you get down here before me?"

"The - stairs. - Ran - stairs - fast..." He managed to get out between breaths. I gave him a minute to get his breathing back to normal. "I want to understand. Help me?" He said.

I sighed and shook my head. This is bad. This is very bad. Wilson wants me to tell him why I stare at him. I didn't even realize he knew I stared. I have to tell him what I hoped he would never find out. I have to tell him I'm gay.
"Wilson, you have to swear to me you won't let this get out and you have to swear that you won't freak."

"I swear."

I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the nearest medical closet, locking the door behind us. Wilson looked around at all of the medical supplies, confused. "Why are we in the medical closet?"

"So that no one can hear what I'm about to tell you, Dr. Smartypants."

"Well, what is it, House?"

I took a deep breath and then just spit it out. "I'm gay and I'm in love with you. I've known I was gay since I was twelve years old. No one has ever known I'm gay except for the one and only man I've ever been with. That was about ten years ago. He died in a boating accident. I've been in love with you since I started working here with you and that's why I stare."

He began backing away towards the door. He reached for the door handle, but because I had locked it, he couldn't turn the knob. He was too dumbfounded to remember to unlock it. He just grabbed the knob with both hands and began tugging at it, trying to force it open.
"Wilson. Stop. Wilson.... WILSON STOP!"
I yelled at him as I grabbed him and threw him against the shelf. He pushed me back agaisnt the opposite shelf and kissed me hard. Bottles of medicine, syringes, gauze pads and anything else you could think of went flying. The kiss took me by complete surprise. One second Wilson is trying to get away from me and the next second, he's shoving his tongue down my throat. He kissed me eagerly and I dropped my bag and cane to the floor. His hands were all over my body and I loved the feeling that it was giving me. But, something isn't right. Why is he doing this? I pushed him away, he came back at me. I pushed him away again.
"Wait..." I breathed heavily. "Why are you doing this?"

"You don't like it?"

"No," I laughed, "I love it. I just don't know why."

"Truth is, House... I'm bisexual. I've always had feelings for you too, I just didn't want to admit it. That's why I tried to get out, I was afraid of what I was feeling, then I just decided to roll with it. " He paused and took a deep breath. "I want you."

That was all I needed before I was stripping his lab coat away from his shoulders. I threw the white coat down to the floor and proceeded to remove Wilson's tie and shirt. When he was shirtless, Wilson removed my blazer and t-shirt. His hands were all over my body, I could feel him over every inch of me. I quickly removed his pants and he did the same with mine. I pulled my boxers down, exposing my hard length. I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting what came at me next. Wilson was on his knees and a pleasure I'd never felt before was rippling through my body. He had me in his mouth and his tongue was magic against the most sensitive part of me. He slipped his hand under the waistband of his own boxers and began rubbing himself. I moaned loudly, God that's hot.
"Pull your boxers down." I said to him, "I want to see you when you touch yourself."

He did as I asked and his boxers came off. He went back to jacking himself off and I nearly lost it. He's gorgeous when he does that. Wilson's free hand roamed my body, rubbing my stomach. He pulled me out of his mouth and began doing to my cock what he was doing to his. He used his hand on me... fast. It didn't take long before I was cumming into his hand.

He spun me around and pressed me against the shelf. He entered me from behind and he wasn't gentle about it. He fucked me hard and fast. He had to cover his mouth with his hand to keep people from hearing him moan. I could feel the tightening in his stomach and I knew he was close to finishing. I pushed him away and got on my knees in front of him. I took his entire cock into my mouth and sucked as hard as I could. Using my tongue to massage him. Teasing him and playing with him until he couldn't take anymore. He came into my mouth and I swallowed as he filled my mouth with his cum.

I wiped my mouth and stood up. I kissed him hard before putting my clothes back on.
"My place. Tonight. 8 o'clock." was all I said before grabbing my cane and exiting the medical closet.
That night at 8 o'clock sharp, Wilson was knocking on my door. I opened the door and was attacked by his mouth and his hands removing my clothes. We fucked many, many times that night and every night since.
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=] hope you like.

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