I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Promise Me, If All Else Fails

Still Jimmy's POV

"Well, I need to talk to you abou that" I said sitting on the edge of the bed

"Go ahead" she said simply, taking a seat next to me, her chocolate eyes seemed to be lost, like if her mind was somewhere else.

"well, I really don't know how to say this" I said rambling

"Just say it Jimmy"

" Kay" I made a large pause, "Well Last night, I realized of something, but I don't want to say it" Shit I never tought of that, what if she hates me for being bi, gay or whatever the hell I am!!! shit shit!

"why not?" she asked confused

"you might hate me for this" I said looking down, I really don't want to lose her.

"Jimmy, nothing you say or do could make me hate you" she said putting a hand on my cheek so I would look her directly in the eyes, she was not lying I could see it in her eyes, " I would never hate you, NEVER" she said hugging me so close, and I gladly hugged her back.

" well then I'm ready to tell you" I said pulling her into my lap.

" kay, then go on"

" well, I've noticed the way you stare at Zacky, it's just not a friendly look"

"Jimmy I can explain that" she said cutting me off

"shh, I'm not mad, just don't say a thing until I'm done okay?"


"well like I was saying, you two haven't realized of this, the way he looks you back, is more than a friend , even more than a sister, and well I realized of something else yesterday, I'm not into girls like I thought I was, I'm in love with your brother"

"what?" she asked confused

"I told you, you would hate me" I said looking down

"Jimmy I don't hate you” she said playing with my hair

“you don’t?” I asked confused

“no, I don’t” she chuckled

“I thought you would hate me, and that you would be extremely mad at me, you’re weirdo”

“hey, I’m not a weirdo!” she defended herself “but like I said before, I could never hate you Jimmbo” she said kissing my cheek, “but I guess we are done right?”

“well, I don’t think you would like to date a gay guy, would you?” I said chuckling

“you’re right, and I also needed some time to think, and I guess this is the best way”

“So, everything’s fine between us?” I asked hoping the answer would be yes.

“yeah, everything’s perfectly fine” she said standing up.

“you promise?” I asked

“if all else fails you can look up at the sky
Because it's the same one that shines above you and I.
And if all else fails you can close your eyes
And I'll be right beside you.” She sang softly the exact words I sang to her the night we started dating, “ I promise, I'll be the one by your side."
♠ ♠ ♠
so, this is the shortest update ever, lol
but it's an update right?
and it's short because it's the part 2 of the last chapter so, yeah it had to be short
I would write probably another chapter today or tomorrow, I don't know
please comment (:

and again credit goes to Matchbook romance