I Can't Believe He Did That

My best friend is making me get up

“Hello?” I said into the phone with a harsh voice. I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. "Couldn’t anyone leave me to be alone?" I thought angrily.

A deep voice chuckled a very familiar laugh through the phone. “That’s a nice way to greet your bestiest guy friend in your words.”

Nick Jonas has been my best friend since preschool when he accidentally spilled apple juice on my favorite outfit on my first day in town. He let me wear his extra shirt over my damp outfit. And after he apologized a million times, I finally got the courage to tell him to shut up. He and I started laughing hysterically after I said it, and we’ve been best friends ever since. Yes. The Nick Jonas. From the Jonas Brothers. Nick, Joe, Kevin, and Frankie are like the brothers I never had. I am an only child, and my parents work 24/7. I barely see them. I usually hang out at the Jonas's house. Denise is like my second mother, but now the Jonas brothers are getting popular in their band. I cant believe they are the same kids I grew up with. But they are going on tour soon, and now I just got dumped. So I am officially very depressed.

“Sorry,” I mumbled back to him. I didn’t like to snap at him. It wasn’t his fault that Hank and I broke upI hated snapping at Nick, because after wards I would feel guilty. “I’m in a bad mood. Can’t you tell?”

“No, not really,” Nick laughed again. “I’m gonna cheer you up. You’re not doing anything right now, right?” He paused for me to say something, but he knew he got me. I told him before I was going to lock myself in room after what Hank did to me. He broke up with me before our senior year together. After four years of dating, he just dumped me for the slut of the whole wide world.

“Fine,” I said with a frown. “You’re a mean blackmailer, Nick. You’re gonna end up drowning in all your black-mailings.”

I just heard another happy chuckle and he said, “I’ll be there in a few minutes. Get ready Miss Cam ’cause you are in for a treat,” before hanging up. Nick is the only one who calls me Cam. To everyone else, I am either Camille or Caramelle.

I went over to my closet to change out of my Spongebob pajamas and into cute outfit. I matched my favorite pink Aero tee with a dark denim skirt. I needed some confidence after Hank destroyed most of it. I matched the outfit with a cute pair of hot pink ballet flats I got from my friend, Nikki, from my birthday.

I walked downstairs, taking the steps two at a time. I saw my mom sitting at my dining room table. This is one of the only times I have saw her in forever. “Hey mom, Nick is taking me out. Is that okay?” Of course, I knew she was going to say yes. So she just faintly nodded and went back to doing what she was doing.

I was used to her letting me do whatever I wanted to. She was never around to care. And plus I almost live at the Jonas's house. I love my parents and all, but I wish they would pay some attention to me.

I managed to comb my straight black hair, and put a little makeup on my Filipino skin. Then, the doorbell rang, making me jump in fright. I took my time walking to the door. I couldn’t believe Nick was making me go out today. Any other day would have been fine, but today was a leave-me-alone-or-you-will-die day.

I opened the door to see Nick’s smiling face looking back at me. That made me even more annoyed that he was in such a happy-go-lucky mood. “Let’s go and get it over with,” I moaned to Nick as I followed him to his car.

“What’s with the harshness? What happened to the hyper, crazy girl that I grew up with?” Nick quietly teased. He tried to look stern, but his eyes were dancing with laughter. I just wanted to slap him, but his perfect face was too well perfect to slap. He knew I didn't have the guts to do anything to my best friend. Heck, I didn't have any guts at all.

“She was dumped by the hottest guy in the school. Got her heart broken,” I sobbed, trying to keep the tears in. “And her best friend takes her out even though she just wants to stay home and grieve.” With that note, I took the liberty of glaring at Nick. But that only gave him the more reason to smile at me. His smile seem to make me a tad bit happier. But hey. Thats what a Jonas does to you.

“That’s why you need me, Cam,” he shook me. “I’m going to cheer you up whether you want me to or not.” His eyes suddenly stopped laughing, and in its place was a stronger emotion. “Deep friendship, maybe?” I thought; I didn’t know.

"Come on." he said. We walked to his red convertible that was parked at the end of my drive way. He opened the door for me like the gentleman he is, which got me pretty annoyed, because he was kind of acting like I was a fragile princess that would break.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we started driving down my road. I don't even know why he brought his car. I could practically walk down the street and bam! It's their house. Sometimes I think Nick is a tad stupid. But I love him. He is my bestiest friend.

"To my house," he answered. i looked at him like he sprouted three head. Was he insane?

"I thought you were going to cheer me up!" I said. "So going to your house is going to cheer me up?" I leaned my head against the window. "What is he planning?" I thought silently.

"No," he said slowly. "But we gotta pick up the rest of the gang!"

I groaned loudly as we drove. "This is going to be a long day," I thought as Nick Jonas and I drove to his lovely house mansion.
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Changed some stuff. Hope you like. Comments and subscribers. =] I had to erase the thing that talked about my contest. I already picked people so I just took it off. Okay. New characters are coming!

luv ya lots,
