Status: Alexandra is coming to save the day! You angel. <3

These Words Are All I Have so I'll Write Them

This isn't Gerard! Tee-he-he!

Dear Gerard's Diary.

This is Frank. Yes. The Frank that Gerard has been waffling on about for some time now. As you know, I have stolen you from him countless times. This time, I'm writing an entry cause I feel like it. Perhaps I should do this more often. Every time he writes an entry, I'll kidnap you again and write my own Yes. That sounds like a good idea. Oh I'm so devious! Yes yes yes. Mm oh yeah, love me bitch.

Moving swiftly on.

As you can tell, Gerard quite plainly loves me. Well, what do you know, I love him back just as much. Bet you didn't know that! I also love skittles but Gerard told you that already.

*Sigh* Gerard. So sexy. So shy. So funny. So...I'm just gonna write amazing and perfect or this is gonna take three years.

It's all true none the less. He is amazing and perfect. He just needs to...come out of his shell a little bit. I can help with that though.

Here's the thing though, I'm good, he won't even know what I'm doing. Well, he will because obviously he's gonna read this. That's the point though. He's gonna read it and hopefully see how much I love him. And I do, I really do. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. He's all I ever wanted and I never wanna lose him. Cause he's all mine and no-one else's. Apart from his family obviously.

I hope he reads this. I know it sounds odd but I want him to know how much I care about him. Gerard is my baby.


My mom loves him, she's really glad I've found my guy. She's always mothering Gee. It's funny. She'll say something really nice to him and he'll blush like crazy and be like,

"Thanks Linda."

Really quietly.

He's so sweet. He likes to hug and watch movies on my bed. He likes to make out and talk. He likes to eat cold pizza for breakfast and won't leave the house before he's had at least one coffee. He fusses about his hair, makeup and clothes like a girl but he makes sure he looks insanely hot by doing so. He's sexy, yet subtle, he's silly, yet sensible, he's confident, yet shy.

He's Gerard Way and he's all mine. I would do anything for him.

Even when he's asleep he's amazing. He looks so pretty with the moonlight across his face. He looks like he's glowing. Like an angel. He's my angel. He's so beautiful. I could lay awake watching him sleep forever. That would be heaven. My heaven. Just me and Gerard. Forever. I would enjoy that more than anything in the world. I love him so much and I just want to hold him forever and never let go. Not that he would probably let me go himself without a fight. We are in love and thats never gonna change for me. I'll always love him. He's so...different from all the other guys I've been with. All they wanted was a cheap fuck. Gerard's different. All he wants is some love. True love. Thats all he wants and I love that. He's the most amazing person I've ever met. I'm so glad he forgot his stationary that day. It was sheer luck that he asked me. He could just as easily have asked the teacher but nope. He asked me. Me. Of all people. I thank whoever decided for that to happen.

I need to sleep. It's two in the morning.

Oh and by the way, Gerard snores. Not loudly, it's more like cute little snuffle noises.

He also talks, moans and swears. What a character!

ox Frankenstein
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Thank you xojkatox! I think I spelled that right... Comment please people. I worked hard on this chapter. It's specially for xojkatox. Thank you darling!