Celebration of any Kind

Chapter 1

"Unbelievable," Marcy thought as she ran her fingers through her long, dark hair trying to create a makeshift comb, in order to eliminate snarls before her hair dried in the summer heat. Half way down, her hand got caught in a curl and she had to shake it free in pain. Sighing, she wiped away some of the fog on her bathroom mirror and frowned at the reflection she received.

If you asked Marcy what she thought of the way she looked she would tell you, "I'm plain, average, ordinary. My nose is to high, my chin is to small and my eyes are to bulgy." She would go on to blush and smile, maybe try to change the subject to something which interested her more then appearances, such as biology or a book she was currently reading.

Marcy slid into her work uniform, took a deep breath, smiled and walked out of the bathroom to find a chaotic array of people young and old. At this early hour most were still resting. The air was thick with a rotation of breaths flowing in and out of sleeping bodies. At every entrance and exit a soldier stood with a gun in hand, ready to use it if need be. Marcy smiled at the soldiers who noticed her abrupt movements across the gymnasium, toward a near exit.
"Name miss?" The young soldier guarding her exit asked.
"Marcy Leon Sir." The whole room echoed, and the soldier checked her name off of a list.
"Be sure to take the back way to town today miss, gunfire was heard on Axil street this morning."
"Thanks, I will." She promised, stepping out into an empty ally. The absence of people and the wreak of Vodka was enough to make anybody's stomach roll with distaste. Marcy hurried toward Axil street not being able to risk another day of being late to work.
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