I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Scream Till There's Silence

Zacky’s POV

So Jay has got more ballz than I, and he make Monike play hide & seek, while I can’t even make her talk to me, man that’s sad, c’mon he’s 5!

“15 ohh I think I have aldeady said 15!” Jayden said confused, “Otay so … 16 … 17 …”

God! I lost half of my time thinking, I need to find somewhere to hide, before jay finish counting, but where? … ohh! I know exactly where to hide, behind the shower curtain, jayden will never find me there.

“hey! Leave! I won this place, go and search other Zachary!” Monike said pushing me out of the tub.

“and 20!!!!!!! “ Jayden screamed happily, “come out, come out wherever you are”

“Zachary? You never call me Zachary!” I asked

“well I don’t care! Leave or jayden will find us both!”

“I’m gonna find you guys!” Jayden said

“but here he comes!” I complained

“I don’t care go & find you a fucking place to hide!”

I hear jayden footsteps, so I went into the bath tub, not caring about what monike said, I put a hand on her mouth so she won’t scream and heard Jayden walk through the hall, very near to where we were hiding

“whede ade you guys?” Jay asked

Suddenly I felt the pain ran through my hand, I couldn’t stand it, but I need to remain in silence, “ouch! that hurts!” I said whispering

“that’s what you get when you start pissing me off” she complained whispering

“but you didn’t have to bite me”

“you should have not covered my mouth!”

“other way you would have screamed”

“ ‘Acky? Monike? Ade you hede?” Jayden asked opening the bathroom door

I grabbed Monike and put her against the wall, so jayden wouldn’t notice we were there, we were so close I could felt her warm breath in my face, my heart was beating so fast, I just wanna kiss her so bad, but she is in love with Jimmy and she fuckin’ hates me, great.

“guys?” Jayden asked for the last time, “Jay’s got an idea … they ade downstaids!” Jayden said closing the bathroom door, I heard jayden’s footsteps became silent while he started running downstairs, Monike was still against the wall, and I was leaning against her, my arms around her neck, both of us, remained silent, and just looking directly at our eyes, her perfect chocolate brown eyes, that moment was magical, but like always someone has to ruin it, we heard the guys screamed downstairs, Monike pushed me and found her way out of the bathroom.

Matt’s POV

It was a cold afternoon, it was raining, we were watching a horror movie, so brian & I got a chance with our girls, we finally decided to watch “Saw II” Val was sitting next to me, then Michelle and then syn and in the other couch, Johnny was sitting next to Jimmy, this was the worst part of the movie, I was holding val against my chest, she was so scared and so I, but I couldn’t let her notice that, the only sound that could be heard was the movie, and the rain, until …

“hey guys…” Jayden asked

“aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!” everyone escreamed

“what? what!?” Jay asked scared, and ran to where I was sitting with val, hugging my leg.

“you scared us Jay” I said
“ohh soddy guys, Jay just wanna ask if you know wede monike & baked boy wede?” Jay asked

“what are you talking about little man? They were with u” brian asked confused

“yes, but we ade playing hide & seek, and I can’t find them”

Suddenly someone appeared at the stairs, “hey guys, why ….”

“aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” we screamed again, this time jay was hugging my leg so hard it hurted.

“WTF! What!?” Monike asked confused

“Mattie! I’m scared, I want mommy” Jayden cried

“it’s me Jay, you don’t have to be scared!” Monike said

“monikeeeeee!” Jayden ran to where Monike was and hugged her.

“sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you guys, it’s just that I heard your scream and I have to make sure everything’s fine” she said turning on the light

“you didn’t scared me, just jay & the guys” Johnny said being a smart ass

“no? then why were you holding jimmy?” Monike asked playfuly

“I Wasn’t!” Johnny complained

Everyone burst out laughing at Johnny and making fun of him, ”were you holding jimmy? C’mon Johnny!” Syn asked making fun of the poor little shit.

“I’ve already told you I wasn’t!” he complained

“seriously you need to get a girl johnny” I said hugging Val against my chest.

“shut the hell up, where’s zack?” Johnny said madly.

“uhh I dun …no ...” Jayden said ywaning “I was tying to find Monike & ‘Acky but I couldn’t ”

“hey jay, I think it’s time to take you home” I said picking up my little bro

“nooo matt!” Jayden complained “ wan…na play!!” Jayden ywaned

“don’t worry jay, I’ll play with u tomorrow” Monike assured
“do u pomise?” Jay asked

“I promise”

“Otay” Jayden said

“now let matt take you to sleep”

“is ‘Acky playing too?” Jayden asked rubbing his eyes

“yes I am Jay” Zacky answered from the stairs

“ ‘Acky!!” Jayden screamed happily jumping out of my arms and running to hug Zacky

“where the hell have you been?” Syn asked

“Hiding so jay won’t find me” he said picking Jay up

“well it work, he couldn’t find you” Johnny said

“I know I know I’m good at hiding” Smart ass Zack said

“shut up!” jimmy said throwing a pillow at zacky’s head

“hey!” he complained

“hey guys it seems like jayden has already fall asleep at zack’s arms” Val said pointing to Zacky, where Jay was curling in his arms

“aah it looks so cute!” Michelle said

“thank you” Zacky answered

“not you jerk” syn complained

“well guys I’m leaving, I need to take jay home” Zacky placed Jay in my arms as Monike put her hoodie on my little sleepy bro.

“Shall we ladies?” Brian asked

“bye guys!” the twins said

“night guys” I said closing the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey (:
I wanted to update for halloween, but I didn't have time, so here it is.

You have to know the title ... it's just obvious