I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Too Good To Be True

Monike's POV

So, this is really akward, Jimmy has just told me his in love with my bro, and I know a normal person would be sad or something, but I'm not sad, mad or anything, I'm really happy for both of them, I guess Jimmy's right and I'm a weirdo.

But what the hell does Jimmy means with: "the way he looks you back, is more than a friend , even more than a sister?"

I was drifted from my thoughts by Jimmy, geezh I just forgot I was with him.

"Monike? sure you're okay?" Jimmy asked waving his hand infront of my face

"yeah, just thinking"

" 'bout what? " he asked confused


" kay" he said standing up, " I'm going to watch a movie with Johnny boy, you comin'?"

"Johnny boy?" I asked chuckling, "that's a new one"

"yeah" he answered blushing, "so, are you coming or not?" he asked playfuly

"naah, thanks Jimmy" I said standing up and kissing his cheek

"kay, see you later riot" he said hugging me, "and thanks for understanding" he said before closing the door behind him.

"no prob, Jimmy"

Johnny's POV

I'm feeling so fuckin' down, what kind of brother I am? I've just steal my little sister's boy, and I'm sitting here downstairs while Jimmy is upstairs talking to her, what a coward I am, it's been amost and hour since he went to talk with her, but I haven't heard any yelling, door slamming or anything, not that I want to hear it anyways.

I was "watching" the tv, if you could really say watching, cuz was just staring at it while my mind was somewhere else, when Jimmy came downstairs.

" hey babe" he said taking a sit next to me and kissing my cheek

"hey Jimmy" I answered with my best fake voice, I didn't want Jimmy asking me what was wrong

"what's wrong Johnny?" he asked worried pulling me into his lap

Too bad, he noticed it, shit now I have to explain to him, why do I have to be so easy to figure out? " it's nothing Jimmy" I lied, " how did it go?" I asked, "does she hates us now?" I knew what the answer would be.

"no" a wide smile appeared at his beautiful face, "she doesn't hates us"

"what?" I asked confused, what does he means with she doesn't hates us?

"yeah, your sister is really weird, I mean I told her, and she was like if nothing was happening" he said smiling even more, " she even say she was happy for us"

"are you sure?" I asked smiling too, I couldn't believe what Jimmy just said.

"yeah, she promised it"

"wow" that was all I could say, my sister was really an amazing person, I need to go and say thanks.

"yeah, wow" Jimmy chuckled.

"hey" I said kissing his cheek, " I need to go and say thanks love, I'll be right back" I said standing up and running upstairs.

"sure Johnny boy"

I ran upstairs, and walk through the hall, I noticed Zack was still sleeping, shit he's lazy, I finally reached my little sister's room, I didn't even bother on knockin', I was way too happy to think on knocking, but my smile soon fade away, when I noticed she was nowhere to be seen.

"Jimmy!!" I shouted from upstairs.

"yeah Johnny?" he asked running upstairs.

"have you seen Monike?"

"isn't she in her room?" he asked

"no" I answered, looking into all the rooms of the house, I knew this was too good to be true, and all of this is my fault.

Jimmy and I kept looking through all the house, but she wasn't here, I woke Zacky up, while Jimmy called the guys, where are you little sis?
♠ ♠ ♠
so yeah another update
this is for Tazza, thanks for commenting, you're really nice :D
and I can't wait to read your story (: