The Broken Hearted End Up Here


Me and Andy made our way across the front yard and hid in our hedge.

"Okay, can you see them?" Asked Luke from the walkie-talkies we had on our heads. He was up in his room looking out his window with binoculars.

"Not yet. I think their behind the moving van." Replied Andy.

"Damn. Oh! I saw a blond head! Holy mother of monkeys! Shes hot!"

I looked over and couldn't see anything.

"Luke! Where is she?"

"Shes just behind the van! And she is smokin!"


"You know it baby sis."

If Luke wasn't bisexual I would have called him something else.

"Lets go get a closer look." I whispered to Andy.

He nodded.

We made our way carefully out onto the sidewalk and across the street. I hid behind the garage of one of the houses, while Andy hid behind a garbage can.

"Andy can you see anything?"

"Sort of. Oh! Hey! I see the blond Luke was talking about!"

"Isn't she sexy?!?"

"Luke shut up. Were on a mission!" I made a mental note to hit him when we got back to the house.

I decided to jump on top of the garage i was hiding behind. I grabbed the rain gutter and hoisted myself onto the roof.

I looked down onto the lawn and saw the most beautiful people in the entire world.

There was the blond woman Luke saw, she had long blond hair cascading down her back, really pretty violet eyes, and a petite frame.

Then there was a man. He was tall, muscular frame, with brown hair that was cropped short.
He had amber eyes.

There was also a little girl. She had red curls going down to the small of her back and the same eyes as the blond woman.

Then, he came out of the van.

He was so beautiful i almost fell off the roof.

He looked about my age, and he had brown hear that went over one eye, it had blue and green streaks in it, and it was spiked at the back. He had the most amazing eyes, one was electric blue, the other was jade green. He was wearing gray skinny jeans, a tight misfit t-shirt, and checkered Vans. He went up to the blond woman and started to talk to her.

"Wow." I heard Luke say from the piece of technology in my ear.

"Yep." replied Andy.

Then, suddenly, the beautiful families heads whipped around to look at where Andy was crouching behind the Garbage can. I heard him gulp.

"Andy," I whispered, "were retreating."

And with that we both got up and ran full speed across the street and into my house. We ran up the stair and into my brothers room, where Luke was sitting beneath the window. We got down and crawled over to him.

"What the heck was that?" I whispered, "It was like they heard Andy whisper."

"I think they did." whispered Luke.

"Yeah, me too. I didn't think I said it that loud."

"You didn't. I could barely hear you." I told him.


"Shay! Luke! Anderson! Were going to meet the new neighbors!" My mom called up from the kitchen.

"Crap." We all whispered at once.

"Hurry up! Were running out of daylight!"

We sighed and shuffled down the stairs and out the front door.
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Sorry its not that exciting!
I'm sick and my head isn't really working right!