I'll Be With You Here Until The End

The Four "J's"

Monike's POV

We just stayed there, everything seemed to be so right in this moment, I was surrounded by the best people in the world, MY FAMILY.

I couldn't ask for nothing more, we were just sitting there like we used to do, until Brian broke the silence, " This is getting boring, let's play something" he suggested.

" we can't" Jason said.

" we actually have to go" his twin Mattie added.

" But why?" Jimmy asked as the Berry twins stand up.

" we have to take care of alkaline “J” trio" both chuckled at the same time, Berry twins were not the only sons in their family they've got other 3 siblings, Jeremy, Jasper, and Jullian who happened to be triplets, they were the same age as Jay, 5.

" actually now that you mention disaster, where's Jay?" Matt asked looking for his younger bro.

“he is in the backyard with Ichy” Zacky smiled as he linked our hands together.

“with who?” Johnny asked confused.

“ohh let me show you” I said excited, letting go of zacky’s hand and running to the backyard, everyone would love Ichabod.

I ran to the backyard just to find Jayden dirtier as I’ve ever seen, his light blue jeans were now gray and his iron maiden’s white shirt was black, he was rolling with Ichabod on the ground, “ hey boys” I said as Jay ran to hug me.

“look Monike!” Jay said excited tugging on my shirt till he got me to a corner were there was a pill of leaves, “we cleaned youd backyad fod you” he stated proudly.

“ohh Jay” I just hug him and spooned him in circles, I swear I love this boy, I started giving sweet kisses on his cheek and he would laugh uncontrollably, “let’s get inside Jay, C’mon Ichy” I said as I walked inside with the little black puppy following close behind.

“look at you Jay” Matt said as he took him from my arms and placed him on his shoulders, “what the hell where you doing?”

“I was playing with Icky” he said pointing to the black puppy who was hidden behind my legs, Matt put Jay on the floor again and he ran to hug the dog.

“ can we keep it Matt?” he asked innocently.

“we already got Bella Jay, she would eat him, plus you know mom won’t let us have more dogs” he said as he rubbed the hair of his now sad little bro.

“ but, but” he pouted, he was about to cry.

“don’t worry Jay” I said lifting him from the ground, “ we can keep Ichy here, and you can come and visit him whenever you want” I said tickling his sides.

The young boy smiled, “whenever I want?” he asked.

“whenever you want” I promised, he hold onto my neck as he whispered in my ear, “I love u.”

“I love u too” I said in his ear, I put him down and he ran to Matt.

“well I guess I’m going too, I have to change Jayden, and take care of him” Matt said picking Jay again.

“don’t worry Matt” Jason said.

“we’ll take care of him” Mattie said, stealing Jayden from Matt’s arms.

“are you sure you can handle the “four J’s?” Matt asked scratching the back of his head, “four J’s” was the nickname we used for the 4 little 5 year olds when they were together, they were like little cute demons.

“ we have done that before” Mattie assured him.

“plus when we were young, we were a thousand times worse than they could ever be” Jason smirked, he was right, we were such a disaster.

“thanks guys” Matt said as he do the man huggie thingy and everyone said their goodbyes to the twins.

“so what are we going to play?” Jimmy asked as he sat on the ground with all of us.

“spin the bottle” Brian smirked, let the fun begins.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter was fun to write (:
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