I'll Be With You Here Until The End

Give Me The Truth, Even If It Hurts Me

Jimmy’s POV

I walked away from the living room and they were still laughing at ... umm well my problem, it’s not my fault, I have dated both of them, and they’re just the sexiest short shits I’ve ever seen, and of course they had to be brothers.

I walked upstairs, by now my problem had vanished, I was just cold, and I wanted a hoodie, I walked to Monike’s room, cuz I was way to lazy to walk to Johnny’s, which was the last one in the hallway.

I entered her room and started searching for a hoodie, “this girl has a mess here,” I thought to myself as I searched on her drawer.

“here they are!” I exclaimed happily, pulling the hoodie out of the drawer, but a bunch of papers fell with it.

“oh shit, now I have to clean” I said to myself as I started picking them up, one by one, but there was a paper that caught my attention.

I sat on her bed, reading the paper, “what the fuck” I cursed under my breathe as I continued reading, this can’t be happening.

Monike’s POV

We continued playing as Jimmy went to deal with his problem, he has been upstairs for a long time now, that’s what he gets for making me make out with my bro.

By now it was Zacky’s turn to spin the bottle, but my phone started ringing, with jimmy’s tone ...


Shit lazy ass motherfucker, he’s upstairs and he’s calling me? Can’t he just come down or somethin’?
I stand from the ground, and everyone continued playing, I grabbed my phone and answered Jimmy’s call.

“get your ass upstairs right now”

He didn’t gave me a chance to answer he just hung up, “geezh this boy has manners!” I thought to myself as I started walking upstairs, everyone was way too busy to notice it.

“ Jimmy?” I shouted as I reached the last step.

“over here” he said in a whisper that I barely heard.

“where are u?” I asked walking through the hallway.

“in your room” he answered.

“I’m not gonna help u with ur problem, you better ask Johnny for that” I chuckled as I opened my bedroom’s door.

He didn’t answer, his face was as pale as a ghost, and he wouldn’t look me in the eyes, he was walking in circles in my room, “what’s wrong Jimmy?” I asked resting my hand on his shoulders.

“what’s wrong? What’s wrong? How can you possibly ask that?” he said as calmed as he could, breaking free from my gaze.

“what do u mean Jimmy?”

“what do I mean Monike? I’m the one who is supposed to be asking some questions right now, like why didn’t you tell us?” he said angrily.

“tell you what?” I asked confused.

He didn’t say a thing, he just showed me the paper that was in his hand, which by now was all destructed by his fists.

I stared blankly at the paper, he was not supposed to found out, no one was supposed to, I was speechles.

“left out of words?” he spat angrily, “that’s how I was a few minutes ago when I found out”

“ I-I-I ...”

“you what? You fuckin’ what?”

“ I don’t know Jimmy, I don’t know, okay”

“now you don’t know, are you stupid or what!” he yelled.

“stupid!?” now I was angry, “ in the first place, what where you doing searching through my things?”

“I wasn’t searchin’ through your fuckin’ things, I was looking for a hoodie!”

“yeah, whatever you say” I said turning around, ready to leave my room.

Jimmy grabbed my arm, and spun me around so I was facing him, “didn’t you fucking think of them?” he said pointing to my door.

“of course I did” I yelled, “that’s why I didn’t told any of you, I knew you would react like this”

“like this?” he said, “ this is gonna break Zacky, Johnny, oh Johnny” he made a pause as he pronounced my brother’s name, “you don’t fuckin know what you mean to your brother.”

“and Jayden!” he yelled even louder, “ if something happened to you, how in hell were we supposed to explain a 5 year old that you were in the hospital, when we didn’t even knew!”

“ I don’t fuckin’ know okay” I said sitting on my bed, tears welling up my eyes, but I was not going to let Jimmy saw that.

“ Monike please” he said softly.

“what Jimmy?” I said looking at him.

“please tell me, is this real?” he asked sadly.

It hurt as hell to see him sad, “ yes it is Jim.”

“when did you found out, you where ... s-si-cck?” he stuttered the last part.

“ a couple of moths ago” I admitted sadly

“ and what it is it?” he asked letting me go, and sitting on my bed next to me.

“they don’t know, I just start feeling bad, fever, nauseas, and no I’m not pregnant Jimmy” I bitter chuckle escaped my lips.

I caused a light smile on his lips too, “that’s why you were feeling so sick the last months?” he asked.

“yep” I nodded, “ the day of the Dibenedetto party and many other days”

“geezh, and I thought you were just a light weight” he smiled.

I smiled as well, “ I’m sorry Jimmy”

“it’s okay riot, it’s not your fault” he said hugging me.

“thanks for understanding.”

He nodded, “but you know, we have to tell them”

“ please Jimmy, don’t do it, I have caused enough trouble”

“but riot, what if you get worse?”

“you already know, you can take me to a hospital”

“but Monike ...”

I cut him off, “please, please Jimmy”

“ ok, but you have to promise if this gets out of control, we will tell them, okay?” he said extending his hand.

I didn’t took his hand, instead I hugged him for dear life as he pronounced our promise, “ Keep it real, keep it true”

“together with my friends, i’ll be there for you” I finished.
♠ ♠ ♠
you didn't see this coming, did ya?
long chapter :D
this might be ending in like 3 or 4 chapters, I'm thinking there might be a sequel, but I don't know, what do you think?
Comments please?

Credit title: The Truth - Good Charlotte