Your Disenchanted Words And Looks.

Chapter Four

Gerard felt around for a light switch. He could barely make his way around the house. It was a complete clutter of waste and he hated that. Living in his own filth, a crossword puzzle missing all its witty entertainment.

"Do you think he's home?" Frank whispered at his shoulder.

Some unpleasant thoughts ran through Gerard's mind.

How was he going to tell Mikey? It wasn't something you could just bring out of the dust and into an everyday conversation. How would a person feel when you just practically bring down their entire life with a few pair of words? And the worst part was, it just wouldn't be any person that was going to do that. But his older brother. The thoughts were paralyzing.

And they ran with such a velocity.

"Got it." Frankie's heavy yet temperate breath spoke into his skin as the lights turned on. Gerard couldn't help but turn and shudder at how close Frank seemed to be.

"I'm sorry, it's just-"

"Gerard?" They heard a voice coming from the second floor. Gerard saw a crestfallen Bob behind the wooden rail of the stairs. He nodded towards Mikey's room.

Now the fear wouldn't cede. Gerard tossed his long, dark hair out of his anxious eyes. He would usually do this in a more accustomed way and under everyday not too depressing circumstances. "Did something happen again? Oh fuck, did he-"

"Just get up here. He's fine now but he needs his brother." Bob turned, and with awkward steps, walked back into the room. That was the last sound after a few seconds of silence. Gerard's thoughts went above any speed limit, beyond to the point of an automatic collision.

"Aren't you going to go tell him?" Again, Frank knew just what he had to say. He was more under control, a little less worried. At this instant, he had to choose his words carefully. But instead of his own opinion, he'd suggest Gerard's next move.

"Yeah, I w-w-will." Dammit. It was just one problem after another. He couldn't control his stuttering now and he sure as hell probably couldn't later on. As he had done when his day started, he gasped for air. If he was going to bring the bad news to his little brother, he might as well do it in his own sober voice.
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Hope I can get some readers again. Even though I really don't even remember myself what was going to happen with this story. More comments means more updates. And of course, more updates equals more well written updates as well. That's at least good for me. ;D