Wool Over Your Eyes

The Chat

“Thank you and good-night!” Joe called to the audience after their sold out show. He flashed a breathtaking smile, and the crowd cheered again. The boys ran off the stage and right into their cool towels.

“Great job bros.” Kevin said out of breath.

“Yeah good show.” Nick added smiling at his brothers.

Joe smiled also. The adrenaline of the show was still pumping in his veins.

“Let’s rock this meet and greet!” Kevin said walking away.

Joe groaned and his shoulders shagged. “Do we have to?” He whined.

“Yes Joseph. It’s for the fans.” Nick said.
Joe let out a big sigh. “Alright come on.” He said walking forward putting his sunglasses on his head.

Kevin and Nick exchanged glances.
“I can’t believe you guys have nothing better to do than waste your perfectly fine Saturday night swooning over the Jonas Brothers’.” Juliet grumbled throwing the magazine on the floor, and turning to watch her friends giggle and blush over pictures.

“Come on Jules you gotta admit they’re hot.” Trisha said turning smiling slightly.

Juliet rolled her eyes, moved her long legs over the side of the bed, and walked over to the computer. “Okay what do we have here?” She whispered leaning over her friend’s chairs.
They were watching a YOUTUBE movie with different pictures of them in it.

“Well I’ll admit that one has potential, but I’m hating the hair.” Juliet said pointing at a picture of Joe; scrunching her nose.

Dawn rolled her eyes and flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. “You have to get past that, and love who he is inside.” She said staring at the computer.

Juliet stared at her. Dawn was their second-generation hippie. Her parents were hardcore hips. She had some of that ‘peace-love-happiness’ inside her, but they loved her.

“Who he is on the inside?” Juliet asked flopping on the bed again.

“He’s perfect.” She stated that love-sick look in her eyes.

“You guys seriously disgust me sometimes.” She replied staring at all the Jonas Brothers’ posters on the walls.

“But you love us anyways.” Trisha piped up.

“Of course.” She grumbled.

They’d been friends ever since a ‘big kid’ pushed Dawn in the sand-box in kindergarten, Juliet beat him up, and Trisha comforted Dawn. They instantly became friends. Juliet had the temper, the big mouth, and the brown-red hair to match. Dawn had the peace and love to calm Juliet down. And Trisha was the glue that held them together: the mother.

“Alright I totally want some caffeine!” Juliet announced jumping up. “I’m grabbing some monsters want some?” She asked glancing at her love-struck friends.

“Mmhmm.” They replied.

Juliet rolled her eyes, and ran downstairs. She came back up and found them in the same place a different video on the screen. She sat on the bed.

“Hey guys?” She asked.

“Hmmm?” Dawn asked.

“Well when I was downstairs I found that your parents have been kidnapped and are probably dead.” She said sipping some of her drink.

“That’s nice.” Dawn sighed.

Juliet rolled her eyes, she could say the world was being invaded by aliens and they wouldn’t care. “I also found the man of my dreams and we’re going to run away together.” She added.

“Good for you.” Trisha said.

“The Jonas Brothers were found killed in their hotel room one minute ago!” Juliet yelled.

“What?!” Trisha and Dawn yelled turning from the screen.

“Wow you guys really are sad.” She said leaning against the bed post. “I just told you your parents were kidnapped, you said that was nice. And then I announce your beloved Jonas Brothers are dead, and then you listen.” Juliet said shaking her head. “I think you’re done with the vids for tonight. Let’s do something!” She whined.

“Jules is right let’s do something.” Dawn said clicking the adored X on the webpage.

“Alright! Time for some fun!” Juliet said pumping her fists in the air. They laughed for a second then slipped into a silence.

“So what do we do?” Trisha asked sitting next to Juliet on the bed. Dawn smiled.

“How about we talk? We haven’t done that for awhile.” She said.

“We talk everyday Sunshine.” Juliet said smiling at her.

Dawn playfully rolled her eyes at her. “Yes I know, but actually talk about stuff… you know?” She asked.

“Yeah I know, and that sounds fun.” Trisha replied as Dawn sat at the end of the bed. And so the three best friends talked.
“Oh please Joe not every girl loves you.” Kevin said rolling his eyes.

“Puh-lease yes they do.” Joe replied crossing his arms over his chest.

The boys were sitting in the basement at their Jersey home. Joe stated that every girl in America was in love with the Joe Jonas.
Nick rolled his eyes.

“They only like you because you’re in the Jonas Brothers.” He said.

