The Girl Who Stole Nick's Heart

Shopping... and stalker fans?

“Okay boys listen up!” Mitchie said forcefully standing in the middle of the living room.

Kevin looked up from the computer, Joe turned from the TV, and Nick looked up from his guitar all staring at her expectantly.

“We need to go shopping soon. We’re running out of food.” She announced.

“Is that all?” Kevin asked.

“AND…” Mitchie said narrowing her eyes at the boys. “Someone did not refill the toilet paper rack.” She crossed her arms staring at them.

“Don’t look at me I haven’t been in there all day.” Kevin held his hands up.

“When I was there, there was toilet paper.” Nick said his eyes wide with innocence.

Mitchie glared at Joe. He didn’t look at her. She cleared her throat, and he looked up sheepishly.

“Maybe it was me?” He asked his cheeks red.

“Do not let that happen again.” She ordered glaring at him.

Joe nodded, and smiled. “10-4.”
At a gas stop the group piled out of the bus, and walked to a near-by grocery store. Kevin grabbed a grocery chart, and they followed Mitchie through the store. They walked through almost every isle Mitchie throwing in things they needed.

“Oohh!” Joe breathed stopping at the chips and soda isle. “It’s beautiful.”

“Get what you want.” She smiled as Nick and Joe ran towards their favorite beverages.
Mitchie grabbed a thing of Dr. Pepper and placed it into the chart. The boys can back with a month’s worth of Diet Red Bull, and Diet Coke. Mitchie sighed, and nodded for them to put it in.

After they finished shopping they quickly entered a line, and waited.

“Wow this is the first time we’ve gone out of the bus and haven’t gotten recognized.” Joe announced as they pushed the chart out of the store.

Just as he finished talking an ear-piercing scream rang out.

“Joe!” Mitchie whined.

“Oops!” He smiled and cringed as a group of girls surrounded them.

“Hi!” Nick smiled at them

The group screamed again.

“No way you shopped here?” “I’m making my mother shop here all the time!” “Why are you here?” “You’re SO hot!” “OMG I’m actually looking at the Jonas Brothers in real life.” “You’re shorter in person.” “OMG, OMG, OMG!” “Who’s she?”

Were a couple of the things shouted. The boys smiled and waved as they made their way to where the bus was waiting. The group followed and watched as they put all of the groceries into the bus.

“Bye!” Joe yelled before closing the door.

They, of course, screamed again.

“What scares me is that Cassy would probably have stowed away on your bus if she saw you guys parked at the grocery store.” Mitchie laughed.

“She would?” Joe asked sitting down.

Mitchie nodded. “Oh yeah.”

Joe smiled. “Wouldn’t that be something? We’re like halfway through the country and one of us finds a hottie stowed away?”

Kevin rolled his eyes. “That would be kinda creepy, Joe.”

“Yeah maybe a little.” Nick agreed.

“I think it be cool… I mean it’s like open a closet and BAM a hot girl is staring at you!” Joe said.

“What if she was some weird psycho-freak, who want to kill us so our ‘inner gods’ can be free?” Nick asked.

Everything got silent as they stared at him. “What? I’ve read about that happened. Some really weird stalker fan people think their favorite stars are gods so they go around killing them so the ‘god’ can be free. I had nightmares for week!” He said his chocolate brown eyes wide.

Everyone stared at him before bursting up laughing. “You’re funny Nick!” Joe said.

“I was being serious.” He grumbled.

Mitchie composed herself. “I’ve heard of that also Nick.” She said patting his arm.

“Thank you.” He smiled at her.
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a major filler!! tell me what you think!!