Will Our Love Last?

I am worried

Gerards POV

I laid him on his back and waited for him to wake up. When he did I felt a huge relief at least he was okay.

“Frankie are you okay, sugar?”

“I- I don’t know G-gee. I-I’m scared”

“It’s okay, Frankie. I swear I won’t ever let them hurt you again.”

“What if they hurt you?”

“They won’t, Frankie, everything is going to be okay”

“I don’t know, Gee”

“The cops will catch him again.”

“If they do he’ll just bust out again. I know them Gerard and they have a lot of tricks up their

“Frankie, you don’t need to worry about him”

“I am worried, Gerard. I’m fucking worried about him killing your fucking ass. I should have
never got you involved in all this shit in the first place. I should have just been a good little bitch for them and did what was expected of me and none of this would be happening right now!”

“Frankie, none of this is your fault-“

“It is to Gerard it’s all my fucking fault”

Frank was crying now a sight that has always broken my heart. He was so upset and
worried and under way to much stress. I hope he’ll be okay. Gawd Frank why do you scare me like this? I just pulled his crying form against my chest and hold him. Occasionally kissing the top of his head and letting my hand rub his back comfortingly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry I don't update this story to often, but I have writers block issues with this story. comments????
