Status: Alexandra is coming to save the day! You angel. <3

These Words Are All I Have so I'll Write Them

They're Pen Spazzmmms, I Swear !

Dear Gee's Diary,

Gerard's gonna make me fat with that big, massive, Gee-normous skittle ! But I wonder what skittles are like when their mushy .. mmm...

Fuck. Sorry Gerard, I drooled on the diary again. Over skittles this time. I think that's a sign that I want skittles, don't you? Feed me skittles. *mischieveous thoughts*

Yeah, anyways.. GERARD DOES SO STRUT! ALL THE TIME! Around town, around the house, everywhere! (and oddly enough, [but i'm not complaining!] more so while he's either in only a towel, or just boxers). So take my word.

Gerard struts his ass off.

Last night, Gerard said a lottaangelic dirty things about me in his sleep.. ooops, pen spazzm. (riiigghhttt).
Not only that, but he got touchy feely. *grins*Yeah. Boy, would I have liked to see into his mind last night!


I have to admit, I became a little baffled when Gerard told me what he told the counselors. I kissed him. A lot. A lot, a lot. A-fucking-LOT !

"Something"? Eh? We know where Gerard's mind is. Although.I'd make his dreams a reality. I didn't write that. The pen did it. By itself. I promise! I swear, this fucking pen is gonna get me into trouble!


Tight pants plus Gerard Arthur Way, equals...... *falls into dreamlike state* Gerard's got a big butt. XD Not too big though. Big enough to gr--- ...uhh .. I wasn't gonna say grab, if that's what your thinking. *smirk*

Anyways, yeah. You get my drift. GERARD, YOU'RE FUCKING SEXY IN TIGHT PANTS. But shit, he's gonna tease me now, you just watch. Wait, you can't! Poor diary. I actually feel bad for you. You can't see Gerard in his tight pants. *sigh* Poor diary.

Ha. I can though. Thhaaaaaankkkkkk Yooouuuu God.

And that song that Gerard was talking about. I've heard it. I like toprance SING to it. Yeah. You can only imagine the things that pop into my head when I'm singing that chorus. Their PG I promise. Nevermind. I take that back.

IWANK WANT YOU GERARD! *mischeiveous grin* (now, that one, was actually, believe it or not, an accident, I really hope it didn't just happen out of habit however..)

Next time, I think I'll just use pencil. Because pens, don't like me. XD

Yeaaahhhhhh, Gerard got some lovin'.. Oh boy did he get some lovin'! But I'm not telling you what it is, though Diary! XD I liked it though! *grin* I'll let Gerard tell you if he desires.

Anyways, I'm gonna go lay my head in Gerard's lap and ask him random questions, and then.. surprise him.


PS. Gerard still struts, he totally just struted past me as I was writing my name at the end. He even wiggled his butt before he sat. And he's still somehow looking at me like I'm an idiot for laughing hysterically. XD
♠ ♠ ♠
Not my best.. 0_o

but nonetheless, Thanks to everyone who welcomed me in! I'm loving this story loads, and it's hilarious, when it comes to writing new chapters, and reading Harley's entries!
SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT and I'll give you all your very own Frankenberry Sparkle skittle!