Status: Alexandra is coming to save the day! You angel. <3

These Words Are All I Have so I'll Write Them

Pen Spazzms My Backside Iero!

Dear Diary,

Yeah, I suppose skittles would taste nice when they're mushy. Mm. I'm gonna have to try that.

Yeah, yeah, alright, I'll feed you skittles.

And fine, I admit it. I do strut. Kind of. Only a tiny bit. Nehhhh.

WTF!? Tell me he's lying! Well, it doesn't matter. I can't help what I do in my sleep! Neither can he and besides, it can't have been that dirty...

Could it?

Well whatever. I'm kinky, bite me.

Oh yeah, HA! You're a diary, you don't have teeth! Oh...Frank does. Well, no-one cares.

"Something" tee-hee-hee. *Angelic face* Why, my mind is nowhere! Nowhere you wouldn't like it to be anyway Iero. *Devilish grin* And please, pen spazzms? YEAH RIGHT YOU DIRTY FUCKERRRRRRR!

Yeah, yeah, I already admitted that I fucking strut okay Frankie?

Oh, on another note. I'm glad you think I'm sexy in tight pants but I DO NOT HAVE A BIG BUTT! Dude, thats just plain mean. And yes, I got some lovin' alright.

Damnnnnnnn, I'm sorry but there's no way I'm telling you. This's between me and Frankie. :P But we didn' it...I'd tell you if we did. I'd be rambling and totally high.

High on sex XD YEAHHH! Go me!

Yeah, he hasn't had a chance to lay his head in my lap and ask me random questions yet because I came straight over to the diary when he was finished. So...yeah, I'm wondering what my surprise is gonna be.

xo GeRAWRd.

P.S. YES OKAY, I STRUT! And yes, I did wiggle my butt. I wanted him to stop writing so I could have a go! And then I was gonna go and snuggle up to him and say cheezy stuff to him. But I like his idea, it's still cute.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry! I haven't updated in forever! I'M SO SORRY! Okay, I'm done.

xx Comment?

P.S. I'm really sorry, it's so short! I'm suffering writers block.