I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Jayden, Thanks Little Man

Zacky’s POV

Jimmy and Monike came downstairs with their hands linked … fine! The last thing to make my day! But I’ve got to ignore it, I really got to, She hates me, so what can I do now?

“hey guys! Watcha doing gangsta?” Jimmy asked not with his normal tone of voice, he sounded worried.

“nothing what about you?” Johnny aswered

“nothing, yet … “ Jimmy said, with an evil smirk at his face

“hey! I’m watching you 2! I don’t want a making session here” Johnny said getting between them, “ She’s still my baby sister Jimmy”

“I’ll try, but I can promise anything”

“seriously” Johnny said

Monike was sitting next to jimmy, in 1 couch her head on his chest, I was sitting next to Johnny in other couch, Monike hasn’t said a word since she came downstairs, while Jimmy and Johnny were talking, our eyes met, just for a second, ‘cuz then she look away and went to the kitchen, a few minutes after someone rang the doorbell, Johnny went and opened the door, “hey Matt, Briian ohh! and you bring such a good company guys” Johnny said greeting them happily.

“Sure we did!” Brian answered

“hey guys! This are Val & Michelle” Matt said pointing to the twins.

“he’s jimmy, the one in the couch is Zacky & the short shit who opened the door is Johnny” Brian said pointing to each of us, a couple of greetings were chorused, ‘till Monike got out of the kitchen.

“hey! Why are you doing so much noise!?” she asked confused

“ Monikeeeeeeeeee!” both screamed happily and tackled Monike to the ground

“ can’t breath”

“ sorry” both said in unison, helping Monike to get up .

“didn’t think you miss me so much!” Monike said Hugging both of them

“it’s been a long time silly” Val answered, they were talking to each other, until Jayden, who is matt’s 5 year old bro showed up.

“moniikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Jay said running directly to monike & tackling her to the ground again

“ohh buddy easy easy! Pleaseeeee!” Moniked begged, while everyone burst out laughing except for me.

“hey you little demon! Leave monike alone” Matt ordered

“otay, soddy moniike”Jay said getting up from the ground

“no problem buddy, hey! It’s been a long time! I’ve missed you!”

“miss u to monike “ he said hugging Monike’s legs.

Monike’s POV

I picked up jay, and he was sitting on my lap playing with my hair, while I was sitting next to jimmy on the couch.

“my little riot it’s right, it’s been a long time, since we don’t see this little man here!” Jimmy said rubbing jayden’s hair.

“Jimmy, it took jay a long time to fix his haid!!”

Everyone burst out laughing at Jay’s expressions … even Zacky, who wasn’t playing too much attention to us.

“sorry guys for bringing jay, mom made “ Matt apologized

“liad!” Jay said pointing to Matt

“liar liar pants on fire! Ha he got you matt!” Johnny cried happily.

“shut up Johnny!”

“you know jayden it’s not a problem, I love this little buddy here right jay?” I said hugging Jayden.

“ighht!” he answered hugging me too.

I was talking with the guys, Jay jump out of my lap when he saw zack alone in the other couch, you see, Zacky and I have always take care of jay, and we both love this little man, and sure he love us too.

“Baked boyyyy!” Jayden screamed and run to where zacky was sitting

“ohh hey jay” Zacky said in a silent tone

“ohh isn’t ‘Acky happy to see jay?” jayden asked in a sad tone.

“sure I’m happy jay” he answered trying to put his best fake smile

“otay ‘acky” Jayden said hugging his leg, “Jay missed Moniike & baked boy”

“you did buddy?” Zacky asked


“come here jayden!” Zacky picked up jayden and put him on his lap

“well guys, are we going to watch a movie or not?” brian asked rolling his eyes.

“ohh no I’m sure we’re not, until this little buddy gets to sleep, he’s got to much energy” Johnny said

“I’ll make him sleep, while you watch the movie guys, c’mon jay, let’s go & play in my room” Zacky said putting Jayden on the ground and getting up from the couch.

“yey! Jayden is gonna play with baked boy”

Zacky picked up jay & started climbing upstairs, until jay jumped out of his arms and ran to where I was sitting with jimmy.

“I want moniike to ‘ome & play with Jay & ‘Acky” he said pulling of my jeans.

“noo c’mon jay let’s play you and me, Monike’s watching a movie with the big guys, a very boring movie”

“but I want moniike!” Jayden complained

“c’mon buddy!” Zacky pleaded

“nooooo! Pease Monike, play with Jay and baked boy! Pease!”

“Jay I don’t know”

“pease, Jay wanna play! Pease?” Jay said putting those puppy eyes, same hazel as Matt’s, no one could ever resist, if Matt is cute, wait until you see this little guy.

“okay buddy let’s go” I said holding Jay’s little hand and waved goodbye to everyone, while I notice Jimmy staring at me, he looked worried.

“I’ll come back as soon as Jay have fallen asleep babe, I promise” I said giving him a quick peck.

“okay riot, see you in a while”

“bye guys,”

Jay started running upstairs while I was chasing him, “hey! J boy, Slow!!”

“otay monike soddy”

“no problem little bro”

“whede’s ‘Acky?”

“uhh I duunow buddy “

“I’m here little man, at my room” Zacky answered.

“C’mon Moniike!” Jay took my hand and was pulling me towards Zack’s room, “Jay wanna play!! “

“hey jay, what about you and me playing in my room and leaving Zacky alone?” i asked hoping he would say yes.

“nooo! I wanna play with both” Jay complained

“c’mon jay! Please?”

“why don’t you wanna play with ‘Acky?”

“Easy jay, if she doesn’t want to play, let’s play you and me” Zacky said

“but, but! I wanna play with u 2 guys!” J said crossing his arms on his chest.

“Got it jay! You win, I’ll play with u”
“yey! So what ade we going to play?” Jayden asked excited

“what do you wanna play?”

“I wanna play hide and seek!”

“okay who’s gonna be the seeker?

“I want to be the seeked” Jay said jumping up & down.

“okay Jay you gotta count until 20 right little man?”

“ight! 1 … 2 … 3… 9… 5… 10… 15… 4 … 11 …” Jay said covering his eyes.