I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Spin The Bottle

Jimmy’s POV

After the twins Berry left we move the couches and gattered all around in our living room, we were sitting in a circle, “ so who wants to spin it first?” Matt asked placing the bottle in the middle of the circle.

“no volunteers huh?” Brian said racin’ an eyebrow, “I guess I’ll have to start” he spun the bottle and it landed on Michelle who was in front of him.

“Truth or Dare?” he asked smirking.

“ Truth” she answered firmly.

“as you wish” he said standing up, “ I have to talk with my guys about it”

The 5 of us stand up and followed Brian to the kitchen, it took us like 3 minutes to come back, “ This is gonna be good” Matt said sitting next to Johnny.

“ well since you said truth, I guess I have to ask you a question ….” Brian trailed.

“just do it Brian” Michelle cut him off.

“ Okay, Okay” he made a long pause and went to here Michelle was sitting, “ Would you be my girlfriend?” he asked kneeling beside her.

“awwww” everyone chorused.

“but you have to answer with the truth” Brian said standing up.

“of course I’ll be your girlfriend!” she squealed and tackle him to the ground, where they started to kiss and well …. It became quite heated.

“ uhmm” Val said, making both of them broke up and return to their sits.

“ So, Mich, it’s your turn” Johnny said putting the bottle on the center as Mich twisted it and for my disgrace it landed on me.

“ truth or dare Jimmy boy” she asked.

“dare all the way baby”

The girls gattered all around and started giggling.

“geezh just tell me what it is Mich” I said.

“ okay, well you have to chase a bird …”

“huh, that’s the best you’ve got? I’ve done it before, with the biggest fuckin’ duck I’ve ever seen in my life!” I exclaimed happily and all the guys burst out laughing

“ in boxers” she added.

“and where am I supposed to find a bird?”

“ the family next door owns a turkey, lets’ go”

“hey, but you said it was a bird, not a turkey”

“I never said what kind of bird” she chuckled.

We walk to the backyard and I took all my clothes, except my boxers, I jumped the fence and landed on the neighbor’s backyard, while all the guys were watching from our yard.

There before my eyes was a turkey, but not a simple turkey, this was bigger than santa himself, oh god, I started throwing little rocks at the turkey so he would get mad and then I would chase him, but it all ended wrong, now I wasn’t chasing the turkey, the turkey was chasing me.

“ ouch, ouch, it hurts” I yelled in pain, that fuckin’ bird was pecking me and it hurts as hell.

Everyone was bursting of laughter, and I was trying to escape from there, too bad for me Mrs. Hush started chasing me too, and she was hitting me with a broom, “ get out of my house, get out of my house,” she yelled.

“ okay, okay I’m leaving” I admitted honestly but neither the woman or the bird would stop chasing me.

I finally ran to where the fence was and jumped It, I landed on the floor and now I was full of grass and mud, and guess what they were laughing so hard they were at the floor too, “ it’s not even funny” I said picking up my clothes.

“ohh it is, you should have seen it” monike said laughing.

“Don’t worry I got it on my cellphone” Johnny said laughing as well, as he high fived her sister.

“ I’m getting revenge, you 2 short shits” I said, entering the house, with everyone following close behind, but they wouldn’t stop laughing, but now it was my turn to spin it.

I span the bottle and it landed on Monike, that’s perfect, her smile and everyone’s laughter fade away when they saw it.

“truth or dare” I asked smirking.

“ D-d-a-a-re-e” she stuttered.

I remained silence for a second, a brilliant idea popped up in my mind, “ you have to make out with …” I said scanning the room, and I landed on the perfect person.

“what?!” both exclaimed ad the same time.

“but he is my bro” she said.

“ she’s my sis, baby” Johnny said trying to change my mind.

“ I don’t care, she chose dare” I smirked.

“ Fine!” she said giving up.

Johnny pulled Monike closer, and they started kissing, it was nothing rough, but god it was such a turn on, they pulled apart after a brief session of kissing and they sat back into their places.

“ go deal with that Jimmy” Monike said smirking and pointing to my pants, as everyone started laughing, at me again.

“ohh” I blushed as I stood up and walked to the bathroom, I really have to deal with that.
♠ ♠ ♠
kinda filler
but it was fun to write :D
comment pleaseee