I Can't Believe He Did That

My life is so ruined.

“Suze saw Will coming towards her. Her legs were against the chair in front of her. Her face was full of tears; she just got the news that her father had died out at sea. Her father was her best friend, her only companion. Now he was gone forever. Suzie tried to wipe her tears away before Will saw her. She didn’t want him to see her weakness. He was the last person she wanted sympathy from. But he didn’t say a word as he came up to her. She glared at him with unhappiness. Will was the last person she wanted to see right now. She thought he was the most ignorant person in the world. He didn’t know anything! She couldn’t stand him. But whenever he was around, her stomach did some serious flipping. She told herself it was because she couldn’t stand Will at all. He walked slowly towards her. When he got close, Suze asked, “What do you want? Cant you leave me in my misery?” She meant it; why couldn’t he leave her alone? He didn’t respond to her iciness. He silently walked towards her, putting his arms around her. She was angry and enraged. She was going to pull away and glare at him. But she couldn’t when he lips came down upon hers. “What is happening? What is happening?” she thought. He began to kiss her, full of love and joy. She melted under the embrace. She felt so comfortable with his embrace. Suze couldn’t believe it; her heart seemed to do some serious flips. Suze wanted to stay in that position forever. But it ended when he pulled back reluctantly. Suze could hear his breath. He was breathing hard, and it was faint and uneven. Hers didn’t seem to be any better. Suze was also breathing hard; she looked him in the eyes. She was still uncertain for her feelings for him. First, Suze hated his guts and next, he is kissing her. She didn’t know for her feelings for Will. She looked up at his eyes, so comforting, so calming. Suze didn’t know what would happen next. But she knew it would get interesting.”

A happy ending would so come; I knew it would. I skipped to the end of the book. “Yup, a happy ending. Blah, blah, blah. Live happily ever after,” I read aloud. I closed the book and sighed. “Do fairy tales ever come true in real life? Nope. Not at all,” I thought angrily to myself. “Especially not for an unlucky person like me,” I added with a twinge of sadness. I toss the book across my bed. “Look at me,” I thought. “This is what I’m doing on a Friday night? I should be out, having fun with my friends. But I’m sitting here mourning, reading a book like a geeky dork because my boyfriend broke up with me yesterday.” I was sitting on my bed wearing my pink PJ's. My hair probably looked like a mess ball of mess. And my face, well lets not go there.

A small pang of misery went through my heart. I knew Hank the Hunk wouldn’t be interested in me for long when he asked me out. But when he asked me out, I couldn't say no to his perfect smile. And when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was completely gone. But I was so blinded in love that I didn’t see it. I didn’t listen to my true blue friends and look where it got me. He was out with Brittany Gray, the sluttiest girl in high school. He was probably doing it with her as I thought about it. And I was mourning over that selfish, conceded jerk. “Forget him,” I said to myself as a reassurance. I was totally over him. He was missing out on me. But I loved him! He seemed so perfect. always a perfect gentleman. I sighed. "Why me? Why now?" I cried aloud.

Suddenly, the phone began to ring, piercing my thoughts. I reluctantly got up and reached for the phone. But unfortunately, I loss my balance and fell out of my queen bed. I mumbled a phrase of curse words, wanting to curse God for giving me the curse of being the world’s biggest klutz. I went over the phone that was on my bed side table. I grabbed it with fury; I pressed the talk button. ‘‘Who was freaking calling me?” I thought silently.
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Okay guys. As you know, I am fixing my stories. This one got sometimes changed. But not a lot. This one is pretty good. =] Comments and subscribers.

thanks. caramelle<3333333333333333333