“Nu-uh!” Joe whined.

“Prove it!” Kevin taunted.

“Fine! I will!” And he got up, walked to the computer and with a few quick clicks his new persona was created. “Alright I’ve created a new person on MYSPACE, and soon I’ll be very popular. Watch the magic.” He said cracking his fingers.

“Oh I’m seeing the magic.” Nick teased 15 minutes after waiting for a person to add him as a friend.

Kevin and Nick got bored waiting and started messing around with their instruments. Joe was spinning around on the computer chair.

“DING!” the computer chirped.

“Hey look I got a comment!” He yelled.

Kevin and Nick rushed to his side, and Joe read it out loud.
I noticed you had ‘the Jonas Brothers’ as one of your favorite bands isn’t that kinda gay since you’re a guy? And I don’t think they’re great at all. From ‘HeyJuliet’.”

The boys stared at the screen in awed silence.

Kevin and Nick burst out laughing, and Joe’s face got red.

“Gay? Not that great?! Who is this girl?” He asked to himself as he clicked onto her page.

He skimmed her info quickly. Juliet age 17 LA California. No picture of her, just of a setting sun at the beach.

“She’s online! IM her!” Nick said jumping up and down clutching his chair.

“Fine.” Joe mumbled.

Rockin’Adam: I’m not gay…

“Wow Joe that was a stupid opening line.” Kevin said pushing him.

HeyJuliet: HAHA oh really? prove it!

“OHHHH!!” Nick said pushing Joe’s shoulder.
Rockin’Adam: … how?

HeyJuliet: hmm… why is the Jonas Brothers one of your favorite bands?

Rockin’Adam: because they’re good singers

HeyJuliet: I beg to differ

Rockin’Adam: explain why they aren’t

HeyJuliet: they sound like they haven’t gone through puberty for one…

Rockin’Adam: HAHA you’re right about that one! Nick (the curly haired one) probably hasn’t.

Nick read the reply, and pushed Joe.

“I have too!” He defended.

HeyJuliet: and their songs kinda suck… and their hair? Come on didn’t they get discovered in a barber shop?

At this the boys laughed, but then stopped when they realized the insult.

“Hey I like my hair.” Joe said.

“You do kinda need a hair cut…” Kevin said touching his long black locks. Joe pushed his hand away.

HeyJuliet:[b/] not to mention that Joe dude is totally full of himself.

Kevin and Nick instantly burst out laughing. Joe’s mouth dropped.

“Oh no she didn’t!” He said under his breath, and started typing a reply.

“Hey, hey, hey! She doesn’t know who you are remember?!” Nick said squeezing his shoulders.

“You’re right.” Joe said clearing his message.

HeyJuliet: did I offend your gay pride.

Joe’s ears burned with anger and embarrassment.

Rockin’Adam: I. AM. NOT. GAY!

HeyJuliet: do you have a girlfriend?

Rockin’Adam: no…


Rockin’Adam: but I do like girls… girls are hot!

HeyJuliet: gay guys can admit girls are hot because we are

Rockin’Adam: what can I do to convince you that I’m not gay?

HeyJuliet: nothing I guess…

HeyJuliet: I’ll just have to take your word for it, Brokeback.

Rockin’Adam: Brokeback?

HeyJuliet: you’re new nickname

Rockin’Adam: but I thought you believed me!

HeyJuliet: I do…

Rockin’Adam: well how about you? I should give you a nickname.

HeyJuliet: give me your best shot, but I have to go.

HeyJuliet has signed off.

“Hate to say I told you so but…” Kevin said sitting on the couch.

“He’s right Joe. Not every girl is in love with you.” Nick added.

Joe rolled his eyes.

“But don’t worry you don’t have to talk to her again.” Kevin said patting his back, and walking out of the room. Nick followed.

Once they left Joe stared at HeyJuliet’s profile, even though she was incredibly obnoxious and mean, something about her intrigued Joe. Something he couldn’t place a finger on. He shook his head, and walked out of the room also.
Juliet walked away from the computer. She picked up her phone and 3-wayed her friends. “So what are we doing tonight?” She asked flopping on her bed.

“I don’t know what do you wanna do?” Trisha asked.

“How about ya all come over here and we’ll watch movies and stuff?” Juliet asked.
“Sounds fun.” Dawn said. “We’ll be there soon.”

“Mom! The girls are coming over!” Juliet called.

“Alright! I’ll bake some cookies!” Her mother replied.

“Great! Thanks!”
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what you think?? please tell me!