Things You Should Never Say to a Vampire

Damaris (Danny for short. Well, Dammy would just be weird ;P) finds herself kidnapped to the totally beautiful, yet utterly annoying Ethan, only to find out that his father orders "by royal degree" (yeah he's a prince *shrugs* can't be helped) that they are married, to try and smooth over the conflict between humans and vampires. But there's a slight dilemma - they both hate each other's guts...
  1. 1 "Or Else What...? 1
    Where Dasmaris finds herself kidnapped...
  2. 2 "What ya gonna do about it?" 2
    In which Danny learns the nameless guy's name, and is in for a bit of a surprise...
  3. 3 "You’re a pain in the neck." 3
    Which Danny finds out what the arrangement is...
  4. 4 "You're not the prettiest..." 4
    Duh da da dun. (That was supposed to be the beginging of the wedding march... it didn't reallly work)
  5. 5 “You have really bad breath…” 5
    The Press... Duh Duh DUUUUUN!!!
  6. 6 “Oh no you didn’t…” 6
    They have their first argument...aww...*ducks from thrown chair*
  7. 7 "Nice Vampire..." 7
    Where Danny visits the Doctors, and gets a nasty surprise when she gets back...
    In which Danny finds out who the mysterious nice guy is, and gets a horrible surprise...
  9. 9 "Saliva Boy" 9
    Danny gets dressed up, and her hand is fixed! How? Read my
  10. 10 "Bite Me Bitch" 10
    In which Danny finds out who TSH is, and gets in a spot of bother...
  11. 11 "Shut The *** Up!" 11
    Where we find out what happens to Danny!
    Where Ethan vists Danny and tries to get her to co-operate...Not going to happen.
  13. 13 "I don’t mean anything to you!" 13
    Where Ethan gets a bit angry... *raises eyebrows and nods*
  14. 14 “COME BACK AND KISS ME!” 14
    Well....they've kissed...what now??
  15. 15 "You are a selfish bastard..." 15
    FLASHBACK!!! I couldn't resist! Ethan's P.O.V for the first time!
  16. 16 "You pervert!" 16
    Where Ethan gives Danny a little surprise...
  17. 17 "Mr. Tomato" 17
    THE BALL!!! Need I say more??
  18. 18 "You're wrong." 18
    Um... I don't know what to put here...Just read it and find out!
  19. 19 "You're sitting on me...and you're heavy!" 19
    Somebody finds Danny... but who??
  20. 20 "Race you!" 20
    They have "The Talk"....
  21. 21 “I’m fine compared to you!” 21
    Danny goes to sleep... 5 points to those who can figure out what's wrong with that sentence!
  22. 22 "You taste weird..." 22
    Danny has to be cured, and Logan has a surprise....
  23. 23 “Idiot." 23
    Dinner with the Mistress....
    Ethan's got a hangover, Ethan's got a hangover!
    Ethan finally talks to Her, and Blue steals Danny's top...
  26. 26 "A big scary Vampire!" 26
    Danny changes her mind...
  27. 27 "There was me thinking you couldn't get any mor
    She reveals her true colours...
  28. 28 "Idiot says what?" 28
    Danny talk to Fabian...Oooo
  29. 29 "Hands off my man!" 29
    What will Ethan's reaction be...??
  30. 30 "A PLAN TO KILL YOU!" 30
    Danny goes a searching, but what will she find...?
  31. 31 "Tastes like you only sweeter..." 31
  32. 32 "You must control your temper!" 32
    In which there's a [i]commotion[/i]...
  33. 33 "You could have some feelings..." 33
    Where Ethan reads the letters...
  34. 34 "You bitch." 34
    Will Ethan get there in time to save his brother?
  35. 35 "I love you." 35
    The final chapter *sob sob*