Wool Over Your Eyes

Constant Communication

“Hey love!” Dawn called walking into Juliet’s room.

“Hey Sunshine!”

“So what have you been up to?” She asked sitting at her computer. “Nothing much.” Juliet replied looking at the movie selection.

They heard Trisha arrive before they saw her. “AUGH!” she was screaming up the stairs.

“What?” Juliet asked.

“Guess what I’ve got?” Trisha asked excitedly.

“What?” Dawn asked.

“I’ve got tickets for…” She paused for effect. Dawn and Juliet waited hanging on her words. “The Jonas Brothers.” She screamed jumping up and down. Then of course Dawn started screaming.

“Good for you.” Juliet said rolling her eyes. She leaned against the headboard totally bored with the conversation.

“Come on Jules.” Trisha said sitting on the bed.

“Maybe you can take Adam.” Juliet said stifling a smile.

“Adam? Who’s Adam?” Dawn asked raising an eye brow.

“This guy who likes the Jonas Brothers.”

“No way?” Trisha said.

“Way. I think he’s gay though he says he’s not.” Juliet said smiling.

“And you met him where?” Dawn asked placing her hands on her hips.

“He IM-ed me after I left a comment on his page.” Juliet answered rolling her eyes.

Dawn and Trisha raised an eyebrow. “Really?” they asked.

“You never talk to people if they IM you.” Dawn said. Trisha nodded and gave her ‘the-you-like-him-and-you’re-not-telling-us- look’.

“What? As if girls. Remember this guy is gay.” Juliet said slowly.

“No way girl. He must’ve intriguing you if you IM-ed him back.” Trisha said.

Juliet rolled her eyes. “Anyways.” She picked up a magazine, and flipped through it.

Dawn and Trisha looked at each other and smiled.
Joe was fooling around on the internet when he heard the ding of someone signing on. He clicked his IM, and found HeyJuliet on. He smiled to himself, and clicked on it.

Rockin’Adam: I haven’t thought of a nickname for you yet.

Juliet looked up at the chime of her computer, and smiled when he found it was

HeyJuliet: hi to you too Brokeback.

Rockin’Adam: so… wat r you doing?

HeyJulietnothing much. You?

Rockin’Adam: I’m actually doing nothing also… how about we do nothing together?

HeyJuliet: okay… wat do we want to do?

Rockin’Adam: 20 questions?

HeyJuliet: how about 10?

Rockin’Adam: okay… first question…

And so began the constant IM-ing of Rockin’Adam and HeyJuliet.
Monday dawned bright and cheerful Juliet quickly got dressed and made her way to school.
“Good morning girls.” Juliet called to her friends as she walked up to her locker.

“Hey Jules.” Dawn greeted. She sent Trisha a weird look, and she just shrugged.

“Why are you so happy?” Trisha asked. Juliet always hated Mondays. She looked at them, smiled, and shrugged.

“I really don’t know.” She answered biting her lip. She’d stayed up pretty late talking to Adam, since they were now on a first name basis. He was pretty funny, but Juliet still thought he was in touch, in some way, with his feminine side. There was no way on earth that a normal teenage boy would listen to the Jonas Brothers. “Hey Matt!” She called. He turned to her.

“Juliet.” He greeted.

“What do you think about the Jonas Brothers?” She asked.

Matt rolled his eyes. “Don’t even get me started.” He replied. “All the girls are falling all over themselves for them gay brothers.”

Juliet smirked at her best friends. “Thanks Matt.” And she began to walk away.

“What was that about?” Dawn asked catching up to her.

“Proving my point.” She replied clicking away on her cell phone.

“Who are you texting?” Trisha asked.


Dawn smiled at Trisha. Juliet didn’t really mesh well with anyone, and certainly didn’t give boys more than a minute of her time. Unless of course they were in sports or they were fighting.

“Don’t smile at her like that.” Juliet instructed catching her friend’s smiles.

“Like what?” Dawn asked innocently.

“As if Sunshine. I don’t like this guy.”

“And yet you’ve traded phone numbers… hmmm.” She replied giving her an ‘I-don’t-believe-you-look’.

“Whatever. See you at break.” And she walked into her homeroom.
“Joe! Get your butt down here!” Kevin called from downstairs. Joe stumbled out of bed, and staggered downstairs.

“What?” He grumbled rubbing his eyes and placing his thick black glasses over his tired brown eyes.

“It’s time to get up.” Nick answered.

“Obviously.” Joe replied. “Why am I forced to get up?”

“We have an interview today for POP magazine.” Kevin answered.

“Yes! Pictures!” Joe yelled pumping his hands in the air. “When are we leaving?”

“In like an hour.” Nick answered.

“An hour?!” Joe screeched. “Why didn’t you get me up earlier?! I still have to do my hair! OMG!” He yelled running upstairs.

“Wow that didn’t sound girlish at all.” Kevin said sitting down.

“Seriously, and he was just complaining about lack of sleep.” Nick replied taking a bite of his cereal.

An hour later the boys were walking into the POP headquarters for the photo-shoot and interview.

“So Joe tell me what’s it like competing with your brothers in getting the girls attention?” The interviewer, Sara, asked.

“Well it’s not really a competition; we all have pretty much different tastes. Only sometimes do we fall for the same girl.” He answered.

“And what happens when that happens?” Sara asked.

“We usually find out who the girl likes, and we never let a girl get between us.”

Sara nodded. “It’s very rare that we find a girl hanging out with you, other than of course the ones your working with why?”

“We do hang out with girls but not in the spotlight of everyone to see. We like them to keep their privacy. And plus right now we’re pretty much focused on our music.” Kevin answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
another chapter down! comment?? more soon to come!