Status: Alexandra is coming to save the day! You angel. <3

These Words Are All I Have so I'll Write Them

Skittles and Tight Pants.

Dear Diary,

As you might have figured out, I'm annoyed to say the least. DAMMIT LINDA! Yes, we need a lock! Surely she knows better than to leave Frankie in a room with me for that long and expect nothing to be happening! IT'S RIDICULOUS!

I was enjoying myself as well. XD

I mean, yeah, she has a right to come into his bedroom whenever but GOD! Just give us a little privacy! Yeah, me and Frankie stayed up all night last night until like thirty-five minutes past five, making out, giggling, chatting, hugging and stuff and I woke up at quarter to three in the afternoon! I can't believe that Frankie didn't wake me up! I'm here to spend time with him, not SLEEP! I was really disappointed because I didn't get to spend the whole day with him because I was spark out.

Anyways. So, Frankie told you what happened. Yes I was extremely frustrated. And yes, I did hide under the duvet because I was also very embarrassed. I mean, it's his mom for god's sake.

I mean, I love Linda, she's awesome but Jesus...KNOCK WOMAN!

Ooh! Hang on...just...a minute...

Yeah, I'm done. I was watching Frankie get dressed. I know, I know, I'm perverted.

I wonder if you can make a skittle smoothie. I bet that's nice! Oh man, kissing Frankie when he's been eating skittles is great! Its great in general too but with skittles it tastes SO good!

Oh, now I'm craving skittles!

Oh man, now I get how Frankie feels like, all the time!

Maybe I can get Frank to feed me skin-tight pants.

Ooh yum. *drools*

Oh fuck. Oh well, Frankie did it and it is my diary after all. I still envy you for that.

Anyways, I don't think I told you but since my first day here, I've been eating vegetarian food. Frankie asked me to try it on the first day and it was really, really nice. I loved it, no since then, I've been eating nothing but vegetarian stuff and ya know, I never really thought about it but I've never had a vegetarian meal in my life. I think I'll recommend them to my mom because they are insanely good.

Ya know what?

You're supposed to ask, "What?" Stupid!

Anyways, I really need to stop clicking my knuckles. My little fingers hurt from doing it so much. Frankie doesn't like it for some reason. He hates it in fact and he tells me off every time I do it. He's like,

"Gerard! What did I say about doing that!?"

It's confusing. I don't mind it at all.

Anyways. I got Frankie a rose and a card for valentines day. I gave them to him in the kitchen when we woke up and his mom thought it was adorable. He felt a little bad for not getting me anything but I fixed that.

Ah, dude, I'm hungry. My stomach just growled really loudly and Frankie had his head on my tummy too. He looked really surprised and it made him jump bless.

Anyways, gotta go now.

ox Frankie's Gee-Baby

P.S. I was only prancing because Frankie prances. I found the skittles eventually. In his underwear drawer! Who keeps skittles there!? XD
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Comment! PLEASE! My updates will be closer together this week because I'm off school. YAY!