The Girl Who Stole Nick's Heart

the tour continues

“Hey Mitchie I need your help.” Nick’s voice called from the ‘living room’ of the bus.
Mitchie’s heart sped up. Stop it Michelle this is stupid! She scolded. She walked into the room where Nick was.

“What’s up?” She asked.

“Can you help me with this math problem it doesn’t make any sense.” He replied his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

Mitchie smiled at the sight. He looked even cuter when he was frustrated. “Alright lemme see.” She said taking the little booklet, and looked it over. “Here how’s how you figure it out.” She said sitting next to him. She showed him step by step how to figure the problem.

“Well it makes sense when you do it Miss Smarty Pants.” Nick grumbled.

Mitchie laughed. “It’s pretty easy when you know how to do the steps.”

Nick sighed aggravated. “I absolutely loath math.” He grumbled again.

Mitchie laughed. “It can be pretty difficult.” She laughed at him.

“Just stay with me until I’m done will ya?” He asked looking at her.

“Sure thing… it’s what I’m here for.” She said getting comfortable in the seat.
“Joe? Do you know where my phone’s at?” Mitchie asked later that day when she looked all over for her sidekick.

“Umm… yeah I’m talking in it.” Came Joe’s muffled voice from inside his bunk.

“What? To who?” Mitchie asked pulling the curtain away.

“To my wife!” Joe beamed.

Mitchie rolled her eyes. “I beat Cassy’s dying of happiness.”

“Yeah it’s Mitchie…” Joe laughed. “She says isn’t funny how she always seems to hog your phone?” He laughed again, and Mitchie could hear Cassy’s laugh from the other line.

“Yeah it’s hilarious… and you can’t use your phone because?” Mitchie asked her hands on her hips.

“Because it’s charging… duh!” He replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And plus when it rang you weren’t around.”

“How much longer?” Mitchie asked.

“A little bit longer-”

“And I’ll be fine!!” Nick’s voice sang as he walked into the room.

Mitchie and Joe looked at him before the three of them started laughing.

“No it was Nick…” Mitchie left the room as Joe continued talking with Cassy.
“So how’s your homework coming along?” Mitchie asked sitting down after Nick.

“It’s going good…” Nick answered not looking at her.

“You didn’t finish it did you?” Mitchie asked looking at him sternly.

Nick turned to Mitchie with his brown eyes big, and his hands folded together. “Please don’t make me do anymore today! My head’s gonna explode!” He pleaded.

“Alright… do some more tomorrow.” She sighed. How could she say no to that face?

“Thanks Mitch you’re the best.” He said giving her a one-armed hug.


“Why are you tutoring us when you’re like 17?” Nick asked.

“I was homeschooled, and I got ahead really quickly… and I got my GED last year.” She explained.

“So you’re super smart.” Nick stated.

Mitchie shrugged. “I guess.”

“Okay I’ll talk to you later… okay bye.” Joe said as he walked into the room. He sighed happily and flopped onto the couch.

Nick and Mitchie just looked at him.

“So Cassy is amazing.” He announced after awhile of silence.

“Is she now?” Mitchie asked.

Joe nodded. “Yeah she totally understands me, and she’s really funny.”

“She got all her jokes from me.” Mitchie informed.

Joe laughed at this. “Did she?”

Mitchie nodded.
A couple weeks passed with Mitchie helping the boys with whatever they needed and they were all getting together well. Nothing exciting happened… well the bus got a flat and they had to make an emergency stop at a gas station. Talk about MAJOR teeny-bopper screams!

Joe seemed to be talking to Cassy every free moment. Mitchie was happy because Cassy was her best friend and getting Joe was her dream. Yet she still didn’t know if he was just playing or if he was seriously into her. They seemed to be getting along just fine.
Nick and Mitchie were getting closer also, but she was getting close to every brother. Her and Nick were especially close. Mitchie learned to push away her attraction for him, and love him as a friend.

“Hey Mitch!” Nick yelled loudly.

“Shut-up Nicolas!” Mitchie grumbled; turning away from him.

“Wake up, wake up!” He chanted shaking her.

“Seriously if you want to procreate leave me be.” She hissed.

“Someone’s not a morning person.” He muttered.

“No I’m not! Go away!” She said heatedly.

Instead of leaving Nick climbed into her bed. Well now Mitchie was awake.

“What do you want Jonas?” Mitchie asked giving him her full attention.

Nick shrugged and looked at her. “I just wanted to hang out with you.” He said making puppy-dog face.

“Couldn’t you just wait a couple hours?” She grumbled.

“Joe’s talking to Cassy again and Kevin’s on the computer… I was so bored!” He whined exaggerating the O in so.

“Well I’m sleeping for another couple hours. You can stay or you can go.” She informed turning towards the wall.

“Fine.” Nick agreed getting comfortable in the small space.

Mitchie sighed and tried to fall back asleep when Nick began singing quietly to himself. Pretty soon she was fast asleep again.
Nick was sitting in the living room, Mitchie lounging around next to him when he felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it out, and it said ‘TEXT FROM MILEY’. He opened his phone confused.


The text read, and under the text there was a picture of her. She was holding the phone above her head while her teeth lifted her shirt exposing her stomach and bottom portion of her bra.

Nick just stared at the phone in utter detest, and confusion.

“What’s up?” Mitchie asked leaning over to look at his phone. “What the…?” She trailed off to look at Nick’s face.

He looked at her with anger in his eyes. He shook his head as he deleted the text. He closed his eyes, balled his fists, and clenched his jaw. “I have so many things I could say right now.” He hissed through his clenched teeth. He took a deep breath, and looked at her.

Her eyes were wide as she just stared at him. “Like what?” She whispered.

“Like how she’s a… no I’m not going to say anything, I’m going to ignore her.” He nodded taking another breath.

“Yeah be the bigger man.” Mitchie agreed.

Nick nodded, and then shook his head. “Why would she do that though?” He asked. “I mean it wasn’t even my fault that we broke up.”

Mitchie shrugged. “Who knows?”

Nick shook his head, and turned away. “Don’t I have homework to do?” He asked.

“Yeah you’re stuff is in the top drawer over there.” Mitchie nodded towards it.

“Alright.” He said standing up to grab his schoolwork.

Mitchie watched him sadly. She could tell he still had some hurt feelings over everything that happened. No one, other than Nick and Miley, really know what happened. They say it was because they were both hitting it big in the entertainment business but Mitchie could tell there was something more.

Nick worked on his homework with an angry face on. Mitchie wanted to talk to him, but didn’t know exactly what to say at the time. So for now she let Nick calm himself down.
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eh another chapter down... tell me what YOU think!!