I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Promise Me, If All Else Fails

Monike's POV

I woke up, strong tattoed arms wrapped around me, a lot of sunlight was coming through Zacky's room, I looked at the clock, 5:00 PM, shit it was late.

Wait, Zacky's room?! and heck, this tattoed arms are not Jimmy's, I would've freaked out but we were still dressed so there was no reason, I turned around, and saw just what I imagine, a cute Zacky sleeping like a baby, his milky skin was a little shade of pink around his cheeks, those green eyes were fully closed, and his black bangs were fillin' his face, I was still pissed for what he said yesterday, but somehow he was right, well not at all, but then again he was right, since I was dating Jimmy I used to pay more attention to him, but to be honest that wasn’t the complete truth, I was ALWAYS thinking of Zacky, I guess it was because he was my bestrfriend though, even when I stared at Jimmy, Zacky was filling my mind, his greenish eyes, his black and mesy hair, along with his pinky lips and that HOT! Snakebites, wait did I just say hot? I didn’t mean that I swear, it’s just that … nevermind.

I manage to get myself out of bed without waking Zacky, I picked up my vans that were next to his night stand, and me being the clumsy person I am, I tripped over the night stand, yep I guess that’s why Jimmy calls me riot after all, Zacky made some moves, but then he just turn around and continue with his sleep, I noticed some things that were over the night stand have fallen, so I knelt and picked them up, there lay a picture with now broken glass, Zack had a beer on hand, and his arm was wrapped close around my waist, giving me a kiss on the cheek, we were at the beach, Zack was exaclty 15 while I was 12, behind us the sea was just wonderful, as I picked the picture a sad smile began filling my face, I couldn’t help but think about those days, everything was so simple.

I quickly picked up the photo, and went to my room, I needed to shower, I hate being dirty, it’s just fuckin’ disgusting.

Jimmy’s POV

It was already 5 pm and those sleepy heads haven’t wake up, but I need monike to wake up soon, I need to talk to her, about Johnny and the whole thing, and I have a feeling this should be easy, I mean for god’s sake, why doesn’t anybody notice the way she looks at Zacky, if she likes him, why doesn’t she just tell me, it would be easier, but anyways, I think it’s about time I had to wake her up (although she might hate me for this, she’s not exactly nice in the mornings, specially if you’re the one waking her up, you better run).

I slowly walked downstairs, yeah this was supposed to be easy but nobody said I was not going to be fucking nervous, I walked through the hall, I walked directly to Zack’s she was sleeping there like an 1 hour ago, and I bet she’s not up, I walked into the room, but I just found Zacky, so maybe she’s up! Great I won’t die now!!

I walked to her room, that was just across Zacky’s, I knocked on the door, and a soaking wet monike opened the door, don’t get it wrong you perverts she was dressed, just her hair was very wet, but nevermind let’s get to the point here, “ hey riot” I said sweetly kissing her cheek, don’t get me wrong I still love Monike, and sure she’s hot as hell but I’ve to do this, she loves Zacky, and I love my little Johnny boy.
“hey jim” she said quietly stepping aside so I could get in.

“I kindaneed,you know,liketotalkwithyou” I said rambling I was really nervous

“yeah, but slow down a bit boy” Monike answered chuckling

Her smile always seemed to calm me down, I don’t know why though it’s like if she was the bestfriend I always needed “ yeah, but first, I want to ask you something”

“what is it?” she asked simply

“remember way back when we started dating? “ I said taking her little hand in mine, and linking our fingers together, running my thumb up and down, “the promise we made?”

“yeah, I would never forget it Jimmy”


We were at the beach, just like every weekend, I’ve been waiting so long to do this, I just have to get the courage and ask her out, I just need to, “hey little riot” I said getting her attention, “C-Can I-I T-Talk W-With Y-You?” damn, fucking voice, you’re not helping.

“yep Jimmy” she said standing up.

I took her hand in mine swinging it back and forth, and started walking far away from the guys, once we were far enough I started talking, “look” that was all I manage to get out of my mouth.

“yeah?” she asked confused

“I’ve been you know like kinda waiting for this moment” I’ve never been the one who gets all fucked up with the words, I’ve done this before, with many girls, what it’s different about her?

“waiting for what Jimmy?”

“you know we’ve been going out like for 1 month or so and well I wanted to ask if maybe you would, you know like be my girlfriend?” still my voice wasn’t helping, and I was blushing like crazy, dammit!

“yes” she answered simply throwing her arms around me, she was so sweet and small, I picked her up, and kissed her, a sweet kiss, very simple I’d have to say, but it was awesome.

She pulled away softly and looked me in the eyes, “Jimmy” she asked softly

“yeah riot” I answered, almost drooling her chocolate eyes were intoxicating.

“you’ve to promise me something” she said nervously

“yeah, what ever you want babe”

“you’ve to promise, if this fails," she said "this will not ruin our friendship"

"And if all else fails you can look up at the sky
Because it's the same one that shines above you and I.
And if all else fails you can close your eyes
And I'll be right beside you.
I'll be the one by your side." I sang soflty at her ear, “ I promise” my last words before our lips crashed again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a filler, but I needed to update for Johnny's birthday
so this was all that came to my mind, million of ideas are just in there but for different stories I'm planning to write, and not for the ones I'm writting, kinda weird
anyways Happy B.day Johnny :D

Credit for the title and a part of the song: Matchbook romance - If all else fails